Arithmetic of XP gains?

Is there any reliable information about the arithmetic of XP gains? Some of the questions on my mind are:

1. Which mobs give how much XP?
I get the impression that there's a "base" figure for a typical mob. Some tough mobs get twice the base (e.g trolls). Some weak/pack-hunting mobs get less (e.g. skeever).

2. How do these figures change by group size, or if ungrouped strangers also attack the same mobs?

3. How do these figures change by location?
On the identical character/build/buffs, I've recently been getting 1365 XP for what seem to be base mobs overland (including in delves), but 511 when soloing group dungeons.

By the way, that's with the buffs:
  • 100% for the event
  • 50% for a Crown Experience Scroll
  • 70% for 7x purple Training gear
  • 10%? for ESO+
All my characters are Level 50, CP >1300

4. Which XP gain buffs add? Which multiply?

5. How much XP do you get for which kind of quest?
UESP has qualitative descriptions of quest rewards as giving "low"/"medium"/"high"/whatever XP for a quest, but I can't find the actual numbers.

6. How does all this change by character level?

  • zaria
    2 two is the optimal number, 3 in group and you get less xp than if you did it solo as I understand.

    if many un-grouped fight an enemy or its two or more groups they all get the same xp.
    You can not steal kills, however you or some in your group have to do some damage to the enemy to get xp and its easy to miss lots of mobs in places like an public dungeon.

    3 group dungeons give less xp as you found out, arenas is better here.
    I guess this is to stop people from use dungeons with lots of mobs like wayrest 2 to grind in.

    4 xp buffs adds up. so 100+50+10+70=220%

    6 xp rewards does not change after you reach cp160.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • FrancisCrawford
    zaria wrote: »
    2 two is the optimal number, 3 in group and you get less xp than if you did it solo as I understand.

    if many un-grouped fight an enemy or its two or more groups they all get the same xp.
    You can not steal kills, however you or some in your group have to do some damage to the enemy to get xp and its easy to miss lots of mobs in places like an public dungeon.

    3 group dungeons give less xp as you found out, arenas is better here.
    I guess this is to stop people from use dungeons with lots of mobs like wayrest 2 to grind in.

    4 xp buffs adds up. so 100+50+10+70=220%

    6 xp rewards does not change after you reach cp160.

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