Hi everyone 🙋🏼♂️
I know there are so many threads already about builds and front and back bars etc et. , however the more i read them ... the more confused i get 😁.
Can someone please answer following questions about sorcerer build because that is the only charactar i have , and i like to keep it simple. Ill number my questions to make it easier to reply 👍🏻
My build should be Magsorc DPS based !
1: Do i understand correctly that for armor its best to have all divines and all max magicka ?
2: if one armor piece gives +9.1 % for mundus stone (divine) , does that then mean that if you wear all divines that you then have 7x9% (63%) extra mundus stone effects ?
3: if you have apprentice as mundus stone then your spell damage is normally 238 ... but with 7 golden legendary divines it is 363 . That doesnt seem That much for committing to 7 divine traits to be honest ... or am i overseeing something ?
4: would it be a good idea to use a flame staff with a shock enchant ? Or a lightning staff with a fire enchant ? Or is it always best to use a schock enchant on lightning and keep it similar for the fire staff and flame enchant ? Why is that ?
5: I do have a mother sorrows set and most of it is armor. I do see a lot of players using the jewery for mothers set ... why is that ? Why best for hewelry instead of armor?
6 : some use as trait for jewelry bloodthirsty which is good for dungeons. What if i used bloodthirsty on all 3 jewelry ? Is that overkill or would that indeed be 3x5% extra damage to dungeon , arena , ....
7: i like to play with lightning. Is it advisable to use 2 shock staves ? Or best to mix it up with a fire staff ?
8 : if i do use a combination of staffs. Where should then my preferred lightning staff be ? Front or back ?
9: What are the current meta data rules for staff enchantments proccing on bars while switching in combat? Is it correct to say that enchants continue to proc on the stafff that triggered that ability (even if you changed bars?)
10: Some people use for instance a 5 piece set that will become a 3 piece set when going to backbar. Why is that so favorable ? Arent they losing bonuses when doing so ?
11: if you cast a lot of abilities which are dots or aoe on backbar .... and then you switch bak to front bar which is your high dps bar —-> do those dots and aoe take over the new stats of your higher offensive dps bar?
12: Should dots and aoe usually always need to be on backbar , because you go back to frontbar after casting them ... and thus gaining higher damage from front bar?
13: i love shock staff! And i do like to focus on splashdamage or 8%more damage for aoe abilities. If i combine the shock with a fire enchant .... where does then my lightning staff need to be + where do my aoe abilities need to be slotted to be sure they experience the max amount of damage (+8 % of aoe etc)
Any other tips are more than welcome !
Hi everyone
THank you very much for the replies. I realise you have both put a lot of effort in your responses @Oreyn_Bearclaw @Sangwyne !
Also thank you @OlumoGarbag , i will check your link later today !
Some questions i have now that i analysed your answers properly
If you can answer with YES or NO, then thats also ok ofcourse
1) So A fire or shock enchant does PROC of LA and HA but also from Weapon ABilities right ? (& NOT from Class abilities)
2) Are a couple of Tristat glyphs usually better for solo play than having all max magicka ? If i use tristat is it then advised to use it mostly for the head, legs and body (so the bigger pieces) --> i might actually consider doing this.
3) When would you switch to thief and when to shadow. (At what percentage of crit rating ?) . Lets say i use critical surge which heals me for every crit ... isnt it then better to just enhance my crit even further instead of investing in crit damage?
4) Did i understand correctly that the enchant of your weapon can ONLY proc on the other bar when it is a weapon ability? I guess that LA and HA always proc directly, thus cannot proc on the other bar as it is an instant proc ... right?
5) I do like to concuss with shock and then get them off balance with WoE . Can i do this from a backbar Lightning staff ? So going to backbar to cast wall of elements and then go to front bar ... knowing the wall of elements will still run the concussed status effect ?
6) Is it correct to say that the SHOCK enchant will proc concussed and NOT the fact that you have a lightning staff ?
7) So could it be advised to maybe just use a Fire staff with a Shock enchant on frontbar if i want to have mobs concussed ? Or is it always better to use a flame enchangt with a fire staff because they are both linked to fire in general?
8) What i understood is that frontbar should best be Fire Staff with Single target abilities and spammables and backbar could be lightning staff with AoE abilities from the sorcerers class ... right ? But what if i use a couple of lightning abilities and then switch to the fire staff frontbar. Does my aoe abilities enherit the characteristics of the fire staff (and thus lose the 8% extra damage from lightning staff on AoE abilities?)
