Yes, I know RNG is RNG, and I know its probably harder for a reason, it just seems worth bringing up.
I can buy 15 or 30 crates now and get 0 legndaries, maybe 1 or 2 epics, and the rest superior, and not even different superior rewards, but the same superior reward for the least amount of gems possible.
If this is the direction we're going where I have to buy 60 or so crates to just get the gems for all the legendaries I want (not even thinking of apex or radiants) its going to be a very tough game to play for now on.
And while I've already resigned myself to the fact that I wont get, nor deserve, every apex or radiant, its starting to be the case for anything interesting in crates. The only thing I can expect is the same markings to unbox 20 times out of 30.