Quality of Life Improvements - Wishlist

First off not bashing ZoS, seriously there have been some nice improvements over the years, searchable guild traders for example was huge, but just a few things I ran into recently got me thinking so here are a few things I'd like to see implemented in the future.

1. When banking on PS4 add the use of a "back" button instead of having to exit all the way out of the banker and having to hear the bankers speil over and over again. Not sure if it's the same on other platforms but this gets old.
2. When listing items in the bank the ability to "split" stacks and sell just one item at a time without having to exit out and go to inventory and manually split them. with furnishings this gets old also.
3. Mute that annoying mob in the cage at the undaunted area in Grahtwood, omg I cannot stand hearing that thing over and over again while in that area!
4. Add some extra ways to increase the undaunted skills other than just the few dailies or at least for alternates. It gets old fast when you've ran those dungeons over and over again.
5. Add more items to buy "especially chests" to the writ vendors peeps.
6. Update fishing so you can actually catch some cool items, like a chair or a weapon, shoot ANYTHING would be nice. I hate fishing due to the boredom and no real rewards. In real life people throw stuff in the water all the time so why not?
7. Probably not going to happen but scratch the riding skills, or at least on alternates.
8. Add some sort of trial group option. Yeah I know join a guild but every single time I get in a group it takes forever to get everyone together and then when all are there someone drops offline!
9. Love the house guests, perhaps some that actually play an instrument with chooseable songs.
10. Crafting: Add some seriously great crafted items, on par with some of the trail gear. Extremely difficult to make, perhaps join it up with the antiquities line or fishing and make the ingredients bound? Possibly one shot recipes that you cannot reuse, that would keep the game from being flooded with those items.

I know some of this stuff is available in the crown store and probably not going to happens as ZoS does need to make a profit and I appreciate they are a company and have to do so.

Any others wish list ideas?
Edited by Veinblood1965 on March 15, 2021 6:02PM
  • blkjag
    A better buff tracker for for console that shows the cool down on your skill bar.
  • Beardimus
    @Veinblood1965 your point 4. You know you can fast level it using the Dungeon cheevos right?

    I didn't for a long while and thought it was the pledges etc and that takes ages.
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • Beardimus
    - banker with guild bank & store
    - would be nice to have above in Cyrodiil like Imp City has
    - guild bank / store for guild houses to make them a hub
    - ultimate back to 1000 lol
    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch
    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach
  • jaws343
    I just want to be able to search for unlearned set pieces, motifs, and furnishing plans.
  • Grey_Wanderer
    Separate out battle music with the option to turn it off completely. I love the game's music, but I also fight a lot, and that frequent interruption means I end up turning it off. :disappointed:

    Something something buying and selling something something. We all know the issue, and none of us have a viable solution. But still. :wink:

    Would love for resource return to be possible with any weapon based on the highest pool. I wanna magicka my way with swords and daggers!
  • zaria
    1) Let you click on guild name, Group and Zone in the chat window to select that channel rather than having to write /g4 for guild number 4 in your list.

    2) reply button on mail, I requested this during the Beta.

    Two very simple changes.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Destai
    First off not bashing ZoS, seriously there have been some nice improvements over the years, searchable guild traders for example was huge, but just a few things I ran into recently got me thinking so here are a few things I'd like to see implemented in the future.


    Any others wish list ideas?

    They've done a good job the last year or so, love the new indicators for crafting dailies and writs, and see nothing but potential in the collections and journals panes.

    Here's my exhaustive list

    Overhaul questing, making it less like nagware:
    1. Add all quests to the collections/stories/ pane for easy retrieval and chronological tracking.
    2. Tether all quest givers to a 5m radius so that they stop following you until you pick up the quest.
    3. Phase quest givers so that they only appear in the world when their chronological antecedents have been completed. If you want to do the quest out of order, it's available from the collections pane.
    4. Enable active quest dialogue priority. Side quest and quest givers should be silenced while current quest dialogue is active. I will never forget the fighter's guild questgiver interrupting the climax of Greymoor for me because someone couldn't code this.

    Daily timers
    1. On the player's character sheet, add cooldown timers for horse upgrades and crafting dailies.
    2. Sync horse upgrade and daily timers to reset at a certain time

    1. Add language on motifs and recipes to indicate "unlocked on another character" or something. This would depend on the character still existing.
    2. Add all motifs and recipes to their own new collection panes. Motifs and recipes that are unlocked on another character would have that indicated here.
    3. Remove questing requirements for crafting writs certifications if a player has completed them on another character. Add a crafting certification welcome package to level 5 so that players can easily begin doing their dailies.
    4. Remove stealables and NPC pathing from consortium box areas so that players can turn in their dailies as smoothly as possible.