9) In terms of weapon traits i understood that for backbar INFused might be good, because it refreshes the status effect cooldown and because you are only briefly on that backbar..... and for your frontbar weapon you should probably go for precise (for the extra crit ? ) . I don thave any sustain issues ... so what might be another good DPS trait to use if not precise on my frontbar ?
10) I do like to get mobs off balance . Can someone please tell me what the best set up might be then? I will need a Lightning Staff i guess or not ? Can i use a fire staff with shock enchangt and then use WoE and get enemies concussed that way as well or is it only possibly with Lightning staff.
If i do need a lightning staff (which i guess i do for the off balance) , what will then be the best set up to use for my lightning staff ? Would it be best to put it on backbar ? Is it advisable to use charged or would infused still be better ?
11) Is it best to use your weapon abilitites instead of your class abilities as a spammable, just because you have that weapon enchant that only work on weapon abilities ? Or are class abilities without the extra damage of an anchant as strong as weapon abilities
12) Is it correct to say that if i use sorcerer abilities, that then it doesnt matter if you use a fire or frost or lightning staff , as they would all inflict the same damage ?
13) What is a good other set than siroria (i dont like siroria because i am not that well at stacking up)
14) For jewelry i understood that bloodthirsty could be interesting. Do i understand correclty that if a monster would be at 45% health ... that then i would inflict 175 extra spell damage when attacking them with any kind of damage (LA, ability, ...) ?
So if i have 3 bloodthirsties than that would be 3x175 extra spell damage on that monster ? I guess that this will inflict more damage than the 877 extra magicka pool from arcane trait ? 175 spell damage equals around 1750 extra magicka pool , right ? Would it be wise then to have 3 times bloodthirsty ... or maybe better to just have 1 or 2 that way?
15) Last question which might be a repeat ...
If i want to get as much as damage as possible then i should use a fire staff. But if i still want to get mobs as much as possible on off balance. is it then correct to have the lightning staff on backbar and then a fire staff with SHock enchant on front bar ? That way when i use WoE and go directly to frontbar again, that then the shock enchant of my fire staff will still be able to proc off balance for enemies in my WoE?
FYI : did not completely understand this one """"8. Probably front bar lighting, back bar fire. There is no longer any exploiter passive in the CP system, so the need for lighting blockade to help with off balance, is pretty much gone at this point. My PVE mag sorc always back bars fire, but switches between shock (AOE) and Fire (single Target) depending on the encounter. """"
Thank you soooo much for the answers ! Truly appreciate it !
Hi everyone
THank you very much for the replies. I realise you have both put a lot of effort in your responses @Oreyn_Bearclaw @Sangwyne !
Also thank you @OlumoGarbag , i will check your link later today !
Some questions i have now that i analysed your answers properly
If you can answer with YES or NO, then thats also ok ofcourse
1) So A fire or shock enchant does PROC of LA and HA but also from Weapon ABilities right ? (& NOT from Class abilities)
2) Are a couple of Tristat glyphs usually better for solo play than having all max magicka ? If i use tristat is it then advised to use it mostly for the head, legs and body (so the bigger pieces) --> i might actually consider doing this.
3) When would you switch to thief and when to shadow. (At what percentage of crit rating ?) . Lets say i use critical surge which heals me for every crit ... isnt it then better to just enhance my crit even further instead of investing in crit damage?
4) Did i understand correctly that the enchant of your weapon can ONLY proc on the other bar when it is a weapon ability? I guess that LA and HA always proc directly, thus cannot proc on the other bar as it is an instant proc ... right?
5) I do like to concuss with shock and then get them off balance with WoE . Can i do this from a backbar Lightning staff ? So going to backbar to cast wall of elements and then go to front bar ... knowing the wall of elements will still run the concussed status effect ?
6) Is it correct to say that the SHOCK enchant will proc concussed and NOT the fact that you have a lightning staff ?
7) So could it be advised to maybe just use a Fire staff with a Shock enchant on frontbar if i want to have mobs concussed ? Or is it always better to use a flame enchangt with a fire staff because they are both linked to fire in general?
8) What i understood is that frontbar should best be Fire Staff with Single target abilities and spammables and backbar could be lightning staff with AoE abilities from the sorcerers class ... right ? But what if i use a couple of lightning abilities and then switch to the fire staff frontbar. Does my aoe abilities enherit the characteristics of the fire staff (and thus lose the 8% extra damage from lightning staff on AoE abilities?)
9) In terms of weapon traits i understood that for backbar INFused might be good, because it refreshes the status effect cooldown and because you are only briefly on that backbar..... and for your frontbar weapon you should probably go for precise (for the extra crit ? ) . I don thave any sustain issues ... so what might be another good DPS trait to use if not precise on my frontbar ?
