Hello, there seem to be something wrong in grahtwood area of southpoint
I noticed a abnormal number of bodies of npc in the ground (like, they're aren't getting cleaned)
I when I got close with my nightblade, My game froze, and since then I can't log in In my nightblade
When I try to log, it gives an 334 error, and goes back to log in screen
If I try Again the game just freezes or gives a series of connection errors, (304, 307 etc...)
Sometimes it even just don't idenfy the error, just say a connectivity issue
And it's only affecting my nightblade, my other chars can connect normally
Already tried to deactvate all my add ons, but the problem persists
I don't know what is really wrong in the area, becouse i couldn't investigate, my game froze b4 i could do anything
So, After many tries i managed to log my nighblade
And with that i could investigate
I don't know really what happening bit it seems that the NPC are spawning idefinetly and people are killing them continuously (It's like the're stuck in a loop)
WHen I get near the area i get HUGE perfomance loss - Thats why i think My game crashed, and that rarely happens usually
That's what i got