    General UX
    1. Mark as junk flags
    2. Sell all treasure, junk, and ornate items.
    3. Add NPC quiet mode.
    4. Change surveys and treasure maps to behave like antiquities. They'd still be consumable but on-use would be added to a new pane "Writs" and "Treasure Maps" in the journal.
    5. Skill and Champion Point loadouts, much like the outfit system. Would be another good monetization opportunity.

    @ZOS_Adrikoth @ZOS_BillE @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert Feel free to take these ideas and make yourself look good! Or at least confirm you're engaged in the community and seeing our requests. The QoL requests are frequent, as I'm sure any in-touch CM can attest to! Thanks!
    Edited by Destai on March 15, 2021 4:58PM
  • SickleCider
    I'm on PS4.

    1. I really want the banking feature you listed.
    2. I also want the ability to split stacks in any menu.
    3. Vertical camera height adjustment.
    4. Auto-hide cursor (reappears in combat and/or hovering over an interactable).
    5. Turn off combat music, as mentioned above.
    6. More robust video options. I would like to adjust gamma, saturation and color bias. This is an accessibility concern (I'm photosensitive).
    7. Button reassignment.
    8. Grid display in inventory/craft bag.
    9. Mute NPC chatter, as mentioned above. NPCs are yelling over each other every where I go.
    10. LOADOUTS for gear, skills, and CP.
    11. Hide compass.
    12. Favorite collectibles so they appear at the top of the list.
    Edited by SickleCider on March 15, 2021 3:41PM
    ✨🐦✨ Blackfeather Court Commission ✨🐦✨
  • AlnilamE
    Destai wrote: »
    1. Change surveys and treasure maps to behave like antiquities. They'd still be consumable but on-use would be added to a new pane "Writs" and "Treasure Maps" in the journal.

    This would be very annoying because the Antiquities system doesn't handle duplicates, so if you get a survey or a map, you'd have to go get it right away before you do anything else that could generate a map or survey.

    What I would like is for them to make Treasure maps stackable like writs are, so I don't have to juggle bank, mail and inventory when I want to go treasure hunting.
    The Moot Councillor
  • hands0medevil
    I would love to be able to manage my guilds order. For example I want to set the last guild I joined as first guild in my order.

    Guild leaders should be able to set 1 house as a guild house but different than their main house if they want it. Guild window should have a button for teleport to guildhouse. In theory it makes teleporting to guild house easier and additionaly guild leader can set his/her main house different than guild house.
  • Magdalina
    Add a damn time tracker to daily dungeon/BGs already. Well - I'd much rather they reset at the same time like all the other normal dailies do, but while they don't, please at least give us a damn timer. Seriously, having to manually track when you did a dungeon to know when you can do a next one is insane. Same timer would be nice for loot boxes that have rewards on cooldown, such as daily IC quests rewards.
  • Wolfpaw
    Dual Specialization: skills, morphs, CP, & attributes. Ooc swap of course.
    Edited by Wolfpaw on March 15, 2021 4:45PM
  • Agenericname
    Beardimus wrote: »
    @Veinblood1965 your point 4. You know you can fast level it using the Dungeon cheevos right?

    I didn't for a long while and thought it was the pledges etc and that takes ages.

    If youre able to run the hard made, speed, and no death, the Undaunted Skill lines moves pretty fast. It usually takes me 3-4 days to hit 9.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I'm quite pleased with the number of nice QoL enhancements I've seen implemented the past couple years (like the whole outfit system). That said, there are other minor things I'd love to see:

    More warden bear skins.

    Let mounts swim.

    Hide any armor item instead of just helms.

    Upgrade the 'slapped on backpack' model 'saddlebags' on the older horses to something that looks like real saddlebags - several of the newer horses have such upgrades.

    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • Deathbat219
    I was thinking about creating a thread about QoL but you beat me to it :) Here are my sugestions:
    1. Ability to unlock both morphs of a skill (of course you'd have to use an additional skill point). This would make switching from magicka to stamina (and back) very easy and give players with hundreds of unspent skill points a reason to use them.
    2. Picking up surveys only once if you have more then one in you inventory. For example if you have 5 blacksmithing surveys for one spot you would only need to pick up the nodes once and the loot would be generated 5 times.
    3. Same thing as above but with treasure maps + treasure map stacking
    4. Probably the biggest one: A checkbox in the group finder that makes it possible to create "non standard" groups. If you have it checked then that would mean you can get a group of 4 dds, 1 tank + 3 dds, 1 healer + 3 dds or a normal group. If you don't have it checked then it would work as it is now.
    Edited by Deathbat219 on March 15, 2021 5:18PM
  • Araneae6537
    1. Love @Deathbat219’s suggestion to be able to unlock both morphs of a skill for an additional skill point and thus be able to swap between them! It would be useful for more than hybrids! There are ultimates, heals and other skills that I would be happy to have both morphs available on so I could switch depending on whether I’m doing content solo or with a group, PvP or PvE, etc.!