10) I do like to get mobs off balance . Can someone please tell me what the best set up might be then? I will need a Lightning Staff i guess or not ? Can i use a fire staff with shock enchangt and then use WoE and get enemies concussed that way as well or is it only possibly with Lightning staff.
If i do need a lightning staff (which i guess i do for the off balance) , what will then be the best set up to use for my lightning staff ? Would it be best to put it on backbar ? Is it advisable to use charged or would infused still be better ?
11) Is it best to use your weapon abilitites instead of your class abilities as a spammable, just because you have that weapon enchant that only work on weapon abilities ? Or are class abilities without the extra damage of an anchant as strong as weapon abilities
12) Is it correct to say that if i use sorcerer abilities, that then it doesnt matter if you use a fire or frost or lightning staff , as they would all inflict the same damage ?
13) What is a good other set than siroria (i dont like siroria because i am not that well at stacking up)
14) For jewelry i understood that bloodthirsty could be interesting. Do i understand correclty that if a monster would be at 45% health ... that then i would inflict 175 extra spell damage when attacking them with any kind of damage (LA, ability, ...) ?
So if i have 3 bloodthirsties than that would be 3x175 extra spell damage on that monster ? I guess that this will inflict more damage than the 877 extra magicka pool from arcane trait ? 175 spell damage equals around 1750 extra magicka pool , right ? Would it be wise then to have 3 times bloodthirsty ... or maybe better to just have 1 or 2 that way?
15) Last question which might be a repeat ...
If i want to get as much as damage as possible then i should use a fire staff. But if i still want to get mobs as much as possible on off balance. is it then correct to have the lightning staff on backbar and then a fire staff with SHock enchant on front bar ? That way when i use WoE and go directly to frontbar again, that then the shock enchant of my fire staff will still be able to proc off balance for enemies in my WoE?
FYI : did not completely understand this one """"8. Probably front bar lighting, back bar fire. There is no longer any exploiter passive in the CP system, so the need for lighting blockade to help with off balance, is pretty much gone at this point. My PVE mag sorc always back bars fire, but switches between shock (AOE) and Fire (single Target) depending on the encounter. """"
Thank you soooo much for the answers ! Truly appreciate it !
Here's the thing. Well first of all I'm glad there are others who had the time to sit down and look at all of this, I for one and most of the people that I know didn't. In fact, most of my requests for help over time with ESO were not shall we say "answered how I would have liked them to have been".
Rather than having us answer every question you may have, I would instead encourage you and others with similar questions to take the hard road. Look over the forums, review patch notes, watch videos that others have produced on the subject. This is not by any means intended to come off as being anything offensive however it seems your questions reflect that you seem to lack a knowledgeable understanding of the content. If we keep answering your questions, I don't think it's really going to help you.
You have to pick a road and walk down it. Then when you fail, back to the lab again yo. But asking the entire community to answer every question you have is not going to help things really. That's like me asking how to fly a plane vs flying it. You are wise to ask these things but yet, with any MMO (especially this one) too many things are constantly changing and its better to just understand how things are rather than trying to learn every detail which is bound to change in some way within a year from now if not sooner anyways.
You won't like me saying that however in this game I had no mentor, just nice customers who bought things from me so I was able to fund my own research. So my education in this game began by learning the economy, learning how to build gorgeous looking characters and not how builds work. And to that end no one showed me anything.
Hi everyone
THank you very much for the replies. I realise you have both put a lot of effort in your responses @Oreyn_Bearclaw @Sangwyne !
Also thank you @OlumoGarbag , i will check your link later today !
Some questions i have now that i analysed your answers properly
If you can answer with YES or NO, then thats also ok ofcourse
1) So A fire or shock enchant does PROC of LA and HA but also from Weapon ABilities right ? (& NOT from Class abilities)
2) Are a couple of Tristat glyphs usually better for solo play than having all max magicka ? If i use tristat is it then advised to use it mostly for the head, legs and body (so the bigger pieces) --> i might actually consider doing this.
3) When would you switch to thief and when to shadow. (At what percentage of crit rating ?) . Lets say i use critical surge which heals me for every crit ... isnt it then better to just enhance my crit even further instead of investing in crit damage?
4) Did i understand correctly that the enchant of your weapon can ONLY proc on the other bar when it is a weapon ability? I guess that LA and HA always proc directly, thus cannot proc on the other bar as it is an instant proc ... right?
