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Main problem with combat system in ESO is that its so unintuitive.I will explain what I mean exactly in several sections:

1.Armor skill lines
2.Weapon skill lines
3.Class skill lines

1.Lets start with armor skill lines.Armor is devided by weight class into light, medim and heavy.Armor should offer increased level of protection based on increase in weight class.As the weight class of armor increases so should the hindrance of both movment and actions taken.

*Light armor in ESO provides crit chance,whay?What makes light armor so critical hehe?It also provides penetration.What makes light armor so penetrative,silky gloves?New penalty adds more dmg taken,should it not be reflected on items by lowering the armor number instead?But we have mag dmg reduction,so if someone swallows your soul it will hurt less if you wear light armor?
These are unintuitive and can confuse new players.Lets say you are new player and you want to increase your crit chance.You go to your armor skill line? and you can increase penetration there to ok?
I am playign since day one and I still have a problem with that logic...

*Medium armor provides weapon dmg...Yes you hit extra hard the more medium you go I guess...
It also provides crit chance...Medium armor makes critical I guess...
There is no evasion tho...

*Heavy armor has no penalty for actions and skills,as its the same to swing 2H sword wearing light armor or heavy armor?But it also gives no bonus to dmg...If you smack someone with 2H its same as wearing light armor?No penalty on movment speed, it matters not its just heavy armor...No ressistance to KD effects

These above are some passives that are not intuitive imo and should be changed to better reflect logic bahind weight in armor class.

2.Weapon skill passives should reflect offensive nature of certain weapon.Here we should find crit chance,weapon,spell dmg,penetration.Atm we have those on armor skill lines...
Also imo here we should have difrent flavor passives for difrent weapon types.

* Lets talk about basic attacks:light, medium and heavy.First lets say that I would like to put a small cost on each weapon attack action in stamina which would increase for medium and heavy attack.This is what block system uses atm,but it should difer in cost its not same if you block light attack or heavy attack.Blocking heavy attack should cost more.

*Now to the problem with light attack.Yes weaving in my opinion is the problem.LA weave is an action you cant see,it just happens under skill cast but provides 10-15-20k DPS...
So basicly when your tooon looks like its twiching and lagging you are doing more DPS...Imo thats stupid.I like ESO with lots of actions,but I also like when these actions play out.
I wold not like for combat to look and feal clunky but I would like to see this twiching meta fixed it just destroys DPS build diversity with free DPS from invisible LA spamm.I am not sure if ZOS can fix this,or how,but it makes alot of problems high ping low fps and poof your house dummy DPS is no more.

*Heavy attacks should be made more fun to use and add extra benifits for chaining them.Heavy attacks should not restore mag or stam it just makes no sense...When you swing 2h maul at someone its tireing process you should just pay stamina for making heavy attack and not receving resourcess back...
When you make consecutive heavy attacks you should get special bonuses for up to 3 times.Example 1st heavy attack with 2H axe bleeds the target,2nd attack adds another bleed and reducess the duration by 2 sec increasing in intensity,3rd attack finishes the chain by adding final bleed and reducing the duration by another 2 sec increasing the intensity.When you reach max intensity you just add to the duration to promote rotation and not lazy bleed stacking.Lets say its 20k bleed for 10sec,2nd attack you have 40k bleed for 8sec and last 3rd attack for 60k bleed for 6sec minus the amount that ticked during your attack execution.Sword heavy attack could have weapon,spell dmg increase based on % of missing hp again 3 stacks max to promote rotation if not just increase in duration but not intensity.
Mace should have penetration stacks again 3 max duration not intensity above 3.
It is just my take on it but sure something should be done to promote other playstiles and make them fun to play.

*I would redesign crit dmg so it does not affect dots just direct skill, weapon dmg and healing.So bleeds would not crit but endless haill ticks will crit,burns will not crit but elemental blockade ticks will and so on.I would also make crit a number not %.Each time when you crit you do lets say 2k crit dmg and crit dmg bonus then aplies just to that number not whole skill dmg.Its something ZOS would have to calculate and balance the value of that base crit dmg.With that system ZOS should not be afraid of crit chance as is now because it would not be so multiplicative as is now,much more managable.

