Quest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra
Officer Lorin of the Thralmor is looking into the fire. She said that the plantation's owners might know more about the matter. I should talk to Azbi-ra.
Objective: Talk to Azbi-ra
Latest start Azbi-ra asked me to salvage any alchemical tools from the wreckage of her family's moon-sugar storehouses. She hopes to trade them for healing magic to save her father.
Objective: Salvage alchemical tools
Optional Step: Talk to Officer Lorin
Hidden Objective: Scorched Workbench
Hidden Objective: Smoldering Alchemical Tools
Hidden Objective: Charred Workbench
While searching for alchemical tools in the burned moon-sugar storehouses, I encountered a Khajiit named Zaban-ma. I should ask if he knows what happened to the plantation.
Objective: Talk to Zaban-ma
Zaban-ma discovered his sister Azbi-ra brewing skooma, a dangerous drug. He set the fire to destroy her alchemical tools. He saw his sister bury skooma on the beach nearby, and asked me to collect it for him.
Objective: Find the Skooma
When I recovered the skooma from the beach, I was attacked by a Crosstree Bandit. I should return to Azbi-ra and determine what should be done with the skooma.
Objective: Talk to Zaban-ma
When I returned to Zaban-ma, I encountered Officer Lorin again. She wants to speak with me. I should do so before I do anything with the skooma.
Objective: Talk to Officer Lorin
Officer Lorin believes I'm involved in a skooma-brewing operation. I need to decide whether to hand over the skooma or refuse to say anything.
Objective: Decide the Fate of the Family
☑ I gave the skooma to Officer Lorin. I should speak with her and see what's going to happen to Azbi-ra and Zaban-ma.
Objective: Talk to Officer Lorin
☑ I kept the skooma from Officer Lorin. She had no evidence and decided to leave Azbi-ra and Zaban-ma to mourn. I should give the skooma to Zaban-ma for disposal.
Objective: Bring the skooma to Zaban-ma
Quest : ---QUEST NAME--- Quest Giver: ---NAME OF THE QUEST GIVVER---
Line 1 :
Quest: ---QUEST NAME---
Line 2 :
Line 3 :
Line 4 :
Line 5 :
Line 6 :
Quest : The Family Business Quest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra
Line 1 :
Quest: The Family Business
Line 2 :
Quest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra
Line 3 :
Journal Entry 1
Line 4 :
Officer Lorin of the Thralmor is looking into the fire. She said that the plantation's owners might know more about the matter. I should talk to Azbi-ra.
Line 5 :
Objective:Talk to Azbr-ra
Line 6 :
Objective:Talk to Azbr-ra, She is tending to her father in the only house in sight that is still standing and has not been touched by the fire.
Quest: The Family BusinessQuest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-raJournal Entry 1Officer Lorin of the Thralmor is looking into the fire. She said that the plantation's owners might know more about the matter. I should talk to Azbi-ra.Objective:Talk to Azbr-raObjective:Talk to Azbr-ra, She is tending to her father in the only house in sight that is still standing and has not been touched by the fire.
PS if you can find mistakes on quesat youc an let the UESP know or edit it yourself.
Thse USE of XOXOX is to faciliatate the visablity of the template and the search function when writing quests.
The use of PinKiller addon is nessasary or UI Hider, for quest descriptions creations.
Here is a Template and Explanation how to make Immersive Quest Descriptions
1. On the UESP Page, Find a Quest that you would like to add the Immersive Quest Descriptions, preferably one that has not already been done, Copy the "Quest Name" information to the "XOXOXOXQuestNameXOXOXOX" of the following line of Code underneath :
[img][/img] [b]Quest: XOXOXOXQuestNameXOXOXOX[/b]
Copy that whole line to Line 1
Example :
[img][/img] [b]Quest: The Family Business[/b]
What it will look like:
Quest: The Family BusinessQuest taken for the Example
2. On the UESP Page for the Quest, Copy the "Quest Giver" information to the "XOXOXOXQuestGiverXOXOXOX" in the following line of Code underneath :
[b]Quest Giver: [i]XOXOXOXQuestGiverXOXOXOX[/i][/b]
Copy that whole line to Line 2
Example :
Quest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra
[b]Quest Giver: [i]Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra[/i][/b]
What it will look like:
Quest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-raQuest taken for the Example
3.To get an overview of the quest read the UESP detailed Walkthrough. Write down any Complications to be aware of when making the "Immersive Quest Descriptions", like when a quest has multiple start points.