5) I do like to concuss with shock and then get them off balance with WoE . Can i do this from a backbar Lightning staff ? So going to backbar to cast wall of elements and then go to front bar ... knowing the wall of elements will still run the concussed status effect ?
6) Is it correct to say that the SHOCK enchant will proc concussed and NOT the fact that you have a lightning staff ?
7) So could it be advised to maybe just use a Fire staff with a Shock enchant on frontbar if i want to have mobs concussed ? Or is it always better to use a flame enchangt with a fire staff because they are both linked to fire in general?
8) What i understood is that frontbar should best be Fire Staff with Single target abilities and spammables and backbar could be lightning staff with AoE abilities from the sorcerers class ... right ? But what if i use a couple of lightning abilities and then switch to the fire staff frontbar. Does my aoe abilities enherit the characteristics of the fire staff (and thus lose the 8% extra damage from lightning staff on AoE abilities?)
9) In terms of weapon traits i understood that for backbar INFused might be good, because it refreshes the status effect cooldown and because you are only briefly on that backbar..... and for your frontbar weapon you should probably go for precise (for the extra crit ? ) . I don thave any sustain issues ... so what might be another good DPS trait to use if not precise on my frontbar ?
10) I do like to get mobs off balance . Can someone please tell me what the best set up might be then? I will need a Lightning Staff i guess or not ? Can i use a fire staff with shock enchangt and then use WoE and get enemies concussed that way as well or is it only possibly with Lightning staff.
If i do need a lightning staff (which i guess i do for the off balance) , what will then be the best set up to use for my lightning staff ? Would it be best to put it on backbar ? Is it advisable to use charged or would infused still be better ?
11) Is it best to use your weapon abilitites instead of your class abilities as a spammable, just because you have that weapon enchant that only work on weapon abilities ? Or are class abilities without the extra damage of an anchant as strong as weapon abilities
12) Is it correct to say that if i use sorcerer abilities, that then it doesnt matter if you use a fire or frost or lightning staff , as they would all inflict the same damage ?
13) What is a good other set than siroria (i dont like siroria because i am not that well at stacking up)
14) For jewelry i understood that bloodthirsty could be interesting. Do i understand correclty that if a monster would be at 45% health ... that then i would inflict 175 extra spell damage when attacking them with any kind of damage (LA, ability, ...) ?
So if i have 3 bloodthirsties than that would be 3x175 extra spell damage on that monster ? I guess that this will inflict more damage than the 877 extra magicka pool from arcane trait ? 175 spell damage equals around 1750 extra magicka pool , right ? Would it be wise then to have 3 times bloodthirsty ... or maybe better to just have 1 or 2 that way?
15) Last question which might be a repeat ...
If i want to get as much as damage as possible then i should use a fire staff. But if i still want to get mobs as much as possible on off balance. is it then correct to have the lightning staff on backbar and then a fire staff with SHock enchant on front bar ? That way when i use WoE and go directly to frontbar again, that then the shock enchant of my fire staff will still be able to proc off balance for enemies in my WoE?
FYI : did not completely understand this one """"8. Probably front bar lighting, back bar fire. There is no longer any exploiter passive in the CP system, so the need for lighting blockade to help with off balance, is pretty much gone at this point. My PVE mag sorc always back bars fire, but switches between shock (AOE) and Fire (single Target) depending on the encounter. """"
Thank you soooo much for the answers ! Truly appreciate it !
Here's the thing. Well first of all I'm glad there are others who had the time to sit down and look at all of this, I for one and most of the people that I know didn't. In fact, most of my requests for help over time with ESO were not shall we say "answered how I would have liked them to have been".
Rather than having us answer every question you may have, I would instead encourage you and others with similar questions to take the hard road. Look over the forums, review patch notes, watch videos that others have produced on the subject. This is not by any means intended to come off as being anything offensive however it seems your questions reflect that you seem to lack a knowledgeable understanding of the content. If we keep answering your questions, I don't think it's really going to help you.
You have to pick a road and walk down it. Then when you fail, back to the lab again yo. But asking the entire community to answer every question you have is not going to help things really. That's like me asking how to fly a plane vs flying it. You are wise to ask these things but yet, with any MMO (especially this one) too many things are constantly changing and its better to just understand how things are rather than trying to learn every detail which is bound to change in some way within a year from now if not sooner anyways.
You won't like me saying that however in this game I had no mentor, just nice customers who bought things from me so I was able to fund my own research. So my education in this game began by learning the economy, learning how to build gorgeous looking characters and not how builds work. And to that end no one showed me anything.
