I was looking a bit into damage mitigation for a little project and noticed that the damage reduction from Minor Aegis is a bit inconsistent.
In order to test this properly I needed to eliminate any form of influence from external sources of mitigation. So my base was as follows:
0 CP slotted. This was to make sure that CP does not add any form of extra mitigation.
3 heavy armor pieces. This is to enable or disable Minor Aegis. I equip a golden CP160 yolnahkriin's cuirass, gauntlets and depending on whether I want to turn on of off Minor Aegis, a yolnakriin's girdle of no setpiece rubedite girdle, all with the sturdy trait and a golden cp160 health enchant. By switching out the waist I do not change any stats or remove/add buffs except the Minor Aegis.
I slot golden CP160 adept rider's jewels in protective trait to boost my resistance a bit and use balance to up it even more. I did this because they give no other buffs to damage(according to the tooltip) and less than 5.5K resistance was not really a good test in my opinion.
Now I need a damage source which is sure to do a lot of damage.
Olms in vAS is a good place. He hits for 155478 base (and with all light armor up to 167121
). Plenty of damage to work with.
Next I needed to test the damage on different levels or resistance.
Because the armor penalties and bonus things can influence results I need to use medium armor as this neither increasen nor decreases damage taken.
I equiped white level1 helmet, shoulders, legs and boots.
Everything setup, I let myself get slapped by olms with and without Minor Aegis equipped.
The damage I took as baseline(armor buff already included) was 51561 and with Minor Aegis was 49190. The mitigation Minor Aegis gave me here was 4.82%.
Rinse and repeat each time either helmet or shoulders 1 craftable level up, and this were the results:
Okay, so the mitigation is ~4.82%, not the 5% the tooltip claims.
But in a few other runs I did I got 5.001% and 4.598% which is quite the deviation, especially downward.
What makes it go up or down from the value tooltip states?
PS: if I did something wrong in the testing, please let me know and I'll redo it and see if that solves the inconsistency.