Impact of CP changes on mid level CP ranks?

I've played ESO on and off since release, but never cared for the CP grind. I think I last played about a year ago, and had reached the high 600s or low 700s in CP. With the recent change to the CP trees and how they are spread out for more than just character combat power, I was curious how much CP is required to max out the the warfare tree. Also am curious as to the general impact of high CP vs low/mid CP in Cyrodiil. CP capped players have always had a pretty significant advantage over non capped players, so I'm interested in how much that impacts things after update 29.

  • HalvarIronfist
    I've played ESO on and off since release, but never cared for the CP grind. I think I last played about a year ago, and had reached the high 600s or low 700s in CP. With the recent change to the CP trees and how they are spread out for more than just character combat power, I was curious how much CP is required to max out the the warfare tree. Also am curious as to the general impact of high CP vs low/mid CP in Cyrodiil. CP capped players have always had a pretty significant advantage over non capped players, so I'm interested in how much that impacts things after update 29.


    Well, I can say I went from being a CP 950 before the update that had no trouble doing 1vx, and taking extensive duels, to getting rolled in the new update by anyone with 300-400+ more CP than me, didnt matter what I did or even how mechanically bad the player was.
  • nublife01
    Dude yea if you're not 1400 cp like 600 levels above the previous cap you are getting rolled by anyone 1400cp+. Even if youre 1200cp you're still getting rolled. the 1400cp is like a minimum needed. It is the absolute most moronic change I have ever seen made to the game. Who on god's green earth wants to go grind 600 levels of exp. Not to mention that technically with the exp we have already grinded, an 810cp player should be level 1200cp so we have been robbed of a ridiculous amount of exp too. I and a great deal of others have been posting on the forums about this hoping they at least adjust everyone's cp level to the experience amount they have grinded though I highly doubt they will actually do this because its ZoS. They made this change because the casual player that is most likely to buy from their real money store is cp 400. But that still means a cp 400 player has to grind 1000 levels of cp to be relevant in cp pvp. Who wants to grind 1000 levels?! Like it's actually a ridiculous 0 brain change.
  • darvaria
    nublife01 wrote: »
    Dude yea if you're not 1400 cp like 600 levels above the previous cap you are getting rolled by anyone 1400cp+. Even if youre 1200cp you're still getting rolled. the 1400cp is like a minimum needed. It is the absolute most moronic change I have ever seen made to the game. Who on god's green earth wants to go grind 600 levels of exp. Not to mention that technically with the exp we have already grinded, an 810cp player should be level 1200cp so we have been robbed of a ridiculous amount of exp too. I and a great deal of others have been posting on the forums about this hoping they at least adjust everyone's cp level to the experience amount they have grinded though I highly doubt they will actually do this because its ZoS. They made this change because the casual player that is most likely to buy from their real money store is cp 400. But that still means a cp 400 player has to grind 1000 levels of cp to be relevant in cp pvp. Who wants to grind 1000 levels?! Like it's actually a ridiculous 0 brain change.

    ^ YES

    Well I came back to ESO because I was basically "maxed". It's not worth the time to become competitive. The ONLY way I will stay is if they sell CP upgrades in the Crown Store. And not experience. POINT UPGRADES.

    Edited by darvaria on March 14, 2021 10:49AM
  • rbfrgsp
    They could have spent time developing more intricate PvE boss encounters to really challenge endgamers. They could have kept the level limits the same but raised the skill requirement ceiling to include more advanced cooperative play to make some content truly exclusive. They could have stayed true to the roleplay element of their "mmorpg" and let you feel a sense of authentic character development.

    But instead your flawless conqueror sunspire ascendent now requires two tugs to pull that corn flower out if the ground.
    Edited by rbfrgsp on March 15, 2021 9:54AM
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