Are you looking for a faction-loyal pvp guild that perhaps offers a little more? Are you EP? Then the Pact needs you in Cyrodiil - Join a supportive, inclusive pvp guild today. Ravenwatch campaign. Experienced raid leaders, friendly warriors, and a focus on Pact gains. Beginners welcome. IC & pve Cyro content. Discord. Regular trials. No faction jumping. 18 yrs+.
We run 3 guild runs a week at the moment - Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings
Regular casual groups in Cyro at other times.
Supportive and inclusive - members happy to run to help others farm gear etc.
Regular events within the guild
MoS communicates with other EP guilds to help promote Pact gains.
Use the guildfinder to apply
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Mother of Storms - EP PvP - always For the Pact