I have hit a story breaking bug, where I cannot proceed past the 'protect Svana' objective, while in the nursery in the undergrove on 'The Gray Host' story quest. I kill the two enemies that spawn with the witch pike, but then it just sits in a loop. I cannot kill the pike, it keeps regenerating health faster than you can damage it, and Svana just stays down on one knee while the boss/werewolf is stuck up on their platform casting the harrowstorm spell. I have power-cycled the ps4, restarted the game, left the zone and come back and abandoned and re-started the quest, all with no effect, game still gets stuck in the exact same place.
I can no longer progress in the main storyline as a result of this bug. I have contacted support but they have been completely useless, and even have mistaken what point in the story I am encountering this bug (there is a known bug for 'Talk to Svana' in another story quest, this is not the bug I am encountering). Hoping someone on here has encountered this on PS4 also?