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I hope one day they release Inigo (Skyrim mod) as a companion

Remember the really cool mod of a Khajiit follower with a really fleshed out voice lines, story and combat choices done by an amazing voice actor and mod designer.
Inigo was so cool and loving, it genuinely felt like you had a friend with you travelling Tamriel. The one mod I ALWAYS download.

The general story was Inigo thinks you were his ally he travelled with and someone he betrayed for his brother (his brother was a crazy addict) so he pays guards in Riften to lock him up due to his guilt as he assumed you were dead, making the reason you got caught by the imperials was because of Inigo. you can play along with this or outright deny it but either way you can allow him to repay his debt by protecting you as now he's brother is dead due to a Skooma addiction.
The mod was SUPER smart as you progressed and travelled with him the more closer you get opening more dialogue options and even giving access to his own quest, he teaches you to whistle alerting him and have a enchanted map showing his location at all times. Whilst also allowing you to choose his play style, being the aggressor fighting every enemy he sniffs, the ranger; shooting his ebony bow at your foes or playing the backfoot as 2 sneaky lads stabbing people.

I replayed Skyrim 10 times and now have moved to ESO as my main game but i miss my friend Inigo :( and hope one day he can join me in my adventures again and the voice actor can get his recognition as he made Inigo the loveliest and poetic khajiit i met, you can even make him your bard and he will spontaneously sing or whilst sitting at a camp after clearing out a bandit camp.

This is wishful thinking but, i still have hope.
  • GodsGrief
    6Kyojin6 wrote: »
    Remember the really cool mod of a Khajiit follower with a really fleshed out voice lines, story and combat choices done by an amazing voice actor and mod designer.
    Inigo was so cool and loving, it genuinely felt like you had a friend with you travelling Tamriel. The one mod I ALWAYS download.

    The general story was Inigo thinks you were his ally he travelled with and someone he betrayed for his brother (his brother was a crazy addict) so he pays guards in Riften to lock him up due to his guilt as he assumed you were dead, making the reason you got caught by the imperials was because of Inigo. you can play along with this or outright deny it but either way you can allow him to repay his debt by protecting you as now he's brother is dead due to a Skooma addiction.
    The mod was SUPER smart as you progressed and travelled with him the more closer you get opening more dialogue options and even giving access to his own quest, he teaches you to whistle alerting him and have a enchanted map showing his location at all times. Whilst also allowing you to choose his play style, being the aggressor fighting every enemy he sniffs, the ranger; shooting his ebony bow at your foes or playing the backfoot as 2 sneaky lads stabbing people.

    I replayed Skyrim 10 times and now have moved to ESO as my main game but i miss my friend Inigo :( and hope one day he can join me in my adventures again and the voice actor can get his recognition as he made Inigo the loveliest and poetic khajiit i met, you can even make him your bard and he will spontaneously sing or whilst sitting at a camp after clearing out a bandit camp.

    This is wishful thinking but, i still have hope.

    Shout out to Gary Hesketh and SmartBluecat, the creator and voice actors btw.
  • RedMuse
    Considering the complexity of the IP here I deem this extremely unlikely.
  • ArchMikem
    RedMuse wrote: »
    Considering the complexity of the IP here I deem this extremely unlikely.

    I don't understand that. Complexity?

    ZOS is already half way there with the introduction of Companions. Give em dialogue at least and the OP gets their "Pocket Inigo Lite" version. The House Guests are basically this just without the following you around part.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • Ryuvain
    Just need a Khajiit companion really. Inigo, Jzargo, Lydia, and Serana were such fun to travel around with. Good times.
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • xAarionx
    As much as I love inigo
    I would say no
    for me he is the eternal companion and friend of the last Dragonborn and he belongs to the 4th era and should stay there, thats his time

    The Second Era already has a lot of Great companions and NPCs: Cadwell, Razum-Dar, Naryu, Sai Sahan, khamira, Lyris, Abnur Tharn.

    I Wish Cadwell and Raz would be added as mods for skyrim, but then again, it's not their time, Just as inigo belog to the 4th era, Raz and Cad belong to the second era, helping the vestige.
    Edited by xAarionx on March 26, 2021 3:13AM
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