Pre patch I had one goal: get that staff nirnhoned. Now? Gold out the last 2 MS set pieces, transmute the 3rd piece, transmute and gold a Seletrix head piece, and nirnhon the inferno staff. After that...I got nothin. What about you?
I spend most of my time questing and exploring, and I have 7 characters, so I'm never short of things to do. I might need to swap some armour pieces around as a result of this update, I haven't really decided yet. But even if not I won't be short of things to do.
PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
"Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"
I spend most of my time questing and exploring, and I have 7 characters, so I'm never short of things to do. I might need to swap some armour pieces around as a result of this update, I haven't really decided yet. But even if not I won't be short of things to do.
More power to you folks running multiple characters....I couldn't...I've seen the content, I've done the quests...doing that
again with a different character is not for me
More power to you folks running multiple characters....I couldn't...I've seen the content, I've done the quests...doing that
again with a different character is not for me
Part of the fun in CRPGs/MMOs for me is having many characters who do some of the same things - quests, exploring, etc. I had 70 in WoW, 50 in RIFT, and I have 60 here. There's always someone to level a bit, dig up some antiquities on, do bits of the MQ, or just run around the countryside picking up little quests as I run across them.
Now, if I wasn't retired for many years, I'd probably only have a main and a secondary - because when I was working or running my business, I wouldn't have had time to play like I do now.
Someone needs to have a long talk with you about master writs. They will make these concerns trivial.
In my humble opinion, you are focused way too much on gear and not enough on actually playing the game (and this is coming from someone that over obsesses bout META and BIS). Hate to break it to you, but you arent going to feel the difference whether your armor is purple or gold, or whether you are running Julianos or Mother's Sorrow (From your other thread). I actually had to look up what Sellistrix does. Don't think I have ever used it, and struggling to envision a scenario where I would, especially on a magic character. Why use a delayed 1.5 second AOE stun in Overland, when you can probably just make them dead in the same amount of time? In group content, you are likely just making it harder for a tank to properly stack adds.
Ah....well...with MS/Juliano's it still took a few to take out enemies. But....and I'll clarify that this was.....hrmm...not sure how to put it, sort of..."overland run and gun"...not even using the back bar...just the front with Skeletal Archanist always on, and using Flaming Skull and Light attack. As I'm running around...getting places and mats...I'd just run in the middle of a group...or defend against a few I'd agro'd....Seletrix started to come in handy. In 1.5 seconds, where I'm standing everyone fall down and archanist continues to hammer aware....that and Light Attack I was able to take out the overland mob quicker then using the AoE back bar skills. Not so much in Dungeons and Trials, but overland trash and whatnot...ya pretty fun all in all Dungeons, Trials, Bosses get the Skoria hammer instead
Pre patch my goals were play the game, do my crafting writs and a random normal here and there, pick up every mat I see, work my magblade through the main quests, check out the new dungeons, etc.
Post patch my goals are to do all of the above but with an XP scroll on.
Edited by ectoplasmicninja on March 8, 2021 11:15PM
PC NA, CP2200+. Character creation is the true endgame.
Now, my new goal is to keep farming it, and also, to get back my lost DPS one way or another. (wich will mean gaining 2-300 cps to get the 3 passives I still miss ..)