Ring - Increases your damage done by 25%. You cannot critical heal or deal critical damage.
Would be a small improvement.
Ring - Increases your damage done by 25%. You cannot critical heal or deal critical damage.
Would be a small improvement.
Then if would also need to increase your healing by 25% to be fair and I don't think anyone wants that.
Stay safe and enjoy the journey 😊
PS. ZOS stop the micromanagement of the green tree 🥺
Ring - Increases your damage done by 25%. You cannot critical heal or deal critical damage.
Would be a small improvement.
echo2omega wrote: »Ring - Increases your damage done by 25%. You cannot critical heal or deal critical damage.
Would be a small improvement.
On the one hand I agree with you.
On the other though. How much crit chance do you have if you build for Malacath? 15% maybe 20% not really enough to make all that much of a difference.
Honestly, I got it, tried it, and hardly used it. I just felt there were better set ups. Personally, if I'm gonna use a mythic, I'd far rather have the mobility that say ROTWH gives me. But that's just me
Only build you wouldnt use it on is a stamblade or a stamplar, it’s basically best in slot for everything else. It has basically no drawback if you are running the average ~15% crit that most people do and find a piece of gear that gives anything close to a 25% damage buff, even if nerfed 10% it would still be a good option for most heavy armour builds.
MurderMostFoul wrote: »Only build you wouldnt use it on is a stamblade or a stamplar, it’s basically best in slot for everything else. It has basically no drawback if you are running the average ~15% crit that most people do and find a piece of gear that gives anything close to a 25% damage buff, even if nerfed 10% it would still be a good option for most heavy armour builds.
My BG stamplar prefers Malacath. I know it doesn't jive with some of their passives, but due to the nature of jabs (four discreet hits instead of one large hit) you'll get better returns from Malacath then you would from hoping for crits. The crit burst effect on jabs is a way lower since the crit chance is applied to each of the four hits separately. Where as Malacath boosts the damage of all four hits.
StaticWave wrote: »There are no cons to malacath other than taking up 1 slot on your build. Assuming an opponent wears 7 impen and has the crit resist cp slottable, their crit resist would sit at 2970, or 46% critical dmg resistance. In order to outperform malacath, you would need at least 50% crit chance and 80% crit damage. That is a lot of crit chance investment for most classes, so it's actually better to just slot on malacath and stack into full weapon/spell dmg/pen.
Malacath needs to be removed from the game, or at least have its damage buff adjusted so that it makes sense to run a crit build.
Vermintide wrote: »Suggestion: Make Malacath allow crits, but turns off proc sets and effects.
It'd still be busted and OP, but less abusable. It's not like we can just have it removed from the game by this point, once it's there it's there.
echo2omega wrote: »StaticWave wrote: »There are no cons to malacath other than taking up 1 slot on your build. Assuming an opponent wears 7 impen and has the crit resist cp slottable, their crit resist would sit at 2970, or 46% critical dmg resistance. In order to outperform malacath, you would need at least 50% crit chance and 80% crit damage. That is a lot of crit chance investment for most classes, so it's actually better to just slot on malacath and stack into full weapon/spell dmg/pen.
Malacath needs to be removed from the game, or at least have its damage buff adjusted so that it makes sense to run a crit build.
Here is the thing though.
That player spent resources to get the crit resistance they have. Impen armor traits and slotting a crit resist buff.
Which provide no protection vs Malacath.
So to defend against Malacath they should use a different trait (like reinforced or nirnhined) and/or slot skill to provide additional armor to provide more damage resistance against... damage.
But then that would leave them vulnerable to being critically hit and damaged
So to beat the players who are stacking defence against Malacath I want to stack as much crit chance and crit damage as I can because they are defending against Malacath and not crit hits and damage.
hmmm. Quite a dilemma...
Looks like there is a classic rock paper scissors forming. That's really good for PVP.
master_vanargand wrote: »Malacath's Band of Brutality is essential for PvP game balance.
In the old days, Impenetrable was the king of PvP armor traits.
But there is Malacath's Band of Brutality now.
Which throws away critical damage and increases damage by 25%.
So this is rock-paper-scissors.
Impenetrable is strong against critical build, but weak against Malacath build.
This is a great benefit that expand the possibilities for other armor traits in PvP.
It also has a negative effect, but it's not the fault of Malacath's Band of Brutality.
I's just that the proc damage sets are too strong.
Even in PvE, Relequen in proc damage sets is the king of DPS sets.
From this it is clear that the proc damage sets need to be nerfed.
StaticWave wrote: »echo2omega wrote: »StaticWave wrote: »There are no cons to malacath other than taking up 1 slot on your build. Assuming an opponent wears 7 impen and has the crit resist cp slottable, their crit resist would sit at 2970, or 46% critical dmg resistance. In order to outperform malacath, you would need at least 50% crit chance and 80% crit damage. That is a lot of crit chance investment for most classes, so it's actually better to just slot on malacath and stack into full weapon/spell dmg/pen.
Malacath needs to be removed from the game, or at least have its damage buff adjusted so that it makes sense to run a crit build.
Here is the thing though.
That player spent resources to get the crit resistance they have. Impen armor traits and slotting a crit resist buff.
Which provide no protection vs Malacath.
So to defend against Malacath they should use a different trait (like reinforced or nirnhined) and/or slot skill to provide additional armor to provide more damage resistance against... damage.
But then that would leave them vulnerable to being critically hit and damaged
So to beat the players who are stacking defence against Malacath I want to stack as much crit chance and crit damage as I can because they are defending against Malacath and not crit hits and damage.
hmmm. Quite a dilemma...
Looks like there is a classic rock paper scissors forming. That's really good for PVP.
It would be rock paper scissors if crit chance wasn't hard to get. In order to reach 50% crit chance on stam for non nb classes, you would need to slot leviathan, use thief mundus, have major savagery, and be in 5 medium. That is a lot of investment just to be able to reach 50% crit chance. It's even more ridiculous when you factor in people who do run impenetrable traits and crit resist cp slottable on their builds. Compared to a malacath build that can use heavy armor, 2 dmg sets, and a dmg mundus, mala is always the more attractive option.
It should be the same percentage as major berserk. 10% increased damage. They fixed all major and minor debuffs, and kept malacath behind a pay wall. Once the new chapter is out they’ll nerf it.