3.Classes pasive skills will not go far and wide but will offer few examples.The main goal would be to provide the class identity lots of flavor.

*Lets take Dargonknight and give it passive in Ardent flame that makes all weapons wielded by DK do flame dmg and scale of spell dmg and max magicka.Same thing could be done for NB with poison dmg and Warden with frost dmg.
NB could have bonus dmg when attacking from bahind.Basicly let each class do same thing in a difrent way and if needed make more then 4 passive skills...

4.Stats should all be important,no more "useless" stats.

*Lets say ZOS makes new class the Barbarian.Barbarian could use HP and weapon dmg for skill and weapon dmg but also pay HP for skills.Basicly making HP regen as mag stam regen for this class.

I think combat in ESO is unintuitive armor provides penetration, dmg and crit.Weapons provide cost reduction.Your run speed in heavy armor is same as is in light armor.Invisible light attacks do 15k DPS,visible heavy attacks do low DPS but they give resourcess back...
Classes do not have something special that separates them from the rest its very generic.
This game needs more viable options to do dmg, heal and tank to play basicly...
Combat team is doing good job,all things they change is for better but over all they avoid change to unintuitive combat mechanics and skills.Class identity needs to improve and some hard moves and cuts need to happen imo.I realy hope they will do the right thing not something that will make most people happy,but atm its not looking good sadly...
  • nesakinter
    Well, NBs do get extra damage from behind. I get your idea with critical damage thing as well but essentially ZOS has gone with how every other RPG does it.
  • spacebandit
    This probably isn’t lore friendly but the way I make sense of it is magic is all around characters and light armor let’s the magic circulate around you better.

    For stamina the extra crit and weapon damage comes from being very angry about being chafed from wearing leather.

    I try not to think about heavy armor. So I just play stupid there. For heavy attacks and light attacks the damage they do makes sense kind of. If someone stabbed you really quickly it would do a lot of damage but if someone reared back and went to strike you with everything they had if you were wielding something yourself you would find a way to parry the attack or something.

    Perhaps there should be a positioning bonus for heavy attacks but that would just make the game a heavy attack Meta. Unless they nerfed the crap out of light attacks and leave heavy. Then it would be better to just spam skills.

    That is about as far as I got into your mini booklet of stuff. Sorry I got bored.
    Edited by spacebandit on March 10, 2021 7:57PM
  • Bodycounter
    Except for class identity i disagree with everything you wrote. ESO plays in a world where magic exists so it's only natural that closing can be enchanted to give certain boni. That's the whole reason why set items can exist, otherwise everyone would be running around with normal clothing without any stats being attached to it except for its weight and resistances?

    Light armor being magicka based, medium armor being stamina based and heavy armor being health based makes sense for a game with three resources (excluding ultimate) and gives every player a clear path. They can further minmax their armor by enchanting it and giving it a trait or even combining different weights of armor for their build. Weapon skill lines improve ressource management and damage, their distinction between magicka and stamina based are easy to grasp.

    For beginners:
    • Tank: Heavy Armor, Health, Sword and Shield
    • Healer: Light Armor, Magicka, Restoration Staff
    • Magicka DPS: Light Armor, Magicka, Destruction Staff
    • Stamina DPS: Medium Armor, Stamina, Melee Weapon and/or Bow
    • Every class can wear any armor/weapon type or fill any role
    That should actually be really easy to grasp. With more experience you are able to make hybrid builds, tanks with Destruction Staffs or even stamina-based healers. So there's alot more progression/variety than in other MMOs where you are completely set on your role, armor and weapong type just by the choice of your class.
    Edited by Bodycounter on March 11, 2021 10:30AM
  • Ryuvain
    Basic logic was backwards in this game since forever. They just decided to build on the backwards logic.

    I remember they wanted to make light, medium, and heavy attacks make sense. Heavy is the highest damage while light gives resource, but the collective REEEEEEEE killed that. Lol.

    Idk, I would've tried it. Better logic too.
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Jayserix
    I guess you guys forgot one thing : This isn't real life, this is a fantasy world, with fantasy rules and all that.

    Don't take things too seriously
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