Sylvermynx wrote: »It's not a thing here, thank the goddesses. I HATED that in the other mmos I played. If you want to know what someone's using, ask them in a private message in game.
Snowstrider wrote: »Eso doesnt have alot of basic mmo stuff sadly.
We didnt even have chatbubbles at start.
marshill88 wrote: »Now on my 4th week of ESO, soon my plus membership will renew. I see all these players with cool looking stuff, I really want to bring up their paperdoll window and inspect their gear and stuff. This seems like a really basic function of an MMO, right? I haven't been in another MMO in many years (this is my first one) so maybe I'm a bit out to lunch here. Does anyone know why I can't look at other players stuff?
Is it not a cool thing in an MMO to have nice looking clothes and gear, and yet there's no way to "show off your stuff" other than just in kind of sucks, to be honest. I'd love to understand more what people are carrying and gawk at their cool things.
marshill88 wrote: »Sylvermynx wrote: »It's not a thing here, thank the goddesses. I HATED that in the other mmos I played. If you want to know what someone's using, ask them in a private message in game.
no way man. when you park your awesome 1969 GT-350 in the parking lot, I'm gonna trot on over and give it much adoration. If you represent the majority opinion in ESO, then, well, shoot.
Occasionally I get a whisper in game asking me what pants I'm wearing, what bow I have equipped, etc. Thing is I have no idea since it's an outfit I put together at the dye station.
I'd be more then happy for them to be able to click on my character or whatever and check- often I don't have time to go back to the dye station and check for them.
But no, having people just look you up without your permission is not cool. I don't think any of the MMOs I play actually allow that (except Diablo 3, but I only play that with a few friends).
Sylvermynx wrote: »It's not a thing here, thank the goddesses. I HATED that in the other mmos I played. If you want to know what someone's using, ask them in a private message in game.
Occasionally I get a whisper in game asking me what pants I'm wearing, what bow I have equipped, etc. Thing is I have no idea since it's an outfit I put together at the dye station.
I'd be more then happy for them to be able to click on my character or whatever and check- often I don't have time to go back to the dye station and check for them.
SeekerAssassin wrote: »Considering what you see on a person isn't what they are actually wearing, being able to see there gear isn't going to tell you why it looks the way it does.
marshill88 wrote: »This seems like a really basic function of an MMO, right?
Sylvermynx wrote: »It's not a thing here, thank the goddesses. I HATED that in the other mmos I played. If you want to know what someone's using, ask them in a private message in game.
Hard agree. One of the things that keeps me around is that not everyone can snoop in what I'm wearing.
Seriously OP? Just ask. Like send a whisper along the lines of...
Sheezabeast wrote: »It doesn't fundamentally work in ESO because of the Outfitting station. You can make any item look like a different item. An axe look like a sword, for example. You would be like, oh wow, sweet mace dude! And inspect it to find out that it was really a dagger or something else.