About 3 or so years ago as a baby CP 300 (and something) I began my first ever run of Veteran Maelstrom Arena, I managed to get myself to the final round in the same run. However, after hours of trying amd trying I couldn't succeed. Shortly after I began to play ESO every now and then when new DLC would drop. Seeing the only quest I had was 'Survive the Theatre of Dispair' really shook me everytime I played.
With the launch of CP 2.0 I decided to get back into the game properly and tonight I decided to test my mettle against the final round. I was ready to sink a good few hours into this. Dr Pepper in my cup no injury could stop me now. 20 minutes in and 4 deaths later I managed to just barely scrape by and slide my way into that completion!
I may be a CP 900, but CP and mechanics are two different things and I noobed out in this fight a lot due to fear, but now that I have conquered this for the first time I'm ready to run again and again to grab that Maelstrom Bow as I received the Flame Staff.
This is a big personal achievement for me and I know a lot of players have done this with ease since it was out I felt like sharing (:
Enjoy my noob clip (also pls don't be offended by the lack of heavy attacking towards the end. Stress got the better part of me 😭)