Add a Journal Entry number starting with the number 1 to the "XOX###XOX" In the following line of Code underneath :
[b]Journal Entry XOX###XOX[/b]
Copy that whole line to Line 3
Example :
[b]Journal Entry 1[/b]
What it will look like:
Journal Entry 1Quest taken for the Example
At the UESP Quests Page, go to the Bottom Section of the page that is Titled "Quest Stages" that looks like this:

Copy the First Line of Text Underneath the "[/b]Journal Entry[/b]"
Enter it to "XOXOXQuestStageJournalEntryQuestTaskDescriptionXOXOX" In the following line of Code underneath :
Copy that whole line to Line 4
Example :
[b]Officer Lorin of the Thralmor is looking into the fire. She said that the plantation's owners might know more about the matter. I should talk to Azbi-ra.[/b]
What it will look like:
Officer Lorin of the Thralmor is looking into the fire. She said that the plantation's owners might know more about the matter. I should talk to Azbi-ra.Quest taken for the Example
At the UESP Quests Page, go to the Bottom Section of the page that is Titled "Quest Stages"

Copy the Text after the word "
Objective:" for the appropriate Quest Journal Entry.
Enter it to "XOXOXQuestObjectiveTaskXOXOX" In the following line of Code underneath :
Copy that whole line to Line 5
Example :
[b]Objective:[/b][i]Talk to Azbr-ra[/i]
What it will look like:
Objective:Talk to Azbr-raQuest taken for the Example
** If multiple quest starters, repeat these steps for each possible Quest Giver in the "Journal Entry Task" that is different.
Find the starting point of the quest from the earliest possible point by finding the Correct NPC to start it from.
*** The blue Arrow :

This Blue Arrow indicates a later Start to that Quest on the UESP "Journal Finishes Quest" Table.
Quest taken for the Example
Start the Quest and Read and/or listen to all the NPC lines until a Task is written in the Quest Journal that matches what you have already copied previously.
Talk again to the NPC and discover all the speech lines that they have for you.
Optional : Talk to the NPCs around the quest giver and read the Books nearby for possible clues and lore for this quest.
Open your Quest journal and read the summery of the quest description and its objectives description.
Now try to solve the current quest objective with only the information provided in quest journal and other lore your have found while you have: (No Map Quest Markers, No Compass Quest Markers, No Pins in 3d World, Optional: Make everyone invisible with Khajiit mode from Bandits addon, not to get clues from other people doing the same quest and running straight to the correct direction because they have the Quest Markers On) You can Toggle your UI with " Ultimate UI hider Addon".
If you can easily solve the current Quest Task and if its obvious where to go and what to do, without the need to look at the Quest Markers Skip to Part xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
If you answers Yes to any of the questions below go to 6.0 :
Are you kind of lost having to run into a random direction and hoping it’s the correct one in order to solve the quests with no clue where to go?
Are you needing to toggle your UI to see in which direction the Quest markers are pointing you to go?
Is the Quest Objective Task so vague that is leaves you clueless what to do unless you use the Quest Markers?
Now, turn back your UI to have the Quest Markers ON in order to know where and what information you could include for an immersive experience while solving the current Quest Objective.
You get to write whatever you deem would be in the flavor of the current quest as a more immersive Journal Entry objective description in order to transform the questing into an immersive experience where you explore and adventure with given clues in order to solve the quest objective at hand, all without the use of the Magical GPS quest markers pointing you the way.
Add whatever piece of information is missing that the NPC or the player would know by talking to the NPC that was left out because ESO relies so much on the Quest markers and the magical GPS to get you to the intendent quest objective.
What usually works:
Making it sound like directions someone might have given to you.
Information where the location is roughly relative to a landmark, a river, a city, or some other settlement or place of interest that is recognizable.
Also note that some quests with ambiguous descriptions could be left alone because they are meant to be riddles and some quests are meant to make the player search and solve them.
Keeping the information added as lore friendly as possible.
Once you have decided what information should be added to the Quest Journal Objective description in order to solve the quest without the use of the Magical Quest markers or compass,
Let's say you decided that the quest objective is to vague with just "Talk to Azbr-ra" because you have no clue where she is and a hint would be helpful.
Example of hint: Talk to Azbr-ra, She is tending to her father in the only house in sight that is still standing and was not touched by the fire.
Write it in the following Format:
I will label Your Immersion Quest Task Objective as XOXOXYourImmersiveQuestTasksObjectiveXOXOX
Copy the Line 5 and Add a Comma "
, " and then Add XOXOXYourImmersiveQuestTasksObjectiveXOXOX right after the Comma.
Line 5 , "XOXOXYourImmersiveQuestTasksObjectiveXOXOX"
Line 5 :
Objective:Talk to Azbr-ra ,
XOXOXYourImmersiveQuestTasksObjectiveXOXOX : She is tending to her father in the only house in sight that is still standing and was not touched by the fire.
Objective:Talk to Azbr-ra, She is tending to her father in the only house in sight that is still standing and not touched by fire.