    2. Hide ANY armor slot, or at least the additional option for shoulders.

    3. Love @Destai’s suggestions about quests and quest-givers!!! Ad a newb I found it overwhelming and very confusing. Now it’s mostly just annoying.

    4. It would be great if motifs could show whether they were collected or not, not just whether or not they are known by the particular character. This information must be there since the styles will show under collectibles. I’d love to have this info for furnishing plans and recipes too but perhaps that info isn’t already account-wide like motifs are?

    5. Ability to search unknown motifs, recipes, etc.

    6. Remove unnecessary invisible walls from houses blocking access to rooves (Twin Arches), top of ceilings (Humblemud and many others) and full ledges of cliffs that can be climbed to (Gornir Estate).

    Thank you for the stickerbook and reconstruction ability — love it! Also thank you for precision placement of furnishings and for the recent update to inventory to remember where I was looking when I close and then open it again! :heart:
    Edited by Araneae6537 on March 15, 2021 5:56PM
  • Veinblood1965
    Beardimus wrote: »
    @Veinblood1965 your point 4. You know you can fast level it using the Dungeon cheevos right?

    I didn't for a long while and thought it was the pledges etc and that takes ages.

    I had no idea there was another way and you are correct it takes forever. What is a Dungeon cheevos? It sounds like a cereal!
  • Veinblood1965
    Beardimus wrote: »
    @Veinblood1965 your point 4. You know you can fast level it using the Dungeon cheevos right?

    I didn't for a long while and thought it was the pledges etc and that takes ages.

    I had no idea there was another way and you are correct it takes forever. What is a Dungeon cheevos? It sounds like a cereal!

    Ok nevermind you mean dungeon achievements lol. I didn't know there was extra UD points for those thanks!

    Btw some darn good ideas here all.
  • Destai
    First off not bashing ZoS, seriously there have been some nice improvements over the years, searchable guild traders for example was huge, but just a few things I ran into recently got me thinking so here are a few things I'd like to see implemented in the future.


    Any others wish list ideas?
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Destai wrote: »
    1. Change surveys and treasure maps to behave like antiquities. They'd still be consumable but on-use would be added to a new pane "Writs" and "Treasure Maps" in the journal.

    This would be very annoying because the Antiquities system doesn't handle duplicates, so if you get a survey or a map, you'd have to go get it right away before you do anything else that could generate a map or survey.

    What I would like is for them to make Treasure maps stackable like writs are, so I don't have to juggle bank, mail and inventory when I want to go treasure hunting.

    That's fair. I think it could be both - excess treasure maps could either remain as stackable consumables or charges similar to the base level leads. I feel like since the surveys are assigned to specific map locations, it's just a charge on a journal entry. You pop open the journal, go that zone and the treasure/survey nodes are then available as leads. You complete one, rezone, and it recharges until you have no more charges of that survey/map.
  • Stanx
    Would love to be able to create coffers/bags/containers to put somewhere in the region of 5-12 items in. Would make it a lot easier to sell full gear sets on guild trader and to organise things a little better.
  • Destai
    I was thinking about creating a thread about QoL but you beat me to it :) Here are my sugestions:
    1. Ability to unlock both morphs of a skill (of course you'd have to use an additional skill point). This would make switching from magicka to stamina (and back) very easy and give players with hundreds of unspent skill points a reason to use them.
    2. Picking up surveys only once if you have more then one in you inventory. For example if you have 5 blacksmithing surveys for one spot you would only need to pick up the nodes once and the loot would be generated 5 times.
    3. Same thing as above but with treasure maps + treasure map stacking
    4. Probably the biggest one: A checkbox in the group finder that makes it possible to create "non standard" groups. If you have it checked then that would mean you can get a group of 4 dds, 1 tank + 3 dds, 1 healer + 3 dds or a normal group. If you don't have it checked then it would work as it is now.

    These threads are created quite frequently and usually have the same qualms expressed in them. Sadly, the CMs have yet to respond to them to help us understand if our suggestions are possible or being considered.
  • Veinblood1965
    Destai wrote: »
    I was thinking about creating a thread about QoL but you beat me to it :) Here are my sugestions:
    1. Ability to unlock both morphs of a skill (of course you'd have to use an additional skill point). This would make switching from magicka to stamina (and back) very easy and give players with hundreds of unspent skill points a reason to use them.
    2. Picking up surveys only once if you have more then one in you inventory. For example if you have 5 blacksmithing surveys for one spot you would only need to pick up the nodes once and the loot would be generated 5 times.
    3. Same thing as above but with treasure maps + treasure map stacking
    4. Probably the biggest one: A checkbox in the group finder that makes it possible to create "non standard" groups. If you have it checked then that would mean you can get a group of 4 dds, 1 tank + 3 dds, 1 healer + 3 dds or a normal group. If you don't have it checked then it would work as it is now.

