Sylvermynx wrote: »Eh, no worries for me. I farm. I LOVE farming.
FlopsyPrince wrote: »OP, two things:
1. The jubilee event just started, so the actual base mats are going to be in demand for the next two weeks.
2. When you have a crafting bag, you don't have to sell mats to make room in your bank. There are players sitting on thousands of everything and they have no reason to sell it.
Actually, make that 3: Mats are not hard to farm yourself, and ZOS just added a CP passive that gives you more improvers when you refine.Mat prices haven’t changed for me, they’ve always been free.
I confess I bought a couple of stacks of Ancestor Silk before the event started, but other than that, I'm self-sufficient.
I buy them every so often doing dailies on multiple characters. I could do many fewer if surveys weren't such a pain. I think I sucked up 2 hours the other day doing them in Northern Elsweyr, partially because getting some to reset was a pain and also because I stacked up 20+ of all of them there.
smallhammer wrote: »This game could really benefit from having auction houses. There are many players, who for different reasons, are not in a guild, and need to use the chat if they wanna sell stash.
Yes; we can all run around gather the mats we need, but that doesn't suit everyone. If it did, no one would be able to sell much.
I run around collecting and harvest, but I am not in a guild, and I do not intend to be. To sell, I need to put it out in the chat. And then you need to have players right there and then, in the same zone, who would be potential buyers.
In other MMO's I've played, auction houses were a part of the game, and it worked like a charm
Auth3nticGlitch wrote: »smallhammer wrote: »This game could really benefit from having auction houses. There are many players, who for different reasons, are not in a guild, and need to use the chat if they wanna sell stash.
Yes; we can all run around gather the mats we need, but that doesn't suit everyone. If it did, no one would be able to sell much.
I run around collecting and harvest, but I am not in a guild, and I do not intend to be. To sell, I need to put it out in the chat. And then you need to have players right there and then, in the same zone, who would be potential buyers.
In other MMO's I've played, auction houses were a part of the game, and it worked like a charm
What reasons would you not join a guild to list items and sell them? What is difference which that reason would allow you to list items on an auction house but not on a guild? Not to mention guilds are a part of the game, many guilds don’t require you to talk to anyone and can literally be used only for listing items.
With that said all I can say is NO to an auction house and if you want a reason just search the many other topics on people requesting an auction house and the reasons why so many disagree with it.
Edit; removed old draft text and typos.
Auth3nticGlitch wrote: »smallhammer wrote: »This game could really benefit from having auction houses. There are many players, who for different reasons, are not in a guild, and need to use the chat if they wanna sell stash.
Yes; we can all run around gather the mats we need, but that doesn't suit everyone. If it did, no one would be able to sell much.
I run around collecting and harvest, but I am not in a guild, and I do not intend to be. To sell, I need to put it out in the chat. And then you need to have players right there and then, in the same zone, who would be potential buyers.
In other MMO's I've played, auction houses were a part of the game, and it worked like a charm
What reasons would you not join a guild to list items and sell them? What is difference which that reason would allow you to list items on an auction house but not on a guild? Not to mention guilds are a part of the game, many guilds don’t require you to talk to anyone and can literally be used only for listing items.
With that said all I can say is NO to an auction house and if you want a reason just search the many other topics on people requesting an auction house and the reasons why so many disagree with it.
Edit; removed old draft text and typos.
there can be some reasons
-playing to casually to actually stay in decent guild
-havinng no interest in any guilds at all
-having no space for trade guild at all, we have many ways to play game and for each we could find guild to play with others and if we wanted guild for each activity 5 slots are not enough for all without even mentioning for trading
Im sure somoene else could find some more reasons, these are just basics for me and Im in 5 (3 on my main account and 2 on my alt account) trade guilds now and thats still not enough for me for what Im listing to sell and Im like that for few months now, not kicked for not enough sale and thinking to join to maybe 2 more trade guilds on 2nd account
Goregrinder wrote: »So you want the controlling entity to step in and govern how much someone can sell something for?
Question, how can you run bots on an console? Yes you can probably jailbreak one, but then you need an bot software designed and updated to run on current ESO version on an Xbox.Blacknight841 wrote: »If only you all had bots like on Xbox. Our wax is 3.5k!!! It’s actually not worth anyone’s time to farm materials because the bots do it for the whole community and Zos does nothing about it. Go to the alikr... bots, go to Rawlkha ... bots, starter zones... only bots. Even if you are trying to get through the tutorial as a new player, you can’t ... bots all over the wailing prison. If you are standing at any given wayshrine, and you tell your friend to come and find you at that wayshire without traveling to you ... chances are a group of bots will appear there before your friend. Wax is almost as low as when the pig farm existed. To put into perspective, 60% of the players that play eso on Xbox make it out of the wailing prison, but only half of those players actually make it to the harborage. That number is due there reduced to only 7% of the accounts created, not characters but accounts... actually make it to level 50.
You would thing things would get better over the course of 6 years, but in fact it is the worst it has ever been. As a new player you cannot even enjoy the game or find materials to farm because there is a bit sitting at it. Still, Zos does nothing about it.
