Looking for some help.

So as the title suggests, I'm looking for some help, or input. I've been playing on and off since the beta. I have 9 lvl 50s, my cp is nearly 1200 (my breaks from the game are much longer than time playing).

Over the years I've enjoyed the woodelf race, I like how small they are and I find I always love having more stam even when playing magicka for rolling or breakfree. So perfect min maxing is not exactly what I try to accomplish.

I've been experiencing an issue everytime I play. I consider my self a pretty decent player, lots of knowledge of sets, classes. I spent alot of my time theory crafting, I have hundreds of golden armor pieces, most arena and monster sets. I'm well diversified in the mechanics of the game.

But, I always hit a skill wall. And I always hit it super hard to thebpoint where it makes me turn it off for a year or so. Cyrodiil hasn't appealed to me in years because my play time is never consistent enough to play with friends or groups. So I just get zerged. IC is similar, no one, or zergs. Or a seemingly unlikable necro/warden.

So im left with battlegrounds. I farm gold, I sell things, I farm gear for builds and I test them. When I like the I play them a lot.

But it always starts the same. When I return my MMR is low and in the early matches I'm rolling 4 to 8 people hitting 30+ kills and minimal deaths every match. I expect that my gear could carry me through low MMR alone. As I progress I remember how to play. My stats in bgs increase gradually. I perform well. At some point the players are now a bit better, using proper pvp set ups and they're competitive. Good now we have some fights and it's good. But at some point shortly after this everything changes. Suddenly everyone takes no damage, they turn and kill me in a single burst combo without the chance of ever surviving, or countering. It happens with strange sets, ones you don't see in low MMR, at least you'll know if they're proc sets. But sometimes they are not.

I know it's inevitable to die. But I'm generally in full gold gear, sometimes missing jewellery. Rocking high impen, or high resists, avoiding dmg, meticulously keeping buffs active instead of tunnel visioning kills. I'm at a loss, it feel like I consistently hit a wall of player skill that is so high I'm no longer even on the competition radar and it happens s so fast, like one morning I login and I dont belong here anymore.

Here's what I'm asking: I want a character to play that I can build for bgs, and enjoy, but I wouldn't have to change everything (skills and set ups) for swapping into non cp ic and cyrodiil. (Including the fact cyrodiil sucks right now)

I have 1 or 2 of everything, max lvled with most skill lines. I'm just tired of testing and getting the same results. I'm not super keen on dottz, alcasts, or arzyel builds they're just so generic I couldn't see anyone being successful with them.

I can race change if necessary, I can play any toon. I'm just exhausted from trying to no avail.

The last piece to kick me to the curb was the magblade... took my soul with it.
Kaiser Dragon ~ VR14 Bosmer Templar
Dark Priest
Aldmeri Dominion
  • MurderMostFoul
    You have to switch gear between cyrodiil and battlegrounds if you want to be competitive in battlegrounds. There are only 19 fully effective sets in cyrodiil, whereas everything works in battlegrounds. The power differential between a cyro-ready build and a battlegrounds optimized build will be pretty large.

    With that said, I'd say stamcro, Stamden, stamsorc. These three builds are probably the best / easiest and battlegrounds right now. If survivability is your biggest sticking point, stamcro might be the best option here.

    Two other points about finding yourself dying a lot:
    1. Make sure you are queuing for solo battlegrounds. As your MMR increases in group queue, you'll start facing very organized, effective groups.
    2. Dying a lot is often a result of positioning more so than generally poor play. Unless you're specifically trying to be tanky, it's hard to survive against multiple enemies at once in BGs. Using good positioning, knowing when to engage and when to hold back, will help you avoid being outnumbered and getting insta-killed.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Sleevez340
    Ok noted the info, thanks for thr input. I guess I was unclear when I said what to play for everything. I know gear needs swapping. I more meant playstyle of that class. Rather than swapping all skills weapon types, and gear.

    Dieing I fully expect and understand when it's my fault. What drives me nuts is how I seem to find a wall where I'm suddenly unable to dmg other players, and they are increasingly tanky while out damaging my own heals.
    Kaiser Dragon ~ VR14 Bosmer Templar
    Dark Priest
    Aldmeri Dominion
  • MurderMostFoul
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    Ok noted the info, thanks for thr input. I guess I was unclear when I said what to play for everything. I know gear needs swapping. I more meant playstyle of that class. Rather than swapping all skills weapon types, and gear.

    Dieing I fully expect and understand when it's my fault. What drives me nuts is how I seem to find a wall where I'm suddenly unable to dmg other players, and they are increasingly tanky while out damaging my own heals.