    These threads are created quite frequently and usually have the same qualms expressed in them. Sadly, the CMs have yet to respond to them to help us understand if our suggestions are possible or being considered.

    Possibly so, if so then that leaves the door open for a new Morph to come along and improve on this one. It happens to many a good company that has a good product sadly. I'd hate to see it happen this is an awesome game and you can tell that the people who work on this game put their heart and souls into it.
    Edited by Veinblood1965 on March 16, 2021 1:17PM
  • jaws343
    Destai wrote: »
    First off not bashing ZoS, seriously there have been some nice improvements over the years, searchable guild traders for example was huge, but just a few things I ran into recently got me thinking so here are a few things I'd like to see implemented in the future.


    Any others wish list ideas?
    AlnilamE wrote: »
    Destai wrote: »
    1. Change surveys and treasure maps to behave like antiquities. They'd still be consumable but on-use would be added to a new pane "Writs" and "Treasure Maps" in the journal.

    This would be very annoying because the Antiquities system doesn't handle duplicates, so if you get a survey or a map, you'd have to go get it right away before you do anything else that could generate a map or survey.

    What I would like is for them to make Treasure maps stackable like writs are, so I don't have to juggle bank, mail and inventory when I want to go treasure hunting.

    That's fair. I think it could be both - excess treasure maps could either remain as stackable consumables or charges similar to the base level leads. I feel like since the surveys are assigned to specific map locations, it's just a charge on a journal entry. You pop open the journal, go that zone and the treasure/survey nodes are then available as leads. You complete one, rezone, and it recharges until you have no more charges of that survey/map.

    That would infinitely be worse than it currently is. Right now, if I want to buy a bunch of Rivenspire maps I can do that and keep them in my mail. And then go out to farm them by farming the spot, pulling a new map out of my mail, riding out of sight to have the location reset and looting the map. Repeat. No loading screens, no zone changes. If I had to change zones between every map of the same kind, that would be awful. They really should just be stackable. They are functionally no different from resource surveys, which are stackable, and also require you to move out of range of the node location to reset.
  • Brrrofski
    Ok, so a more generic one.

    Daily dungeon/daily BG/mount upgrades - just make it refresh like writs and other dailies. Generic time of the day. I can't keep track of 20 hours time for all my characters and know when to do things. Just make is a standard time. Whatever it is.

    One for console specifically

    Group voice chat - this is such a nightmare. 9/10 I group with people on my guild. We like to chill in guild chat. When you group, if you don't reload ui before it, it puts you in group chat. The problem with that is, you lose chat channels fairly often when trying to switch back, and you don't have that chat channel until you restart the client. It's beyond annoying and has been brought up on the forums for YEARS. Like the option to change zone, please either add an option to join that chat or just make it so you stay in the one you chose.
    Edited by Brrrofski on March 16, 2021 1:29PM
  • Mojmir
    Jewelry hireling 3/3
  • Eirikir
    I'm a cheap date...

    1. Minor Heroism back on Carve
    2. Jewelry Hireling.
    3. (This is the OP pipedream) give Minor versions of the Werewolf buffs to wolves in human form, ie Minor Savagery, Brutality, and Resolve.
    Server: PS4-NA
    PSN: Eirikir
    Name: Eirikir "Erik" Kololf
    Alliance: Ebonheart Pact
    Race: Nord (Lycanthrope)
    Class: Dragonknight (Range DPS)
    Playstyle: Crafter, PVE, PVP, Roleplayer
  • Bignupie1911
    Crafting assistant to give surveys they "complete" them over 12 hour period and mail player the collected mats

    Jewelry hireling

    Give bank in Cryodiil same options as overland

    Storage slots included with homes
  • azjuwelz
    Combat metrics for console.
    Guildmaster of Nightmothers Deadly Deals

    PVE/PVP Stamblade: Ylandra Silverthorn
    PVE Magwarden healer: Raw'zl Dah Zel
    PVE DK Tank: Greta Feuerwerk
    PVP StamDK: Helga Feuerwerk
    PVP Necro Healer: Dratha Helbain
    PVE Magcro: Dorian Fey
    PVE Magblade: Arivssa Thaoral
    PVE Magsorc: Eldara Birchwood
  • volkeswagon
    Get rid of crown crates and just sell everything with crowns. Some people are prone to gambling and you are just promoting that and also causing some to question your business ethics. It's a disgusting aspect of your game. When I saw your apex mounts I was pretty angry. Not that I want any of those ugly things but i know there are gonna be some people who act foolishly (especially children) in their pursuit of them. ZOS needs to be responsible and do what's right for the community before they are eventually forced to by the government.
  • Snowstrider
    Reply option on mail
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