Having Nice Things

Kinras Wrath set: How long do I have to enjoy this set? Do you think it will get an eventual nerf? Do you think it deserves a nerf? I farmed the set and enjoy using it with my group, just debating with myself if it's worth investing the time and gold to upgrade. So far I am much enjoying the set, I enjoy Stam dps sets that support the group. I miss the days of night mothers gaze, and sunder-flame. I know this set is different, but it almost brings me back to those days if even a tiny bit. So how do you feel? Do you think this set deserves a nerf? I ask because I've heard chatter about it and would just like to hear some honest opinions on how all you guys and gals feel about it.
  • Gythral
    Seems to be the usual :wink:
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Mindcr0w
    This is an MMO. Any piece of gear could be nerfed, buffed,or reworked into something completely different at any time. Farming for and/or upgrading gear is always a gamble. How willing you are to invest time and resources into something is up to you.
  • AyaDark
    I hope it will stay like it is.

    Stamina needs this part of love.

    And I am mag DK, so it is not like i just protect my own sets.

    You get DPS, but lose in healing with it.
    Edited by AyaDark on March 24, 2021 8:49AM
  • waterfairy
    guessing these sets will get nerfed when blackwood comes out so they try to pigeon hole people to go for the new sets like always
  • JanTanhide
    Probably a few months. I doubt it will be long. Look how long Thrassians lasted. I would suggest not improving it past Epc.
  • Athan1
    it's just fotm. will be nerfed next patch to make room for the new sets.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
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