Then Copy the Line above to line 6
Add the journal Entry number to the XOXO
Journal Entry XOXO
From the UESP Page, Go to the "Quest Stages"
and try to solve the quest without the Quest Markers at all.
4.4 If
understanding of what is demanded of you to solve the quest.
If more then 1 Quest
Repeat step #4 for each Quest giver
Quest: The Family BusinessQuest Giver: Officer Lorin or Azbi-ra
Quest: XOXOXOX Quest Name XOXOXOXQuest Giver: XOXOXOX Quest Giver XOXOXOX
3. 2 quest givers Must start the quest from both and record till Task one
Journal Entry X
Objective: XOOXOXOX
Journal Entry X
Objective: XOOXOXOX
Journal Entry 2
I need to locate the three forbidden tomes before someone less capable stumbles upon them.
Depending on the "Order of the Tasks Objectives in your Journal Entry for the 2nd task" There are alternative locations for each objective to be found. To use the correct clue, look at what your Journal Entry looks like, if the order of the objectives is like the picture below, use one of the 3 "sr" under it.
Objective: Collect Ritual of Resonance
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the center of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book south of Mistral, after crossing the two suspended bridges, on the side of the road near a flock of sheep and a khajiit shepherd
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Objective: Collect Journal of Bravam Lythandas
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the North West of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book, it can be found behind a road wall on the only traveled road leading towards the Windcatcher Plantation when arriving from the center of Khenarthi's Roost.
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Objective: Collect Masterwork of the Inducer
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
You feel a strange desire to head towards the South East of the Island.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque saw a vision of this book, It's located in the center between Temple of the Crescent Moons, Speckled Shell Plantation and Eagle's Strand.
Vision Clue
Vision Clue with Arrow
Journal Entry 3
I have all three forbidden tomes. I should search for the shrine Cartirinque mentioned when she first appeared.
Objective: Find the Ruined Shrine
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
Its like the forbidden books are repelling me away from the North West of the Island, could it be that they fear the flames of the Ruined Shrine?.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
Cartirinque whispers from the beyond to head towards the Ruined Shrine that is between Windcatcher Plantation and the Nest of harpies on the circular road surrounded by destroyed ruins.
Vision Clue
Journal Entry 4
I should investigate the ancient shrine and see what must be done to destroy the books.
Objective: Search the Shrine
Lore Friendly Directional Vague Clue
Another Soul around the Shrine seeks the books.
Lore Friendly Directional Specific Clue
You barely overhear a Khajiit nearby: "Shrine .... lit.... ever-burning flame ...where..." The books somehow compel you to cross path with them.
Vision Clue
Journal Entry 5
Sahira-daro, a Khajiit seeking the forbidden tomes, says Cartirinque is a spirit sent to test mortals. I should speak with the spirit and learn the truth.
Objective: Talk to Cartirinque
Journal Entry 6
I must decide whether to believe Cartirinque or Sahira-daro.
Objective: Give the Tomes to Sahira-daro or Burn the Tomes in the Shrine's Brazier
Journal Entry 7
I must decide whether to believe Cartirinque or Sahira-daro.
Objective: Give the Tomes to Sahira-daro or Burn the Tomes in the Shrine's Brazier
Journal Entry 8
(If you gave the books to Sahira-daro)
After she offered to pay me for the forbidden tomes, I gave them to Sahira-daro. I should see what she has to offer.
Objective: Talk to Sahira-daro
(If you destroyed the books)
I destroyed the tomes as Cartirinque asked. I should speak with her and see if there is anything more that must be done.
Objective: Talk to Cartirinque
Zone Side Quests are Found on the Same Map as you accepted the quests.
Zone Side Quests are Found on the Same Map as you accepted the quests.
ULT Vision : Being able to solve Quest in ESO without Quest Markers on map and compass.
This Project will aim to give players the Ability to be Immersed in Elder Scrolls Online Questing by enhancing the quest Descriptions to be more specific for each task in order to solve the quest.
Writing material
Milestone : AddOn Creation
Extra MileStone : Clues can be found in Books, Areas, talking to NPCs with other addons
0.5 Make a Template of better quest description
Should I use picture clues?
1.0 Goal: Build a team of people who write better quest descriptions
1.1 Test the written content that people make and Approve them for further zones
Making Immersive Quest Description In Game Writers -
Taking the Time to a Quest and Write the apportite Quest Description for each Task in that quest.
Uploading Immersive Quest Descriptions Upl
Quest Description game Testers
AddOn creator
recruit rp people to write
ask what is best way to get people involved
sell the idea
Make an example of what we want people to do in a quest by doing the quests:
easy mode
Hard mode
Make a Template for the IQD quest
ask about copy rights
Compedium and IQD mixing
Name Immersive Quest Objectives
Purpose : To create Marketing Material to recruit people to create a resource to give The Ability to quest in ESO without the Hand-Holding Quest & Maps Markers.
