Having some cyro build issues. Need sounding board.

I think i'm missing some potential on the builds i'm running across a few toons. I see some folks still basically tanking full groups no problem. While still dishing out some damage.

I do know that CP gap is actually quite prominent now as well. I made some adjustments there myself and saw quite a bit of improvement but i'm still only at the 930cp range. Seems to me the sweet spots are likely post 1150 or so.

Is armor/resist really not doing as much as it was before? Are we looking at going with ultra high HP now instead?

My best performing toon right now in cyro is a nord stam nightblade brawler (dark cloak, no invis). Spriggan's and Shackle. 1pc trainee, 1pc swarm. With glyph gets about 5k wep dmg. Runs around 30% crit, 14k pen. 28k resists. 3k impen. + the crowd control damage mit star and major evasion 24/7.

I can only seem to attribute any survivability to his mobility, as I use path and sometimes shade. Keeping dark cloak and mirage up and forward momentum handy. Steed mundus and a swift trait.

I've tried 5/1/1, medium and heavy. Having best luck right now with 2-3 heavy, 3-4 medium, 1 light.

I'm still running into some instances where I get basically 2-3 shot killed, or there's someone i just can't seem to do any damage to.

Obviously, i know i need to get better at making sure my buffs and healing are active (new toon - made one cuz i didn't want to change the mag blade and there's a phat xp event going on lol.)

Prior to the patch, I wasn't really running any proc sets or anything, but I was definitely using the heavy armor / malacath setup. I only started playing 12-1/2 months ago, so i missed out on a lot of earlier metas.

What am I missing? Am I perhaps over penetrating? Should i be putting more into dmg and crit?

For defense, am I too focused on resists? I need to work on blocking, but over the last couple of months at the least, there seems to be a lot of desync, so I've become complacent on my block timing. Plus everyone and their mother besides me apparently always has an unblockable CC with them. (The part where we can't break free half the time right now doesn't help either)


Hit me. What's up? What's good? What are you using/doing and why?

  • baselesschart
    Swap out shackle for fortified if you want to be tanky and not rely on dodging and LoS to avoid damage. 28k resists isn't low on its own, but against people with really high pen its not going to feel like that much which could explain your quick deaths.

    You have enough weapon damage and pen but you won't really be able to efficiently build into crit while wearing heavy armor which was why heavy armor users had to use malacath last patch. Also maybe run a 1 pc monster set with a defensive bonus, that should help as well.
    A fairly mediocre nightblade that occasionally kills people
  • Waffennacht
    I'd say if ur not into high damage gank-like builds; then I wouldnt run NB.

    Your stats (however u get there) look solid.

    Gonna guess the Eb and flow is due to what class and what player u run into
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Jameson18
    To be perfectly honest;

    When I run this on a stam warden or necro, it works out just fine. I think due to the warden's heal being more up front burst, and the necro's mender mitigation. Both of them also have a delayed burst combination skill in the shalks or blast bones.

    I'm purposely running the NB as I feel the other 2 are imbalanced and I'm trying to find a way to get "there" on other classes. Each having their own faults and bonuses of course.

    I've currently got 7 toons at CP. I like to theorycraft and do builds a lot. My warden's CP is focused on pve tanking right now as I don't have enough to be able to swap around. I've left the stam crow in the bg/IC mal/heavy gear. I'm attempting an out of the box cyro brawler. It's a challenge, that's for sure.

    Thanks guys!

    Any other input? Anyone?

  • baselesschart
    Jameson18 wrote: »
    To be perfectly honest;

    When I run this on a stam warden or necro, it works out just fine. I think due to the warden's heal being more up front burst, and the necro's mender mitigation. Both of them also have a delayed burst combination skill in the shalks or blast bones.

    I'm purposely running the NB as I feel the other 2 are imbalanced and I'm trying to find a way to get "there" on other classes. Each having their own faults and bonuses of course.

