Hiya, I'm LF a exp healer and DD to join my TTT prog group.
While a NECRO or WARDEN for the healer and a stam NECRO dd would be preferred, we are currently open to any classes for either role, if people are playing classes they enjoy and understand, we will all have more fun and chances of achieving TTT will be higher.
The group plans to raid Sunday 3pm till 5pm UK with potentially another raid day (most of the group is very busy on other days so this is still under discussion).
If we can find a healer we will be starting on SUNDAY 21st MARCH so get in touch soon if you would like to join. If you are not selected to join the core group, we may need stand-ins for some weeks so it's worth still getting in touch. We have a DD who can potentially stand-in until a permanent dd is found so if you are a DD, don't be put off by this. We have been planning the group for a few weeks and would like to get started is all.
- vHOF HM experience, if you have some logs that would be great.
- Up to date gear for both Boss fights and Trash fights. as well as the subsequent consumables. If you are interested in joining but have not yet had time to fully farm the new dungeons, please still get in touch as the raid will be on Sunday hopefully and with the 30 campaigns ending this week, won't be an easier time to get geared. Myself and others can be willing to help you farm Kinras ect.
Stamina dds will most likely use Rele+ Kinras on bosses and Kinras+Levi/AY/Mechanical with master 2h on trash to give you and idea of what you will need.
- Discord (we will be using English).
- Positive mentality.
- End game PvE raiding experience.
Experience raiding as a STAMINA dd (it's a stam group). You do not necessarily have to have experience in vHOF as a stamina DD but if you do that would be nice however if you know the place well in a Magicka group, adjusting to stam won't be too difficult.
Experience using both RO/JORV and EC/SPC (these are the two healer setups we will be going with as things currently stand). The other healer would like to go EC/SPC so if you are well versed in RO/JORV it would be great. Further perks if you are comfortable using peals however this is also not a deal-breaker.
If you have any questions, please get in touch. After TTT the group will hopefully go onto other progressions so if you enjoy playing Stamina but have been struggling to find a group progging end game trifecta completions, this is the group for you.
If you can't comment on the forums or would like to just dm anyway, my discord is Dill#8311.