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Why people say to run purge vs Zaan if it doesn't help?

Zaan is very effective set at 1vs1 combat. I see it being used more and more. The damage it deals combined with short CD allows to put insane pressure. It deals 18k (after battle spirit) alone if not broken, so it's not like you can choose to ignore it.

What's the counterplay? Well, obviously run out, but opponent will follow. Sorks can streak, but that's sorks. So either waste stun momentum to just get rid of it, or, well, purge.

But thing is, purge hits 3 random debuffs. I've had situations where 2 efficient purges are not enough to remove Zaan. Just so you know, "if people will slot purge it will kill Zaan meta" just doesn't work at all.

And oh, nothing removes Vate, but that's another subject.
  • Vermintide
    Your dodge roll button is broken, or what?
  • Fawn4287
    divnyi wrote: »
    And oh, nothing removes Vate, but that's another subject.

  • Urzigurumash
    No sort of beam should be purgeable, whether or not they are. Purge should only work on DOTs which are attached to the target and severed from their origin, in other words DOTs which afflict the target - beams emanate from the caster. To my knowledge every beam can be LOS'd, but you have to be quick, there sometimes can be a delay between the time you appear to have LOS'd it and when it actually breaks. I could be wrong.

    Edited by Urzigurumash on March 5, 2021 5:23AM
    Xbox NA AD / Day 1 ScrubDK / Wood Orc Cuisine Enthusiast
    Vermintide wrote: »
    Your dodge roll button is broken, or what?

    Your pvp knowledge is broken, or what?
    From what I know you cannot mitigate damage of zaan with dodge roll, and and won't help escape either.
    Not to mention the beam is crazy bugged and sometimes hit through walls in LoS or way further then 8 meters without breaking.
  • Waffennacht
    Mist form
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
    Battleground PvP'er

    Waffennacht' Builds
  • vesselwiththepestle
    Block maybe?
    1000+ CP
    PC/EU Ravenwatch Daggerfall Covenant

    Give me my wings back!
  • yeyesil
    Block if you are tanky.

    Dodge back if you are a roller class so that you will break its beam easily as its range is just 8 meters. You can try to use CC before dodging back if you have a reliable CC like fossilize, streak or knockback.

    Purge if you have cleanse skill or set.

    So zaan has a counterplay. It can be more cancer on magdk with fossilize. But thats the playstyle of magdk so you need to adapt it as most good pvp players do it easily.

    Vateshran is another issue. It cant be cleansed and its the only problem of the set. If its range becomes less, it will be worthless to run. It can also be broken with Los.
  • divnyi
    yeyesil wrote: »
    Purge if you have cleanse skill or set.

    Isn't it why I created the thread? You will randomly purge between Zaan and some armor reductions, status effects and dots.

    If you don't cleance it in 2 casts, you are outright dead (as you didn't heal 2 GCD in a row in the mid of the opponent's burst, and you didn't stop the final sections of Zaan burst).
    Even if you do cleanse it in 2 casts, it's whooping 11k magica, and you still took a lot of damage while you didn't heal up.
  • divnyi
    Mist form

    Fighting cancer with cancer :smile:
  • yeyesil
    divnyi wrote: »
    yeyesil wrote: »
    Purge if you have cleanse skill or set.

    Isn't it why I created the thread? You will randomly purge between Zaan and some armor reductions, status effects and dots.

    If you don't cleance it in 2 casts, you are outright dead (as you didn't heal 2 GCD in a row in the mid of the opponent's burst, and you didn't stop the final sections of Zaan burst).
    Even if you do cleanse it in 2 casts, it's whooping 11k magica, and you still took a lot of damage while you didn't heal up.

    You want zaan to be a trash set. I wrote 3 different ways to counter zaan. Mostly I can dodge zaan even with my magicka classes. If you cannot avoid it yourself and want a %100 solution without any effort, its just a l2p issue. A lot of sets, playstyles, classes are nerfed to the ground because of players like you who dont try their best counter a playstyle.
  • NordSwordnBoard
    Is the issue Zaan or cleanse priority?

    As already mentioned, I've found gap creator + LoS to be the most effective cleanse of both Vateshran staff and Zaan.
    Although, sometimes the beam is on you but does not show/delayed visually with Zaan and I hate that.
    Fear is the Mindkiller
  • UntouchableHunter
    How couterplay:

    Nightblade - cloak
    Sorc - streak
    Necro and Warden - just ignore
    DK and DK use first 😁
  • Sneakers
    Cancer proc sets for sure, both zaan and veteshran.

    As others said, mist builds counter it.


    Purge (strict 1v1 with few other neg effects)

    Chokthorn monster outheals zaan unless very poor resists.

    Recommend misting make some defesive utter dumb mist build with 10k health regen, to make ur point
  • divnyi
    yeyesil wrote: »
    I wrote 3 different ways to counter zaan.

    I can write 100 methods to counter Zaan. It doesn't matter how much methods you have, it matters how effective they are. Purging isn't effective, unless group PvP scenario. Dodging is only effective if opponent can't follow you with the same movements. Which leaves class-specific best skills as the only guaranteed mean to counter a set that does 3 times average proc set damage (still doing proc x1 proc set damage even if you escape).

    The set is surely overtuned right now. I don't want to ruin it (as I use it on certain characters), I want decent counterplays.
    Is the issue Zaan or cleanse priority?

    Cleanse don't have priority. If it would have priority, we would definitely have a bunch of threads complaining about certain things being higher than others. But yes, this would help.
  • yeyesil
    divnyi wrote: »
    yeyesil wrote: »
    I wrote 3 different ways to counter zaan.

    I can write 100 methods to counter Zaan. It doesn't matter how much methods you have, it matters how effective they are. Purging isn't effective, unless group PvP scenario. Dodging is only effective if opponent can't follow you with the same movements. Which leaves class-specific best skills as the only guaranteed mean to counter a set that does 3 times average proc set damage (still doing proc x1 proc set damage even if you escape).

    The set is surely overtuned right now. I don't want to ruin it (as I use it on certain characters), I want decent counterplays.
    Is the issue Zaan or cleanse priority?

    Cleanse don't have priority. If it would have priority, we would definitely have a bunch of threads complaining about certain things being higher than others. But yes, this would help.

    I have no problem to handle with it. I'll tell you again. It's just another l2p issue. Please do not ask for nerfs or easy counterplay for sets, playstyles or builds. Just try to get used to it and you will learn how to counter it effectively.
  • NightAngel690
    Vermintide wrote: »
    Your dodge roll button is broken, or what?

    I love when people try to roll dodge when my beams are on them.
  • NightAngel690
    Coming from someone who has used Zaans for 2 years now, the only way to counter it is to move out of range anyway you can or change levels. Zaans is very buggy when it comes to level changes and will drop.
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