VaranisArano wrote: »the best is how people are saying in threads like this how they dont feel anything bad as they themselves have loads of mats, many characters for daily crafts, etc etc how they dont need to even buy these mats because they have them xD
while they are sitting mountains of mats in their craftbags (I myself sit on that btw xD) they fail to see there need to be players who dont who actually have need to buy these mats and so we have prices which we have - becasue of demand of players who actually need to buy them and most probably because of people having tons of gold, just to much gold so they are hunting out of beredoom or their willingness just for cheaper mats to resell them with higher price (yeah, that not exclusive problem to AH)
I myself like to hunt o cheap mats when i have nothing to do just to make bigger stockpile in my crafbag when I have it active and I can see that problem of rising prices even on lowest mats while msot people here as we can see who also have loads of mats seems to not these raising prices because they just dont care about that becasue they are we can say just richer people who have their own mats and so are not beginners in this game
I suspect the point that many farmers are making is that for those players who need those mats and who are currently fueling the demand...they have a choice.
They can pay those prices...or they can farm the mats themselves, much like we do.
Yes, it's true I don't personally feel the crunch because I've farmed a ton of mats and stashed them in my craft bag during free ESO+ trials. On the other hand, if I need 200 ancester silk for something, well, I farm that much or more on a single loop of Craglorn. Any CP 160 player can farm their own mats.
It's all about how players want to spend their time. Would they rather farm the materials themselves? Or would they rather farm gold in other ways to buy the mats?
They do have a choice.
yep, thats exactly this
and so not everyone have time at all to farm, grind that much for basics to be able to play something higher
as in eso I myself have so much I wont experience to much if even a pain of unavaibility to play something decent here because as how I want to play I dont want/dont have time to grind, farm milions of gold just to get decent gear for this, to be on par with rest players in that content
but I feel so much that feeling now in runescape to which I get back (again xD) when I want to play how I want but I ant until I grind one of needed skills which is most boring ever, especially on this not maxed level or grind of quests to get here where I want - but thats different, thats just progress of playtrough here which I need in order to get further in game and I wont be able to just buy this while in here in eso thats case is nothing from playthrough - thats a thing of callopsing market or something not working here or just with game
like mentioned before rich players getting profit from flipping items and so raising their price overall leaving not rich players at bigger disadvantage
less players willing to farm, gring mats and more players in need of them - showing there is more players willing to play how they want and there is not that much players having fun of farming items along so with not enough players keeping stack of items on market
for someone starting this game now is much much harder to get gold, to get decent gear, upgraded to be able to staart progressing for endgame than not that very long ago where mats literally was atleast 2x cheaper and more
I myself see problem with prices here over time, as I wrote I liked to hunt for cheap mats whne I was bored just to stockpile them in my craftbag, for fun I get to have over 1m of alcahest xD, I was buying that in same price as to vendor or even cheaper from guild stores, maybe price of this didnt raise to much but anyway it is rarely to see again this in price atlest of price to vendor this, this count to literally every material, whatever was very cheap or even worthless not it have its price or is even very expensive now and so thats the end of collecting so many mats as that is possible because it is no longer cheap, it is rather very expensive now so it will be evne more expensive for not veteran, old players here
wanna get geared for endgame? or even for pvp to have chances agaisnt other players? sorry but you need to go slowly farm gold for this with yout short time window for playing where you actually wanted just to play for fun withing not long time rather than grinding now gold for days to get geared to get chances with playing with other players who are longer in this game or are selling crownslike example from 1 of my friends - he is pvp only player here, he always know I have much gold and I will always find something whih I could want from crown store xD so everytime when he needed gold because meta drasticly changed or because he get back after longer break and everything changed very much in this time - he have no willings to go into grind for gold or mats, he dont care for this as he dont want to waste his not long time of playing for this, the only reason he is in this game its just pvp, he doesnt step outside pvp unless he need to buy something or is forced to farm an set which is only in dung - if he didnt had me to sell me crons for gold - he would just find anyone else or even buy from someone else cheaper for real money gold instead for crowns just to not stay away from his only reason to play this game, I just know he will never even touch anything from grind aspect of this game, exp or gold, he is not for this here, he is just for fun, to play game for fun with his time for playing instead for grind to be able to play
-having no space for trade guild at all, we have many ways to play game and for each we could find guild to play with others and if we wanted guild for each activity 5 slots are not enough for all without even mentioning for trading
the best is how people are saying in threads like this how they dont feel anything bad as they themselves have loads of mats, many characters for daily crafts, etc etc how they dont need to even buy these mats because they have them xD
while they are sitting mountains of mats in their craftbags (I myself sit on that btw xD) they fail to see there need to be players who dont who actually have need to buy these mats and so we have prices which we have - becasue of demand of players who actually need to buy them and most probably because of people having tons of gold, just to much gold so they are hunting out of beredoom or their willingness just for cheaper mats to resell them with higher price (yeah, that not exclusive problem to AH)
I myself like to hunt o cheap mats when i have nothing to do just to make bigger stockpile in my crafbag when I have it active and I can see that problem of rising prices even on lowest mats while msot people here as we can see who also have loads of mats seems to not these raising prices because they just dont care about that becasue they are we can say just richer people who have their own mats and so are not beginners in this game
Well thats how economy works. The price gets regulated by offer and demand. And if people offer something way overprized, but the demand is there and people still buy it, then there is nothing to say against it. You are like the ones who offer something a part of that system, if you just don't buy it overprized the offering party has to adjust its prize at some point or the market gets paralyzed.
NettleCarrier wrote: »I see this kind of post all the time - an important thing to remember is that the method of acquiring said materials has NOT changed. Anyone can go out and harvest and even refine things themselves. If the price of the mats goes up then you suddenly get paid more for farming. I don't see what the huge issue is...
FlopsyPrince wrote: »
I buy them every so often doing dailies on multiple characters. I could do many fewer if surveys weren't such a pain. I think I sucked up 2 hours the other day doing them in Northern Elsweyr, partially because getting some to reset was a pain and also because I stacked up 20+ of all of them there.