NB cloak is this kind of skill that polarize the community and at the same time remain buggy mess for almost every patch. While invisibility is nice, a lot of ppl can see that this is something that holds nb class back as ZOS clearly don't know how to build around that. My proposition for the skill is to redesign it to give nb more defensive power while remaining unique:
1st morph: x s time, you don't take any damage from dots on you (they are still running, just don't deal damage) and gain minor expedition. To be sure that this won't be too op it moght be a good idea to modify the cost of skill each time after a player use (ball of lightning treatment).
2nd morph: burst heal, that also grants minor vitality for x seconds. Something requested by many nbs (mostly mag ones) that will be in line with previous blade identity (a lot of nb skills is designed to be used while in close combat, lack of good healing tho makes that playstyle really hard to perform). Heal should scale from your max magicka OR should have better hp scaling (you cant say this option is too op while we have skills like arctic blast in game for such a long time.
1st morph promote quick fights (jump in with dot protection, burst your enemy down fast or lose your resources if you fight too long with this option up). 2nd morph resolves some of bar space problems for magnb and allows magnb to play more aggressive.
Removing invis from cloak would be also a good way to rebalance nb offensive toolkit by removing cast times and travel time of more burst skills like ulti or bow (i believe we have this kind of weakness attached to them because of invis). Nb would still be more elusive to play then other classes because of shade defense mechanic, current cloak is just not a good defensive or offensive ability (unless you call invisibility that can be break from 20m by sneak detection a good ability).
But what about ppl who likes the invisibility in nb toolkit? Simple solution: move it to shadow ultimate. Consuming darkness is already one of the weakest ulti in game, not usable in both pve and pvp (despite some forum ppl stating it is powerful af even when nobody is using it). Why not changing the morphs so one is granting the player a 20s invis that is unbreakable unless the player attack the enemy (so no detection, just more powerful invis in form of an ult)? Roleplayers are happy because they can still use invis in overland, pve players are okay with this as none of them was using cloak/consuming in dungeons or trials, pvp should be happy too as current cloak is not working at all and basically holding the whole class back. The only ppl that might be unhappy are gankers that cannot use incap with it.
This is only my idea as I think current cloak is problematic and takes the ower from the class while not providing the functionality it should provide.
What is your opinion (or maybe anyone have a better idea for that problem)?
Edited by Raegwyr on March 22, 2021 8:46AM