Champion System rework should have been done in a way that caps vertical progression at an extremely low CP, and further CP gain should have been about unlocking convenience. Maybe by the time you're CP 300 or 400 you'd be able to max out a DPS spec, but at 600 or so you could use the active star bar to easily shift to a tank role or healer role all with the same point allocation and just changing your active stars.
This way new players would hit the vertical cap rather quickly and join in on the DLC vet dungeon game play with more veteran players. And people who have or achieve even higher CP could easily change their game play style with ease.
Instead, this new system just added more grinding and more vertical progression. There's real point to the active star system as it is now. If I want to change it up and play a mage, even with 1000 CP points I still have to rework my entire point allocation from scratch.
This system could have been great. A way cut down on mindless grinding and incorporate fun, make the game more accessible to new players and provide easy ways to change/play how you want, but instead it just turned the game into a korean grinder.
I hope it's implementation in the near future is re-evaluated.