With mist form nerf are any other worth vamp skill?

I can't see one skill to use as a vampire.
Am I missing something?
  • WaltherCarraway
    Arterial Burst is good for weave n cast.

    Back from my last hiatus. 2021 a new start.
  • Xargas13
    I still use mist form for root break and escape from multiple enemies, and as vampire stage 4 I use it in my rotation to get damage buff.
  • Doczy
    it was imbalanced skill like dizzy so adjusted. go and cry
  • Vevvev
    Mistform is still useful in short bursts, but there is still the spammable and ultimate. Despite the nerfs Blood for Blood is still good if you know how to use it, Arterial Burst is a very cheap spammable, and the ultimate is a reset button in case of emergencies.

    The stun is good in PVE but I would only use it in PVP if I knew I was going up against ball groups, and Blood Frenzy is a nightmare to use right in PVP. Nobody uses Drain in combat so it's a no go, especially in PVP when it can be line of sighted and interrupted.
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Bullseyebudx
    I can't see one skill to use as a vampire.
    Am I missing something?

    Blood for Blood is the only other skill besides the Aeterial Burst morph worth using.... from the vampire skill line, and that's by classes that don't have any other options for abilities. Enough said.

    Vamp Drain - says this ability gives your opponent a free stun that's blatantly broadcast?? I don't consider this an ability, it's not.

    Mesmerize, Stupefy, Hypnosis. Fake stun, with an enormous unreported cast time in the tooltip that makes the ability unfunctional, not mentioning combat manipulation and abuse of this ability. Really an embarrassment of an ability. SMH.

    Blood Frenzy - Haha we have to give them something to test while we refine werewolf abilities dude haha. Disgusting Development Practices that anyone should be ashamed of.

    I genuinely have nothing nice to say about vampire abilities right now, sorry, and after 2-3 patches I don't understand why??

    Really really unacceptable IMO.
  • wheem_ESO
    While I think the Mist Form nerf should have been handled a bit differently, it's still usable as an escape/mobility tool, and sometimes as an alternative to block. That said, in many cases you'd be better off ditching Vampirism entirely and using RAT for your mobility. During the small amount of time that I've spent in BGs this patch, Stage 3 + the Undeath passive no longer felt noticeable; getting essentially 1-shotted by some Stamina builds was a very real thing.

    None of the other Vampire abilities are really all that useful. While I guess the spammable isn't necessarily terrible on its own, many Magicka builds aren't really able to utilize it effectively when up against decent opponents. Bad mobility and a lack of good snares, roots, CC, gap closers, etc...make range matter a lot more than it does to a typical Stamina build. Basically, imagine playing a Magicka Templar without Toppling Charge + lower damage and no snare on Puncturing Sweeps, and you have many Magicka builds' situation with the Vampire spammable.

    The Vampire CC is a huge disappointment. I was really hoping to have a good, offensively-focused CC available to my Magicka Necromancer, but what was delivered is probably the worst CC in the entire game...by a country mile. I've had it fail to work multiple times in a row, against people who were spamming Dizzying Swings on me while not being CC-immune. The CC that did function properly was the one that doesn't even require a GCD, when they would split-second Medium Attack me in order to reliably drop a Dawnbreaker and finish me off. It's a total joke.
  • katorga
    wheem_ESO wrote: »
    During the small amount of time that I've spent in BGs this patch, Stage 3 + the Undeath passive no longer felt noticeable; getting essentially 1-shotted by some Stamina builds was a very real thing.

    Heh. Undeath nets you 33% damage reduction when you get into execute range. A stamina build is doing up to 400% higher damage when you get into that range.

  • Brrrofski
    katorga wrote: »

    Heh. Undeath nets you 33% damage reduction when you get into execute range. A stamina build is doing up to 400% higher damage when you get into that range.

    Undeath is so good in cyrodiil this patch with how hard defence is to get. Sustain is a lot easier to build in than resistances, so I feel like the trade off is worth it.

    Really enjoying it on all my builds on all classes.

    Surprised it's not more meta than it is.
    Edited by Brrrofski on March 30, 2021 2:36PM
  • Vevvev
    katorga wrote: »

    Heh. Undeath nets you 33% damage reduction when you get into execute range. A stamina build is doing up to 400% higher damage when you get into that range.

    That's old Undeath. New Undeath gives you up to 30% damage mitigation based on your missing health. Once you get into execute range (50% hp) you have 15% damage mitigation. One thing that got buffed during the rework and I always go into battle at least at stage 3 vampire for it since it's so good.

    Edit to include a link:
    Edited by Vevvev on March 30, 2021 7:47PM
    PC NA - Ceyanna Ashton - Breton Vampire MagDK
  • Theignson
    The passives are good especially for NB. Strike from shadows = 300_ weapon damage. No speed reduction in stealth. The ultimate is still good in PvP for charging groups.

    I still see people using mist form despite the additional nerf
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
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