I watched like 100 you tube videos and checked a lot on the forum. Have been struggling with it a lot ! Now finally i got some answers that helped me
Appreciate your feedback
That said , i did investigate but just did NOT understand it well 😜
Just a quick question
If you use a lightning staff and cast Unstable wall of elements (but NOTHING else)
Can an enemy then get concussed and put off balance ? Or do “like the tooltip seems to say” monsters FIRST need to be concussed BEFORE you run the wall of elements in order to get them off balance?
And if you run wall of elements with lightning staff and you have the shock enchant. Does the chances of proccing concussed equal to 20% of enchant + the 1% area of effect abilith chance of WoE ?
And thus ... if it procs while the WoE is already on the ground ... do they then instantly get off balanced ?
FrancisCrawford wrote: »The infused trait is comparably good to divines, but only on the pieces that give full value for the enchantment, which are head, chest and legs.
If you're using an expensive tri-stat prismatic enchantment, then infused is clearly better.
That said -- if you're not at 3600+ CP yet (which nobody is), in many cases you might want to use armor that is traited with training.
[snip]FrancisCrawford wrote: »The infused trait is comparably good to divines, but only on the pieces that give full value for the enchantment, which are head, chest and legs.
If you're using an expensive tri-stat prismatic enchantment, then infused is clearly better.
That said -- if you're not at 3600+ CP yet (which nobody is), in many cases you might want to use armor that is traited with training.
Plz ignore those advises.
OlumoGarbag wrote: »[snip]FrancisCrawford wrote: »The infused trait is comparably good to divines, but only on the pieces that give full value for the enchantment, which are head, chest and legs.
If you're using an expensive tri-stat prismatic enchantment, then infused is clearly better.
That said -- if you're not at 3600+ CP yet (which nobody is), in many cases you might want to use armor that is traited with training.
Plz ignore those advises.
All direct damage attacks from weapon skills proc enchants and all GROUND aoe dots. Not aoe dots in general.
[edited for rude comments]
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
1. You will always run a Spell Damage Glyph on your back bar staff. It will proc and still be active increasing your damage on your front bar abilities. The enchant on your front bar will vary, but most use Flame Damage Enchant.
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
1. You will always run a Spell Damage Glyph on your back bar staff. It will proc and still be active increasing your damage on your front bar abilities. The enchant on your front bar will vary, but most use Flame Damage Enchant.
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
1. You will always run a Spell Damage Glyph on your back bar staff. It will proc and still be active increasing your damage on your front bar abilities. The enchant on your front bar will vary, but most use Flame Damage Enchant.
You mean any kind of spell damage .. like shock or fire or frost or ... or do you actually mean the spell damage enchant (which is beseeker i guess ?)
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
1. You will always run a Spell Damage Glyph on your back bar staff. It will proc and still be active increasing your damage on your front bar abilities. The enchant on your front bar will vary, but most use Flame Damage Enchant.
You mean any kind of spell damage .. like shock or fire or frost or ... or do you actually mean the spell damage enchant (which is beseeker i guess ?)
I mean the "Weapon Damage Enchantment", that's its correct name. Description: Increases Weapon & Spell Damage by 452 for 5 seconds.
(The 452 increase is based on a gold glyph on an infused Maelstrom Staff.)
Thanks all. One questions that isnt answered though
1) If you use wall of elements and on your staff you do have a damage glyphh (shock or fire or frost..)
Does your wall then have a 20% chance to proc status effect for every tick (thx to the glyph) Or only the 1% because its a aoe ability ?
2) does berserker always grant you the 5 second spell damage increase straight away and does it apply to every ability or only your weapon abilities and LA and HA
For all the rest —> thx , learned a lot after 2 years
1. You will always run a Spell Damage Glyph on your back bar staff. It will proc and still be active increasing your damage on your front bar abilities. The enchant on your front bar will vary, but most use Flame Damage Enchant.
You mean any kind of spell damage .. like shock or fire or frost or ... or do you actually mean the spell damage enchant (which is beseeker i guess ?)
I mean the "Weapon Damage Enchantment", that's its correct name. Description: Increases Weapon & Spell Damage by 452 for 5 seconds.
(The 452 increase is based on a gold glyph on an infused Maelstrom Staff.)
Will that enchant give spell damage then for 5 seconds for all damage ? Or only against monsters in your wall of elements ?
In short . Does your extra spell damage affect for 5 seconds , your :
- your LA and HA
- Your weapon abilities
- Also your class and other abilities ?
Is the cooldown also 4 seconds , which is 1 second less than the 5 seconds it runs ?
Thank you very much !