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PvP Damage has a problem beyond "procs"... can we look at it?

I put it simple, and I did a little bit of rounding off... but the bottom line is there is just no reward for having higher damage. (so people use proc sets, and look for cheesy ways to get kills)

All other things being equal.
If I have 2200 spell damage a skill tool tips for 8500
If I double that spell damage to 4400 that skill tool tips up to 11700

However, since we are in PvP we cut that in half. so now it's 4250 vs 5850 or about 27% difference. (100% increase or 50% really since Max resourceis in the equation also, results in only 27% dmg increase)

yet take it farther. It's not 2017 anymore, Player health is a bit higher than they used to be, many over 30k.
The difference between 2200 spell damage and 4400 spell damage when hitting a guy with 30k health is about 5%

and now with CP changes, we are losing like up to 34% on heavy and light attacks, 4500 penetration, 24% Direct Damage etc...
which is being replaced in the new CP by like 200 spell damage for Direct Attacks or DOT attacks (which is essentially meaningless)

I didn't even include the other damage reducing modifiers which are certainly more than the damage increasing modifiers, and yet the point remains the same. We are talking the difference in killing someone in PvP with low spell damage is hitting them 8x, while high spell damage is hitting them 7x.

There is so little value to having 5000+ spell damage, when you can have 2500 damage do only slightly less damage and be superior in every other way. It's been this way for a while, but with so many damage nerfs being done to the game, and removal of so many proc based damage sets... we are looking at not a whole lot of variation on how to play the game. Just play the most survivable toon you can put together because damage isn't that big of difference
  • LeonNoir
    If I have 2200 spell damage a skill tool tips for 8500
    If I double that spell damage to 4400 that skill tool tips up to 11700

    does anyone have an exact formula for how to calculate this?

  • SeaArcanist
    damage should technically be higher for tanks. you left alot of info out when ti comes to "mitigation" as well

    tool tip might be lower but w/o champ percentile damage mitigations, and champ resistance buff, arguably not as much damage is being mitigated as before. and in some cases, such as tanky players, this damage is actually higher than in 1.0.

    that being said though. it is for sure NOT balanced by any means. and ruins pvp none the less
  • SeaArcanist
    Ill be using "Order of opperations" to assist my calculations!

    a x b x c= X(where as in, regardless of what order a,b, and c are in, the end result will be the same)

    so "sum total effective WD x Tool multiple x champ 1.0 percentile buff"= your damage in champ 1.0 before mitigations

    so lets say 3,400x (tool tip) x 20% (physical increase via champ 1.0)

    Even w/o knowing tool tip, we can already asses if 1.0 or 2.0's damage for said tank will be higher or lower

    1.0)- "3,800 x 1.2 (20%) x tooltip= X"

    2.0 (adds 1,000 wd and increases primary resource, so effective WD is more in the range of 5,200 (+200 from stamina increase, +1,000from 2.0 wd buff)

    "5,200 x tool tip = X"

    TOOL TIP for both 2.0 and 1.0 is the same, so we can effectively remove this form the equation and still get an accurate reading, percentile wise, on which one is higher.

    with tool tip removed out of the equation we get this

    3,800 x 1.2 =x

    5,200 = x

    3,800x1.2 =4560

    5,200 = 5,200

    as you can see, these flat value buffs in 2.0 ACTUALLY made lower WD/SD players stronger, by a fair ammount. the sum total of these number will then be multiplied by tool tip multiple to get the end result for tool tip damage. since tool tip multiple is the same in 2.0 AND 1.0, regardless of what number tool tip is, it matters not. 2.0's damage is still higher. and as explained, due to order of opperations. it matters not what order these go in, the end result will be the same regardless of f it were "Tool tipx percentage x wd. or wdx tooltip x percentage.

    we can now deduce for tanky players who had less than 4,400 base WD, you actually got buffed this patch as opposed to a damage nerf. where as higher end damage players may have see no increase OR a decrease.

  • SeaArcanist
    and thats not even factoring in the NEW champ passives that increase damage even further.
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