Define the Vision of the product:
Creative writing is possible for people to take the quest into their own flavor of descriptive texts.
The creative writing would take place by starting a specific Quest in the Game and at the
Immersive Quest Objective
Planning Stage:
This Project will aim to give players the Ability to be Immersed in Elder Scrolls Online Questing by enhancing the quest Descriptions to be more specific for each task in order to solve the quest.
Creative Writing Objective:
To create an AddOn and/or Online Readable Material that enhances the quest objectives task descriptions in Elder Scrolls Online in order to have a clear sense of where you are supposed to go and what you are supposed to do without being obliged to look at the 3D World Quest Markers, Compass Quest Pins and/or Quest Marker Pins on the Map.
This feature would offer complementary quest objective details for each task written in the quest journal for those who desire to be immersed by searching and exploring the Elder Scrolls Online world when questing.
By reading what the "ESO Immersive Quest Descriptions" have added in the quests objective descriptions the player can adventure to the next quest objective without being hand held by the quest markers showing them where exactly to go.
Instead they get to explore the world by searching for the written clues in "Immersive Quest Objectives" in order to solves quests without blindly following the quest markers.
This experience would be completely voluntary and not forced, if the person ever feels lost or choses to, they can end the experience by Toggling or Turning the Quest Markers ON or OFF with already existing AddOns provided here.
Detailed Objectives in SKYRIM before and after Example:
Even Better Quest Objectives - Skyrim Mod aka Addon
Before (Example Skyrim - Even Better Quest Objectives)
After (Example Skyrim - Even Better Quest Objectives)
That is just an example, As I do not know the Technological capabilities of the API in ESO for AddOns to implement something like that.
I love classic RPGs. Like Elder scrolls Morrowind and stuff. Where you had text that gave you an idea where stuff was for quests. But you had to explore and read into quests to find out where things were. I miss exploring and just the casual text log. Felt more immersion.
When games eliminate all need for the player to read or think, the quests lose almost all immersion and impact. I would much appreciate having to interpret quest text and direction, even just slightly.
I do not want sections of maps marked to show me exactly where I need to go. I do not want arrows and pointers holding my hand and playing for me. It's a game, and I would like to play it myself.
Let us find quests, read or listen to them, and hunt for the objectives. The hunt is essential. There is no hunt when you're shown exactly where to do exactly what. Let us adventure, explore, and uncover.
1.direction (west, east, north, south etc.)
2.and/or how the place/monster looks like
3. or sertain landmarks u have to look for (there will be landmarks like statues. I read the whole wiki).
* Target location highlight: no, it turns questing into a braindead activity, save everyone and yourself time (and money) and don't even add quests because all players will have to do is spam skip dialog and follow arrows to an area, clear it, return and rinse & repeat so you might as well have players just grind in one spot. Giving a description of the direction players should follow makes things more organic and will have the player use their eyes/brain...aka it will make every task a possible adventure.
* "How much is too little": quest akin to "my uncle lives in the large port city south of here, go figure out where he spends his time and deliver him this cured meat. Fedex quests or "go find/talk to X npc" should best have their location highlighted. And the player can then plan their journey.
* Quest list categorization: per zone/district/area or w/e is good, seeing "i got these 3 quests to do in the salt plains and those 5 in thundering hills" still gives enough information to the player without having him be totally clueless (until he read each individual quest and manually sort them in lists, which would just make it a shore)
*Quest list difficulty: Boils down to, should the player know at a glance that one of his quests is for group / raid content ? Yes.
Should the player know at a glance that the quest is impossible for his current level ? Yes.
Platforms :
PC : AddOn and Reading Material
Console: Reading Material
I am only currently working with this as an Idea and Proof of concept as a MOD from Skyrim showed above.
I am writing this in order to get feedback from the community with there own ideas, recommendations and input for this project.
Beta : Immersive Quests descriptions
Alpha Immersive Quests descriptions
Immersive Quests descriptions
I find myself to rely way to much on the markers on my map and/or compass. I loved the Morrowind way to find things: Reading the journal and searching inside the environment.
Mission Objective:
This posts objective is to brainstorm ideas and determine which ones are viable for
Most quests can be navigated without the quest markers as long as you keep map markers on. Some NPCs just tell you things along the lines of "The dungeon is not too far from here, let me mark it on your map." A mod that handles this behavior well is Map Marker Overhaul. There are a lot of customization options that allow you to modify how close you have to be to a dungeon for it to pop up on your compass, removing quest markers, etc.
recruite rp people to write
ask what is best way to get people involved
sell the idea
Make an example of what we want people to do in a quest by doing the quests:
Make a Template for the IQD quest
Compedium and IQD mixing...
Ideas pop up menu from ingame with a HTTPS link to quests
Custom Menu showing quest items