Looking for guild

Maintenance for the week of February 17:
· [COMPLETE] PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
Currently gotten back into ESO (as you do after months off 😅), and the guild I was a part of kicked me for inactivity because I couldn't get on ESO as much as I used to.

Was just wondering if there's any guilds out there that run dungeons and map completions and shard hunting that I could perhaps join? Preferably with a discord or some other form of communication, too!

Thanks in advance!
Edited by ZOS_Bill on April 25, 2022 7:23PM
"It is within you to succeed. Never forget that."
  • NeeScrolls
    laura1392 wrote: »
    Currently gotten back into ESO (as you do after months off 😅), and the guild I was a part of kicked me for inactivity because I couldn't get on ESO as much as I used to.

    Was just wondering if there's any guilds out there that run dungeons and map completions and shard hunting that I could perhaps join? Preferably with a discord or some other form of communication, too!

    Thanks in advance!

    hi there @laura1392 , we're technically "casual" (even though we been here since BETA lol ) and we don't really use our Discord voice-comms nearly as often as say one of those super "social" guilds or whatever, but otherwise we might be the type of guild you're seeking.... So, feel free to check us out here sometime: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/470164/kom-knights-of-masser-from-2014-beta-is-back-and-recruiting-again-na-casual/p1

    And either way, WELCOME BACK to the fun! B)
    Edited by NeeScrolls on April 12, 2021 4:20AM
  • laura1392
    NeeScrolls wrote: »

    hi there @laura1392 , we're technically "casual" (even though we been here since BETA lol ) and we don't really use our Discord voice-comms nearly as often as say one of those super "social" guilds or whatever, but otherwise we might be the type of guild you're seeking.... So, feel free to check us out here sometime: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/470164/kom-knights-of-masser-from-2014-beta-is-back-and-recruiting-again-na-casual/p1

    And either way, WELCOME BACK to the fun! B)

    Hi! Thanks for the comment, and I read your post. May I please get an invite to the guild as well as the discord? 😊
    "It is within you to succeed. Never forget that."
  • NeeScrolls
    laura1392 wrote: »

    Hi! Thanks for the comment, and I read your post. May I please get an invite to the guild as well as the discord?

    We don't give out our Discord on the public forums (for obvious reasons lol ) . But yeah you're def. welcome to try us out for a few days or whatever and see if we're the right fit (and vice-versa) .

    You can either do a guild-search in-game for 'Knights of Masser' and then click apply (leave a brief note too, so i know it's YOU from your thread here B) ) ...or.... You can PM me your in-game @ userID name ( is it also 'laura1392' ? ) and i can send you a guild-invite myself when i get back online today.

    np either way and hope to connect with ya soon yep!
    Edited by NeeScrolls on April 12, 2021 6:23PM
  • laura1392
    NeeScrolls wrote: »

    We don't give out our Discord on the public forums (for obvious reasons lol ) . But yeah you're def. welcome to try us out for a few days or whatever and see if we're the right fit (and vice-versa) .

    You can either do a guild-search in-game for 'Knights of Masser' and then click apply (leave a brief note too, so i know it's YOU from your thread here B) ) ...or.... You can PM me your in-game @ userID name ( is it also 'laura1392' ? ) and i can send you a guild-invite myself when i get back online today.

    np either way and hope to connect with ya soon yep!

    Thank you! Yes, please send me an invite as I have problems looking for guilds myself 😂 my PSN is the same as this one, yes.
    "It is within you to succeed. Never forget that."
  • NeeScrolls
    laura1392 wrote: »

    Yes, please send me an invite as I have problems looking for guilds myself 😂 my PSN is the same as this one, yes.

    hi @laura1392 , sorry to bug ya but i just tried guild-invite to you in-game ESO and it says "account not found" ( i also tried an in-game whisper as well as tried adding to my friend-list , but both also said "account not found" )

    hmm, you're def. on the 'PC/NA' server, right?

    Maybe the 'laura1392' is your character name but not your @ account userID name? Or maybe you have to be actually online ESO first at the same time?

    i dunno ... i guess maybe try adding ME ( @Nee ) to your in-game friend-list ?
  • Village_Idiot
    Good Afternoon,
    Im currently looking for a guild that plays based on Eastern Standard Time and "specializes" in dungeons, achievements associated with dungeons. Most of the guilds i have been in dont really play during my time so when i log in, no one is home.
    If there is any guild here that is willing to accept me, you can reach me @eleetfelony in-game. Thanks for your time and have a great day!
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