New World Record here, most damage done in a single BG match

Wow, my friend Blobsky here has a new World record for most damage done in a single BG game. 8.5 million damage! I was like WTF when I saw, he's just great! xD

  • Casul
    My man over here getting BG filled with 11 healers.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Canned_Apples
    And how many proc sets were you running?
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    When you look at it from the other direction its just wasted damage for so few kills. That's not an achievement, but a testimony of how broken proc PVP is. I cant imagine such fights being fun more than once, when it takes long grinds to kill a single person. You can tell one guy in green didn't understand the meta as he was point fodder. Does anyone else see this as not being fun or interesting. Once nigh-unkillable WW builds became a thing, I happily walked away From BGs and I can see that I'm not missing out. Now I'm not not a win, since a win is a win. But the state of BG themselves when such big numbers are meaningless because they are cancelled out by big numbers. Two years ago, getting a mil was amazing and generally had a body count of 25+. Oh how times have changed.
    Edited by orion_1981usub17_ESO on April 10, 2021 2:50AM
  • Kel
    When you look at it from the other direction its just wasted damage for so few kills. That's not an achievement, but a testimony of how broken proc PVP is. I cant imagine such fights being fun more than once, when it takes long grinds to kill a single person. You can tell one guy in green didn't understand the meta as he was point fodder. Does anyone else see this as not being fun or interesting. Once nigh-unkillable WW builds became a thing, I happily walked away From BGs and I can see that I'm not missing out. Now I'm not not a win, since a win is a win. But the state of BG themselves when such big numbers are meaningless because they are cancelled out by big numbers. Two years ago, getting a mil was amazing and generally had a body count of 25+. Oh how times have changed.

    Yeah, pretty much this.

    I love BG's, but this is sad more than something to be flaunting.
    You're literally just whaling on unlikable builds here. All that damage and 6 kills? And that's the highest kill count?
    That's not really a accomplishment...that's pointing out flawed gameplay. And this is a "Deathmatch" to boot...

    This is actually a embarrassment.
    Edited by Kel on April 10, 2021 3:06AM
  • mb10
    took 8 million damage to get 6 kills lol says a lot its actually not that impressive
  • Sju
    Looks rigged, I wonder if there were friends involved in these shenanigans?
  • ArchMikem
    Yup, lowest score across teams and downed the most. Players like that on green are quickly identified and singled out. PvP in this game is just a lost cause.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • beyondspace
    Well, what you guys said here is not the point of this post tho. The point of this post is just to show the New World Record for most damage done in a single BG match, that's all. If I don't show you this screenshot, how would you guys know that it's actually possible to achieve 8 million damage done in a BG match? I mean, there is always TOO MUCH healing going on in PVP in ESO for years and years, same goes with the Tank Meta, Enemy just don't always die easily, that's why the scoreboard is the way it is. OP healing and Tank Meta in PVP has been around for years, it's not like this only started to happen today. lol
    Edited by beyondspace on April 10, 2021 4:43AM
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    A new record for damage, or just natural power creep? I'll put money on power creep and power creep is not meant to be celebrated. Everytime the big numbers have to get bigger, you lose a little bit of the soul of the game. Look at that fight objectively: imagine getting that same fight over and over again. Constant big numbers on the screen but no real rewards or feelings of accomplishment... time simply ran out because survival ability is on par with damage output. This is the video game equivalent to smashing your face into a brick wall and setting a toothloss world record.
  • Vlad9425
    All that damage and only 6 kills? Nothing impressive tbh.
  • TwinLamps
    isnt this naming and shaming.
    U basically posted a name of eso account of another player that had only 6 kills on 8M damage BG game.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • Starlight_Whisper
    BuildMan wrote: »
    My man over here getting BG filled with 11 healers.

    🤔 Is this comment insulting healers?
  • CaptainVenom
    mb10 wrote: »
    took 8 million damage to get 6 kills lol says a lot its actually not that impressive

    I was going to say that... okay, 8m damage, and enemy healers handled that pretty well.
    🌈 Ride with Pride 🌈Magicka/Damage Necromancer - PC - NA - DC
  • ZOS_ConnorG
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