I wasn't happy about the prospect of having to grind tons of CP and months more of not having access to most of my gear.
But, I've found that with the amount of CP (~1410 at the time of the update) I had my character does fine. Sure, I would like a few more passives but they won't add that much. Also some of the new passives (especially safe fall) are great.
Also the game play has been smooth. I no longer get "lag stunned". My abilities work even in big fights (my favorite PvP aspect). With the old sets and new changes i have plenty of weapon damage. Many of the old "super tanks" die very quickly now if they don't change their approach. On the whole everything seems more balanced (though not perfect). Personally I don't miss procs (although I used them because they were strongest). I've just reverted to pre-proc approaches and the do fine.
On the whole I'm enjoying the game now (but still miss the mythics, the monster sets, arena weapons etc)
Wonder what other people think.
3 GOs, a General, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP