Same anweser as in Real Life. Its none of your business what I do with my money.
Quite simple, my saucy friend, the flippers are selling it to themselves to drive the prices up and scam the "free to play" guests and newbies.
Saucy_Jack wrote: »
Saucy_Jack wrote: »Quite simple, my saucy friend, the flippers are selling it to themselves to drive the prices up and scam the "free to play" guests and newbies.
I mean, maybe, but I would think the new players and free-players haven't been playing long enough to have the kind of gold onhand to pay those prices to begin with. Even if people were unethically skewing prices higher to scam newbies, they can't get blood from a stone, you know?
Allright, I can give you an answer.
I dont care about Eventquests and I dont care about the whole "click on a thousand NPCs just to find a Vendor that sells for one Gold less"-Minigame.
I have enough gold to buy what I want when I want, but not enough patience for running around looking for bargains in a Videogame.
Saucy_Jack wrote: »I mean yeah, it makes sense to pay 300k if hours of searching traders is only going to result in finding one for 285k, but I've seen a good number of sales points in my MM data where it's like "ok, people could've gotten that for 100k+ cheaper just by looking at the traders in the same city." It's those sales that I'm trying to make sense of.
Saucy_Jack wrote: »
Saucy_Jack wrote: »Allright, I can give you an answer.
I dont care about Eventquests and I dont care about the whole "click on a thousand NPCs just to find a Vendor that sells for one Gold less"-Minigame.
I have enough gold to buy what I want when I want, but not enough patience for running around looking for bargains in a Videogame.
That's fair; I'm just seeing in my MM data sales of pages for like, 300k or 400k, when a quick search on TTC shows pages of listings for like, 60k.
I mean yeah, it makes sense to pay 300k if hours of searching traders is only going to result in finding one for 285k, but I've seen a good number of sales points in my MM data where it's like "ok, people could've gotten that for 100k+ cheaper just by looking at the traders in the same city." It's those sales that I'm trying to make sense of.
Ain't got no time to run around for an hour trying to find something somewhere that is going to save me a few k of in-game gold.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Ain't got no time to run around for an hour trying to find something somewhere that is going to save me a few k of in-game gold.
Sure, but if I'm actually looking for something at a trader in Grahtwood, I'll at least look at the other six traders on that street to see if they have it cheaper.
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »Ain't got no time to run around for an hour trying to find something somewhere that is going to save me a few k of in-game gold.
Sure, but if I'm actually looking for something at a trader in Grahtwood, I'll at least look at the other six traders on that street to see if they have it cheaper.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Looking at the thread's title => another thread of complaints directed at ZOS
Looking at the thread's author => oh it's Saucy, it's gonna be funny
Reading the thread => it's neither. But it's an interesting question.
Saucy_Jack wrote: »Allright, I can give you an answer.
I dont care about Eventquests and I dont care about the whole "click on a thousand NPCs just to find a Vendor that sells for one Gold less"-Minigame.
I have enough gold to buy what I want when I want, but not enough patience for running around looking for bargains in a Videogame.
That's fair; I'm just seeing in my MM data sales of pages for like, 300k or 400k, when a quick search on TTC shows pages of listings for like, 60k.
I mean yeah, it makes sense to pay 300k if hours of searching traders is only going to result in finding one for 285k, but I've seen a good number of sales points in my MM data where it's like "ok, people could've gotten that for 100k+ cheaper just by looking at the traders in the same city." It's those sales that I'm trying to make sense of.