Fulfilling the daily crafting writs, in my opinion, gets really boring at some point. How could they make it more interesting without becoming more time consuming?
Maybe it would already help if there was a 1%, 5%, 10% possibility when creating an item that you would by chance get a green, blue, purple or even golden item (with random Traits)?
Any other ideas?
volkeswagon wrote: »I find writs are easy and quick now. Providing a little more gold would be nice instead of just 4600. Even an even 5k would be nice. And better rewards. Sometimes the rewards are good but other times they aren't so maybe making rewards more consistent. I do writs on 18 toons so I can get the gold, surveys, master writs and gold mats.
volkeswagon wrote: »I find writs are easy and quick now. Providing a little more gold would be nice instead of just 4600. Even an even 5k would be nice. And better rewards. Sometimes the rewards are good but other times they aren't so maybe making rewards more consistent. I do writs on 18 toons so I can get the gold, surveys, master writs and gold mats.
Sturmfaenger wrote: »What use would it have to need to craft white gear and then get purple when crafting? I would not be able to hand it in for the quest.
etchedpixels wrote: »It's a game. If they are boring why are you doing them ?
spartaxoxo wrote: »They could let you do an OPTIONAL crafting mini game for the hope of getting extra stuff. Nothing crazy that would make people to feel obligated to do it on all their characters. But just small things that would be be nice to have, and would make it more interesting. Like maybe a small amount of furnishing material, green treasure trash with relatable flavor text, maybe green or blue furnishing plans from that zone, that kind of thing.
For me the Vanguard crafting mini games have been the only fun crafting implementation in MMORPGs.
Fulfilling the daily crafting writs, in my opinion, gets really boring at some point. How could they make it more interesting without becoming more time consuming?
Maybe it would already help if there was a 1%, 5%, 10% possibility when creating an item that you would by chance get a green, blue, purple or even golden item (with random Traits)?
Any other ideas?
More rewards wouldn't make the writs "more interesting", though. Doing them would be exactly the same.
For me, every town that has all the crafting tables should have writ boards and drop-off points. A change of scenery's nice, being able to do your writs wherever you happen to be, and spending a bit more time in unfamiliar places is good instead of visiting once and then heading back to a writ-enabled town. I don't know about anyone else but I never pick up writs in one place and then head off somewhere else to do them, then head back to turn them in. I don't even know what the point of having a town with all the writ tables but no pick-up or drop-off points is.
I would love to have random Motifs, maybe 1/2 the rate for Legendary materials. Or something to this effect. That would spice daily writs up, at least for me who's a casual player who doesnt always have time to farm motifs. It'd be a pleasant surprise.
I would like an option to get craft quest to choose lets say as weekly to do instead dayli every day...albe only to do on master crafter with ofc something more to craft in order to get better rewards as this wont be single quest per week and it will disable daily crafts for you if you will do it
like you will need to create full gear from set which will need more traits to lern or even option for monthly quest avaible on for grandmaster crafters with or hight rewards with high requirments to do or with chance for something even better with not to low requirments to do for this quest
I would like an option to get craft quest to choose lets say as weekly to do instead dayli every day...albe only to do on master crafter with ofc something more to craft in order to get better rewards as this wont be single quest per week and it will disable daily crafts for you if you will do it
like you will need to create full gear from set which will need more traits to lern or even option for monthly quest avaible on for grandmaster crafters with or hight rewards with high requirments to do or with chance for something even better with not to low requirments to do for this quest
If I understand you correctly, that means you would have the choice to either do the normal dailies or do a bigger task for the entire week with better rewards?
That would somehow be a little unfair to the hardworking craftsmen who do their jobs every day. You may need more materials and skills for the big weekly task, but in the end it would mean that 1x work/week pays off more than 7x work/week.
Instead tryharding for daily these crafts then you could choose to make it as weekly quest with bigger work so with bigger reward and as it would be not that hard to sacriface time, supplies for 1 bigger task every week/month
I dont think people would be happy seeing that other can do daily writs along with weekly which could have similiar reward as all these dailys from 7 days making you able to get craft rewards from 14 days in total in just 7 days
and tbh and with this big reward it would be also logical with big task which need you to take a week you wont be able/have time for dailys because you "will be busy at big task" :P for big reward
@FlopsyPrince Console brother, I take 5 minutes per char on console to craft daily writs. The lastest changes to daily writs tool tips made my routine even more efficient. I will be honest with you: where I loose most time is on log in/log off.FlopsyPrince wrote: »(...) Nice that you can use addons. Those should be in the game itself so all can benefit, not just those on the PC!(...)
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »ditto with "non-usable" stuff like tiaras/earrings/etc. They'd have to be added to general crafting. And why would anyone make them?
Kiralyn2000 wrote: »So if you wanted to add the chance for gear to end up green/blue/purple/gold... that would be part of general crafting. And some enterprising guys with Craft Bags full of 10's of K of materials could bulk produce stuff, then break down the results to get the upgrade materials to sell on the market.
PizzaCat82 wrote: »So OP just wants them to get more interesting rewards?
Personally I'd like to not have to carry a week's worth of armor and weapons in my inventory, so maybe they can make quest related crafting a bit more quicker like our fortunate PC counterparts.