    I've currently got 7 toons at CP. I like to theorycraft and do builds a lot. My warden's CP is focused on pve tanking right now as I don't have enough to be able to swap around. I've left the stam crow in the bg/IC mal/heavy gear. I'm attempting an out of the box cyro brawler. It's a challenge, that's for sure.

    Thanks guys!

    Any other input? Anyone?


    Warden and necro are just really inherently resistant classes due to their passives, perhaps a bit overtuned in terms of survivability and that has really been highlighted even more with the absence of procs. Unfortunately in my testing, if you want to build enough resistance on nightblade to sit there and soak up damage, you'll sacrifice damage more so than warden and necro.

    Although my next choice after warden and necro would probably be stamdk, you can get some really unfair healing tool tips thanks to major mending.
    A fairly mediocre nightblade that occasionally kills people
  • Jameson18

    Warden and necro are just really inherently resistant classes due to their passives, perhaps a bit overtuned in terms of survivability and that has really been highlighted even more with the absence of procs. Unfortunately in my testing, if you want to build enough resistance on nightblade to sit there and soak up damage, you'll sacrifice damage more so than warden and necro.

    Although my next choice after warden and necro would probably be stamdk, you can get some really unfair healing tool tips thanks to major mending.

    I have my dk setup for mag at the moment. I did look at that instead of the NB, but it felt too cliché and is normally, i think, the next choice. Their health recovery and healing are great and they can still apply pressure from other sources than a spammable. Definitely more equipped.

    Regarding the nightblade damage soak, I believe you are most likely correct. As it seems, that is the issue so far.
  • Theignson
    For my stam NB I tried to maximize penetration and weapon damage and use cloak instead of resists. I'm at 23k resists but hard to kill due to cloak plus swift. Cloaking in fight gives you lots of bonuses including strike from shadow vamp passive.

    I'm running about 6400 WD and 20k+ penetration (using sharpened spriggans maul) with a spriggans/hunding/balorgh/molag set up 5 med 2 heavy and vampire.

    Can definitely do major damage.

    I would prefer to get 7k WD but don't want to give up stead and swift on jewelry.

    I just don't think the NB is well suited for a brawler style.

    I put my Nord Stam DK into FB+ spriggans plus trainee on the 1h/S back bar, he's hard to kill for sure but the damage is only ok
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • jaws343
    Back when I was running non-proc stamblade, I found a lot of success with Hundings and Spriggans, with 1 piece veli and 1 piece kena, 5 med, 2 heavy. Basically getting as much Pen and Weapon damage as I could. And running all tri-stat to have enough mag for cloak. With the base stat changes, you can probably get away with running max stam and a few max health glyphs, and still have enough mag for cloak. Plus, 7 medium may also be a better way to go.

    Shackle is good, but I really think the base stat changes have made it unnecessary, since the real reason for running it was the off-stat resources.
  • Jameson18
    I've had better success after swapping shackle to brass. He's definitely beefy, but with the slightly lesser bonuses for such a thing compared to the other classes, keeping path slotted helps a lot.

    I'm playing around with the mundus now. I've gone to lover from steed and swapped to the sharpened 2h sword over the maul. I'm still at 14k pen, plus then sunder and the flanking passive (so basically 17-20k). If i'm running path and keeping buffs up, i'm not having a mobility/chase down issue or anything. I did keep the swift trait on one of the jewelry pieces. I also swapped one of the 2 infused to bloodthirsty and that seems to be quite nice thus far.

    5k wep dmg, 28-29k resists. My resists were actually only at 22-23k prior to the swap. So that's probably a big issue I was having.

    I'll play at the new setup for a few days and report back. I definitely have little issues when using disguise/invis/stage 2 vamp in comparison. I'm just trying to see if I can tune a real brawler to have chops.

    As sad as it is, I can throw titanborn, EV, mal, and a 1pc on him in bg's and ic and he just rips. So that speaks to the gear gaps tbh. Now i'm working through the class gap as the current cyro reqs really brought that into the light more. At least for having playstyle variety.

    Thanks guys! Keep it comin!
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