WreckfulAbandon wrote: »Reducing the channel wouldn't really help because of GCD, better to make the channel more weave friendly and increase the damage of each tick. The skill does need some help and I would gladly try it if it were buffed a little since I'm currently testing out a bunch of different non-Dswing setups on stamsorc. Nothing can really replace Dswing
Rapid Strikes morph does as much damage as other spammables, if not stronger than other spammables because of DW passives. The only issue is that it's *** hard to get all hits in PvP, but in PvE it's as strong as other spammables. By the way, Maelstrom DW doens't increase Flurry damage.
silky_soft wrote: »Make it aoe cone like jabs.
The sensible option.
The weird part of the skill is that it doesn't feel like a spammable due to the short range and channel time. Twin slashes feels more like an authentic DW spammable and, with the right setup, I understand that it can be pretty effective as this. Flurry as an aoe dot just fits more with the animation and play style of flurry.
nryerson1025 wrote: »I second the aoe cone idea. Its biggest problem imo is not the damage, it's actually landing the strikes
MurderMostFoul wrote: »Make it a small cone AOE that only hits the closet target. Maybe bonus damage from flanking too.
Araneae6537 wrote: »I feel like 2H attacks should generally be slower but harder hitting while DW should be able to attack faster / more frequently but with less damage per hit, but with equivalent DPS if all hits land. Maybe there would be serious problems with that; I just think it would be fun to have greater variety in feel / playstyle and not just different animations for the exact same result.
Rapid Strikes morph does as much damage as other spammables, if not stronger than other spammables because of DW passives. The only issue is that it's *** hard to get all hits in PvP, but in PvE it's as strong as other spammables. By the way, Maelstrom DW doens't increase Flurry damage.