I've posted before about how I've been playing my Templar character. I created him as a kind of thought experiment. His back story is that he's ME, taken from Earth by Molag Bal as part of a plan to gain access to our reality. However, Molag Bal was thwarted by Azura, who diverted his spell, causing me to appear in Vvardenfell.
At that point, I started playing the character keeping in mind the question, what would I REALLY do if I found myself in this situation... and I kept a journal. I made entries over the course of several years, the thing was almost 300 pages. I had a copy on my laptop, and a backup on a USB stick.
I bought a new laptop, so I transferred the updated file to the USB, and traded my old laptop for the new one. When I plugged in the USB stick, I selected the file to transfer it to the new laptop... and the USB died. Completely inaccessible. YEARS of work... gone (and that's not including any of the OTHER stuff on that USB, including thesis work and almost 100 journals I'd downloaded for the thesis... Luckily, that was largely backed up on my desktop PC).
So, I've been trying to recreate the journal. I've been kind of avoiding the character since then because I want to pick up where I left off... but I can't remember what he's done, and in what order.
My question is for the developers or whoever is relevant:
Is there some way to know what my character has DONE? Like, a list of missions he's completed, and when?
If not, is there some way to reset the character's quest progress WITHOUT deleting all his unlocked stuff (like motifs, collectibles, skills and so on)?
Exploring Tamriel since 1994.