Maintenance for the week of January 27:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 27

Need Help: Wee scaling issue ??

I created two additional characters for item storage for primary character, and on a routine item swapping activity I noticed the most annoying thing I've ever seen. Long story (there is no short story):

I obtained Andule's Cuirass of the Defiler (medium armor epic lvl) w/primary character at Lvl 24 so it's relatively weak with an armor rating of 834. Primary character is at Champion lvl 300+ so it is mostly useless. I submitted a ticket to see if I could somehow get it scaled or if there would be a way to improve it significantly with the crafting skill later on but I didn't get a response. The annoying thing is, that the character (level 5) I was using to swap item shows it with an armor rating of 2024, but I'm using this character for a heavy armor build :/ I also noticed that when accessing workshops that bestow set bonuses, my primary character displays USELESS set bonuses will be forged, whereas this secondary character shows significant set bonuses will be forged. I. am. flummoxed.
Karliah, when will you learn?!!
  • etchedpixels
    There isn't a way to upgrade gear to a different level other than by using a transmute station. With that you can bind the item and then recreate it for crystals (the number depending upon how many pieces of the set you know) plus improvement materials to the level you want. Or you could just go buy it from a guild store instead and then improve it to the quality you want.

    For crafted stuff the stations show the rating it would have if the character crafting it wore it, so you can just make stuff for the right level and not worry about that.
    Too many toons not enough time
  • Fennwitty
    That sounds like everything's working as intended.

    Gear effectiveness scales against character level, *until* the gear is CP 160.

    This reflects in the tooltip numbers you see based on what character you're using at the time.

    Level 24 equipment is functionally useless to a character more than 30ish levels above. That's by design.

    Even when you go to craft an item much lower level than you are, it will show the scaled numbers because the item you're making will be far beneath that character.

    When you craft the item and give it to a character of appropriate level, the numbers will go up for that lower level character.

    You can't increase the level of gear that already exists, only the quality up to gold/legendary.

    However, once you bind your 'Andule's Cuirass of the Defiler' to your account by either equipping it, deconstructing it, or selling it to a merchant (and then selling a bunch of other stuff so it no longer shows on the merchant's 'buy-back' tab) you'll unlock that item in your Stickerbook.

    Gear from your Stickerbook can be Reconstructed at a Transmutation Station. It will be the level of the character reconstructing it up to CP160 (except mythics which are always 160 as I understand).

    That said, Defiler chests should be pretty cheap to buy from guild traders since the Clockwork City/Vvardenfell ended recently, and tons of those dropped for people.
    PC NA
  • Fennwitty
    Also about crafting: When you go to a crafting station you can actually choose the level of gear you want to make from 1 up to CP160.

    You do this by scrolling through the materials and amount. Note: CP160 items are different from 150 because they take more materials, be careful not to accidentally craft CP150 stuff when you want CP160!

    But you can only unlock crafting items above level 1 if the character has put points into the relevant crafting passive. If your CP300 character hasn't trained Blacksmithing, they won't be able to make anything for heavy armor or weapons except super low level things which are useless for them personally.
    Edited by Fennwitty on March 17, 2021 10:30PM
    PC NA
  • warg_derpin_gdf
    Thank you for the quick responses : ) I had read a little on the Transmute Stations but I had thought that was only for removing and replacing traits. That is a LOAD off my mind, because, aside from the Mage Guild Lorebooks, that little Andule reward is the one I'm the most proud of.


    Ohhhhh, that was what has me tripped up probably; I didn't even look, figuring since gear upgrading appeared strictly level based that it would be a get-what-you-get situation with the gear set crafting stations. Second reason I didn't look was because I assumed it would automatically default according to the corresponding skill level. I mean, TESO devs aren't cruel Daedra (, so I knew there was something I wasn't seeing. I'm looking at the special gear crafting menu like, why am I going to craft an Azura's or Alessia's Bulwark set (or whatever it was) for an armor bonus in the 20's? :/
    Karliah, when will you learn?!!
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