Quest : XOOXOXOX Quest Giver: XOOXOXOX
Journal Entry X
Objective: XOOXOXOX
Journal Entry 2
I need to locate the three forbidden tomes before someone less capable stumbles upon them.
Depending on the "Order of the Tasks Objectives in your Journal Entry for the 2nd task" There are alternative locations for each objective to be found. To use the correct clue, look at what your Journal Entry looks like, if the order of the objectives is like the picture below, use one of the 3 "sr" under it.
Objective: Collect Ritual of Resonance
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the center of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book south of Mistral, after crossing the two suspended bridges, on the side of the road near a flock of sheep and a khajiit shepherd
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Objective: Collect Journal of Bravam Lythandas
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the North West of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book, it can be found behind a road wall on the only traveled road leading towards the Windcatcher Plantation when arriving from the center of Khenarthi's Roost.
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Objective: Collect Masterwork of the Inducer
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the South East of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book, It's located in the center between Temple of the Crescent Moons, Speckled Shell Plantation and Eagle's Strand.
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Journal Entry 3
I have all three forbidden tomes. I should search for the shrine Cartirinque mentioned when she first appeared.
Objective: Find the Ruined Shrine
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
Its like the forbidden books are repelling me away from the North West of the Island, could it be that they fear the flames of the Ruined Shrine?.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque whispers from the beyond to head towards the Ruined Shrine that is between Windcatcher Plantation and the Nest of harpies on the circular road surrounded by destroyed ruins.
Vision Clue
Journal Entry 4
I should investigate the ancient shrine and see what must be done to destroy the books.
Objective: Search the Shrine
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
Another Soul around the Shrine seeks the books.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
You barely overhear a Khajiit nearby: "Shrine .... lit.... ever-burning flame ...where..." The books somehow compel you to cross path with them.
Vision Clue
Journal Entry 5
Sahira-daro, a Khajiit seeking the forbidden tomes, says Cartirinque is a spirit sent to test mortals. I should speak with the spirit and learn the truth.
Objective: Talk to Cartirinque
Journal Entry 6
I must decide whether to believe Cartirinque or Sahira-daro.
Objective: Give the Tomes to Sahira-daro or Burn the Tomes in the Shrine's Brazier
Journal Entry 7
I must decide whether to believe Cartirinque or Sahira-daro.
Objective: Give the Tomes to Sahira-daro or Burn the Tomes in the Shrine's Brazier
Journal Entry 8
(If you gave the books to Sahira-daro)
After she offered to pay me for the forbidden tomes, I gave them to Sahira-daro. I should see what she has to offer.
Objective: Talk to Sahira-daro
(If you destroyed the books)
I destroyed the tomes as Cartirinque asked. I should speak with her and see if there is anything more that must be done.
Objective: Talk to Cartirinque
Zone Side Quests are Found on the Same Map as you accepted the quests.