Change/overhaul imbue weapon skill from psijic skill tree...

Dear ZoS,

Can you please give variety to our gameplay on those mundane classes like,

Change/overhaul the imbue skill ability into a slottable toggle that will permenently change ( as long as it's in the user active bar slot ) the weapon skills ability from its usage of it's resources.

For example, when using Elemental Weapon,
The 2 handed weapons will get an overhaul from stamina to a magicka based weapon.

So, the 2 handed will use abilities like excute which originally was a stamina ability, will now be a magicka ability due to the element weapon toggable ability activation.

So, the 2 h heavy and light attacks are also magicka based..

This will give variety to magicka melee style class likewise for stamina as well.

For staffs, the stamina version by using the morph of elemental weapons will look like this,
Flame staff = Poison damage staff,
Ice Staff = Physical damage staff,
Lighting staff = Disease Damage Staff.

All the restoration staff skills will become stamina based as well as the staff itself.

Also, the imbue weapon skill will be in first position in the psijic skill tree. So, new players can get the skill by simply joining the order.
So, please look into this idea....I know, you have a busy schedule making the same mundane content quarterly. But we customers want variety in our gameplay like we want to enjoy the game with what it offers and also excite us as well...
Edited by Vanos444 on April 5, 2021 3:20PM
  • Parasaurolophus
    No. This would greatly complicate one skill. ZoS should just be more careful about balance.
  • nukk3r
    Edited by nukk3r on April 5, 2021 4:02PM
  • josiahva
    Interesting idea...I rather like it..but I also don't actually use the skill often, so my opinion isn't worth much there. I would like the ability to toggle on/off which rss my heavy attacks restore though.
  • Vanos444
    No. This would greatly complicate one skill. ZoS should just be more careful about balance.

    No! To something without even trying...that's not how the world works..
  • SickleCider
    The problem I see with making the Psijic one a passive is how spell charges work, and the orbs are half of the point of running it. In practice having to hit a button every 2 seconds to make my fireballs more better fireballs is kinda dumb though, so as a premise I'm picking up what you're putting down.
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • Jameson18
    The problem I see with making the Psijic one a passive is how spell charges work, and the orbs are half of the point of running it. In practice having to hit a button every 2 seconds to make my fireballs more better fireballs is kinda dumb though, so as a premise I'm picking up what you're putting down.

    They need to make it match the 4 seconds that crystal weapon has.

    Its a good skill overall, i've tried using it and its nice. if....your combo fires correctly. Needs another second or two to match the other version.
  • opaj
    The skill you're describing would be really cool, and I'd definitely find a character to run it on.

    But, uh, I'm not really a fan of taking a mostly fine spammable and changing it into something completely different. I'd rather they make it more like Crystal Weapon (4 second duration, like @Jameson18 said, and make it work on heavy attacks). And as @Versispellis mentioned, the spell orb passive is useless if Imbue Weapon isn't a spammable anymore.
  • Langeston
    I'd be happy if having Elemental Weapon slotted simply made melee light/heavy attacks do magic damage, thus scaling off of my primary resources and taking advantage of my significantly higher spell penetration. I can't imagine that being overly complicated to implement, and it would [thoretically] finally make melee magblade somewhat viable.
  • Jacozilla
    Vanos444 wrote: »
    No. This would greatly complicate one skill. ZoS should just be more careful about balance.

    No! To something without even trying...that's not how the world works..

    The masses of ppl not trying some questionable food without even trying would suggest otherwise.
  • Nyladreas
    Jameson18 wrote: »
    The problem I see with making the Psijic one a passive is how spell charges work, and the orbs are half of the point of running it. In practice having to hit a button every 2 seconds to make my fireballs more better fireballs is kinda dumb though, so as a premise I'm picking up what you're putting down.

    They need to make it match the 4 seconds that crystal weapon has.

    Its a good skill overall, i've tried using it and its nice. if....your combo fires correctly. Needs another second or two to match the other version.

    This.... Somebody please make a thread entirely focused on this... I would absolutely love it.
  • Vanos444
    Jacozilla wrote: »
    Vanos444 wrote: »
    No. This would greatly complicate one skill. ZoS should just be more careful about balance.

    No! To something without even trying...that's not how the world works..

    The masses of ppl not trying some questionable food without even trying would suggest otherwise.

    It's an idea not some stale food...but if the food is fresh then there is always risk and reward...
    That's how the world works..
  • Orion_89
    That skill deffenetly needs an overhaul, but not agree about the details. It will become much better if they make it last for a several (6-12) seconds or toggle.
  • merpins
    I like the idea, but not for Imbue/elemental weapon. Elemental weapon and its other morph are staple skills in many builds. I think it should be a generic skill added to a new skill line, rather than changing a skill that many people use. Maybe change a skill in the Fighter's Guild skill line and one in the Mage's Guild skill line, where it would do this. There are a couple dead skills in both skill lines that no one uses, so take those and make new skills out of them for this purpose.
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