    Post an example of one of your builds?
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Waffennacht
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    Ok noted the info, thanks for thr input. I guess I was unclear when I said what to play for everything. I know gear needs swapping. I more meant playstyle of that class. Rather than swapping all skills weapon types, and gear.

    Dieing I fully expect and understand when it's my fault. What drives me nuts is how I seem to find a wall where I'm suddenly unable to dmg other players, and they are increasingly tanky while out damaging my own heals.

    Just how it is.

    You've reached the level where Class and Gear imbalance is coming through.

    Example: I dont care what you ran, a mist form build you would not kill. It was a huge act in frustration if they had built for it.

    Warden is a class that can be piloted in such a way that make your non Meta class look like garbage as an example.

    At your higher MMR you face a wide variety of highly performing builds. You won't actually brawl a non brawler build there; the only brawler is someone built to withstand huge amounts of damage. Squishy sorcs and NBs will pick you apart and run when needed.

    Essentially; better players pilot the builds more effectively removing most opportunity to get those satisfyingly battles.

    They pick their spots better
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • Noctus
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    Here's what I'm asking: I want a character to play that I can build for bgs, and enjoy, but I wouldn't have to change everything (skills and set ups) for swapping into non cp ic and cyrodiil. (Including the fact cyrodiil sucks right now)

    I have 1 or 2 of everything, max lvled with most skill lines. I'm just tired of testing and getting the same results. I'm not super keen on dottz, alcasts, or arzyel builds they're just so generic I couldn't see anyone being successful with them.

    I can race change if necessary, I can play any toon. I'm just exhausted from trying to no avail.

    The last piece to kick me to the curb was the magblade... took my soul with it.

    could it be that ur EUPC ? and what class would u like to play becouse there are good builds for every class.

    Edited by Noctus on March 25, 2021 9:53PM
  • Sleevez340
    I'm NA pc, living in Canada. I can post a build when I have time and access.

    If I could make a magblade work that would be number 1. I love my magblade. It was performing extremely well since patch drop until a few days ago. I've played a lot of mag sorc and stamplar, don't really wanna join the sorc brigade now tho. There's just so many. I've always wanted to love DK.
    Kaiser Dragon ~ VR14 Bosmer Templar
    Dark Priest
    Aldmeri Dominion
  • Noctus
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    I'm NA pc, living in Canada. I can post a build when I have time and access.

    If I could make a magblade work that would be number 1. I love my magblade. It was performing extremely well since patch drop until a few days ago. I've played a lot of mag sorc and stamplar, don't really wanna join the sorc brigade now tho. There's just so many. I've always wanted to love DK.

    magblade was allways in a difficult spot even with good builds u will have a hard time that said i know 2 good ones and the most reliable one is probably the one from heresyall its definately easier to play than what im using and more reliable on getting the kill.

    i saw a few good builds on decimus too. not allways the same opinion with him but he definately can make good builds :D

    if it comes to streamers i personally rly like to watch this guy:

    but idk if he has anything usefull to u.

    these are EU players. let me know if it helped.

    Edited by Noctus on March 25, 2021 11:40PM
  • MurderMostFoul
    Sleevez340 wrote: »
    I'm NA pc, living in Canada. I can post a build when I have time and access.

    If I could make a magblade work that would be number 1. I love my magblade. It was performing extremely well since patch drop until a few days ago. I've played a lot of mag sorc and stamplar, don't really wanna join the sorc brigade now tho. There's just so many. I've always wanted to love DK.

    An offensive magblade will be difficult. But I've seen mag blades built to be stealthy healers that can actually really help their team.

    Stamplar is harder than some other stamina classes, but can still really excel if you know what you're doing.
    “There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.”
  • Noctus

    An offensive magblade will be difficult. But I've seen mag blades built to be stealthy healers that can actually really help their team.

    Stamplar is harder than some other stamina classes, but can still really excel if you know what you're doing.

    the easiest would be if he joins the wardens brigade or stam necro. these are the easiest things to play.
  • gariondavey
    Yup, stamden or stamcro for ez mode. Stamsorc is actually insane right now too. Gear is too different in bgs and cyro except for magsorc. Maybe a ranged magplar or ranged magblade or possibly a stamblade you could get by with using the same gear and setups. I play my stamplar very differently in bgs compared to cyro, but my magsorc is pretty much identical
    PC NA @gariondavey, BG, IC & Cyrodiil Focused Since October 2017 Stamplar (main), Magplar, Magsorc, Stamsorc, StamDK, MagDK, Stamblade, Magblade, Magden, Stamden
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