Why isn't there a photo mode or emote wheel like in Fallout 76?

Something I've been curious about since I returned to playing this game.

Photo Modes have become a popular feature in games. Fallout 76 has one and even games like Final Fantasy 7 Remake are getting one on its PS5 port. Something simple that lets you cycle through emotes, poses, filters, and limited free camera control would be a huge feature for this game. Would probably need to be disabled in PvP zones. Even if the range of the camera was limited to a 20 meter tether to the character players would find a way to abuse it.

The part about the Emote Wheel that bugs me is it is in the game, but only if you're using a controller. Which I take advantage of when I am laying down and playing on my television.

Has Zenimax commented on why M&K don't have an emote wheel option or why there isn't a photo mode in the game?

As it stands taking screenshots with the current camera controls is kind of a pain.

Edited by ZOS_Icy on March 5, 2023 6:34PM
  • GreenHere
    The most likely reason is that this game was developed like 10 years ago; these features you're talking about were uncommon then.

    ZOS has just never devoted resources to implementing them into the game since then, and we don't know when (or if) they will.
  • FaylenSol
    GreenHere wrote: »
    The most likely reason is that this game was developed like 10 years ago;

    Has it really been that long already?

    It's so odd to me since the game feels so alive and the graphics don't feel all that aged to me compared to other games that came out that long ago.

    Getting old is a strange sensation.
    Edited by FaylenSol on March 4, 2021 9:59AM
  • GreenHere
    I know, right?! :D

    The game only came out 6-7 years ago, but that means that the groundwork was being laid at least a couple years before that. Sometimes I'm pretty down on ZOS for shortcomings and shortsightedness and whatnot, but I think this is one of those times where they kind of get a pass. It wasn't an unheard-of feature back in the day, but ESO was a monumental project no doubt, and they likely just had bigger fish to fry. And often, things that aren't baked into the bones of a game can be harder to implement later on.

    I'd like improved screenshot features & such too, especially for console where the gap can't be bridged by addons. But even now, ZOS has larger issues with the game that need addressing first. Not sure how big their team is, but it seems they can't really juggle too many issues at once. I'm afraid this one will remain low-priority for some time yet. :/
  • vibeborn
    My best bet would be to bind the UI on/off, but an actual photo mode would be fantastic. This game's beauty deserves that
  • priestnall.andrewrwb17_ESO
    I cannot think if any redeemable features of Fallout 76 that I’d like fostered onto ESO (aside from detailed world building).
  • WiseSky
    I play with a PS5 controller on my Pc and addons make it possible to have the best of both worlds.
    • This AddOn provides a quick and easy access to emotes and personalities, Adding up to 8 Radiant Menus just like the Quickslots and you can also keybind each emote. It also allows you to synchronize emotes with players around you that have the same AddOn if you wish.
  • barney2525
    I'm not sure what 'photo mode' specifically is, however ..

    I always bind 'take screenshot' to F9 and 'turn off UI' to F12, which is what other games I play normally use.

    I get all the photos I want.

  • Kiralyn2000
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    Has Zenimax commented on why M&K don't have an emote wheel option or why there isn't a photo mode in the game?

    Given that I rarely see threads talking/asking for it (this is actually the first I've seen), I doubt they've commented on it.

    barney2525 wrote: »
    I'm not sure what 'photo mode' specifically is, however ..

    Photo Mode is screenshots, but with more robust tools - like a free camera that you can move around your character, camera-like filters/lenses, adjustments of depth of field & focus, etc.

    It's gotten popular due to being included in a bunch of very pretty single player games (where it's more powerful, because you can pause the action with it and take dramatic shots of your character in the middle of attacks).
    Edited by Kiralyn2000 on March 4, 2021 2:30PM
  • craybest
    I wish we had some more accesibility to emotes. I got lovely emotes add on for it at least
  • Kadraeus
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    GreenHere wrote: »
    The most likely reason is that this game was developed like 10 years ago;

    Has it really been that long already?

    It's so odd to me since the game feels so alive and the graphics don't feel all that aged to me compared to other games that came out that long ago.

    Getting old is a strange sensation.

    Tbf, they've been improving the graphics over time. The starting areas and race motifs look REALLY dated compared to the newer locations and motifs
  • FaylenSol
    I cannot think if any redeemable features of Fallout 76 that I’d like fostered onto ESO (aside from detailed world building).

    That's being incredibly unfair. Despite its bugs and lack of content starting there were plenty of well made parts about the game. Even if it was just in UI or concept design.

    For example in Fallout 76 you can change your character appearance anytime with just a couple button presses. It costs nothing. No crowns, no gold, nothing. Just get to change the way your character looks freely.

    That is a feature we have to pay for in Elder Scrolls Online.

  • Agenericname
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    I cannot think if any redeemable features of Fallout 76 that I’d like fostered onto ESO (aside from detailed world building).

    That's being incredibly unfair. Despite its bugs and lack of content starting there were plenty of well made parts about the game. Even if it was just in UI or concept design.

    For example in Fallout 76 you can change your character appearance anytime with just a couple button presses. It costs nothing. No crowns, no gold, nothing. Just get to change the way your character looks freely.

    That is a feature we have to pay for in Elder Scrolls Online.

    Changing the characters appearance wasnt something that ever appealed to me.

    For the most part I wish that FO76 had some of ESO's combat features. Roll dodge, or the way block works for example.

    Photomode however was/is pretty neat, especially the way it was integrated into the quest(s). There was also a quest that involved a pair of NPCs who's names were a play on Ansel Adams and Dorothea Lange. There was at least a little thought put into it.
  • Inspiral808
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    I cannot think if any redeemable features of Fallout 76 that I’d like fostered onto ESO (aside from detailed world building).

    That's being incredibly unfair. Despite its bugs and lack of content starting there were plenty of well made parts about the game. Even if it was just in UI or concept design.

    For example in Fallout 76 you can change your character appearance anytime with just a couple button presses. It costs nothing. No crowns, no gold, nothing. Just get to change the way your character looks freely.

    That is a feature we have to pay for in Elder Scrolls Online.

    Totally agree, and the Atomic Shop is much less predatory than the Crown Store in general.

    The amount of free Atoms you get from simply playing through the game is quite generous, too.
  • WiseSky
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    I cannot think if any redeemable features of Fallout 76 that I’d like fostered onto ESO (aside from detailed world building).

    That's being incredibly unfair. Despite its bugs and lack of content starting there were plenty of well made parts about the game. Even if it was just in UI or concept design.

    For example in Fallout 76 you can change your character appearance anytime with just a couple button presses. It costs nothing. No crowns, no gold, nothing. Just get to change the way your character looks freely.

    That is a feature we have to pay for in Elder Scrolls Online.

    Totally agree, and the Atomic Shop is much less predatory than the Crown Store in general.

    The amount of free Atoms you get from simply playing through the game is quite generous, too.

    How many Light Wood Laminate can you get with all Atoms you get?

    Can you get power Armors too? or just Little stuff?
    Edited by WiseSky on March 4, 2021 8:26PM
  • FaylenSol
    WiseSky wrote: »
    Can you get power Armors too? or just Little stuff?

    Nothing like that, mostly just skins and house stuff.
  • tripp
    Bump, necro, whatever. Photo mode is a must. Good character screenshots are damn near impossible with these limited camera options.
    big, green, buff, but surprisingly not the Hulk
  • Ringing_Nirnroot
    I fully support this
  • LadyLethalla
    I miss having slottable emotes on PC, like I had on console... it's annoying to have to type them, even partially.
    x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
    Melbourne Australia - the land of Potato Internet.WTB ESO OCEANIC SERVER
  • Amottica
    GreenHere wrote: »
    The most likely reason is that this game was developed like 10 years ago; these features you're talking about were uncommon then.

    ZOS has just never devoted resources to implementing them into the game since then, and we don't know when (or if) they will.

    I would suggest that it has more to do with Zenimax choosing to developed a no-frills UI than anything else. MMORPGs had a much more robust UI ten years ago. It is why we have add-ons for PC.
  • FluffWit
    On console -Options -Video -Screenshot mode to remove all the on screen clutter when taking screenshots. Sadly you can't emote in screenshot mode though.

    Would be great if we could.
  • xclassgaming
    Honestly, if ZOS just stole 76's photomode and stuck it in ESO i would be more then happy, say what you will about 76, it has one of the best photomodes.
    Give us clannfear mounts!
  • JTD
    I know FF14 isn't every-bodies cup of tea and there is such a thing as to many catboys/girls. But.......
    their gpose(photomode) is an amazing tool for making screenshots alone or with others. Their community makes some great compositions with it. It would be amazing if something similar would come to ESO.

    The ability to make and position your character the way you like with or without motion is so cool. Not to mention being able to do group positionings.. damn.

  • ApostateHobo
    A photomode would be a great addition to the game. The way the camera works now makes getting decent screenshots a massive pain.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    But there is a slottable emote wheel
    On a controller hold right on your dpad
    Also in setting under video there is a photo mode option that remouve ui, it does need some improuvement tough
    Edited by Dark_Lord_Kuro on July 24, 2021 10:18AM
  • magnusthorek
    GreenHere wrote: »
    The most likely reason is that this game was developed like 10 years ago
    Ouch, my lombar! :lol:

    I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
    I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
    My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
  • FaylenSol
    But there is a slottable emote wheel
    On a controller hold right on your dpad
    Also in setting under video there is a photo mode option that remouve ui, it does need some improuvement tough

    Which is nutty that it isn't available for M&K without addons.

    It's already in the game if you use a controller. But for some reason the M&K interface lacks this feature.
  • Celephantsylvius_Bornasfinmo
    Can we have an emote wheel for PC please?
    Agreed - it's missing and getting bit difficult to follow all the typed commands - messy messy.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    But there is a slottable emote wheel
    On a controller hold right on your dpad
    Also in setting under video there is a photo mode option that remouve ui, it does need some improuvement tough

    Which is nutty that it isn't available for M&K without addons.

    It's already in the game if you use a controller. But for some reason the M&K interface lacks this feature.

    It goes in the small pile of stuff console player have that pc dont, right beside ingame voice chat channel
  • DP99
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    But there is a slottable emote wheel
    On a controller hold right on your dpad
    Also in setting under video there is a photo mode option that remouve ui, it does need some improuvement tough

    Which is nutty that it isn't available for M&K without addons.

    It's already in the game if you use a controller. But for some reason the M&K interface lacks this feature.

    It goes in the small pile of stuff console player have that pc dont, right beside ingame voice chat channel

    It is on PC, you just have to use a controller and not keyboard and mouse. I get it with an X-Box controller that I use on PC.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
    DP99 wrote: »
    FaylenSol wrote: »
    But there is a slottable emote wheel
    On a controller hold right on your dpad
    Also in setting under video there is a photo mode option that remouve ui, it does need some improuvement tough

    Which is nutty that it isn't available for M&K without addons.

    It's already in the game if you use a controller. But for some reason the M&K interface lacks this feature.

    It goes in the small pile of stuff console player have that pc dont, right beside ingame voice chat channel

    It is on PC, you just have to use a controller and not keyboard and mouse. I get it with an X-Box controller that I use on PC.

    Oh in that case, it should be made avaiable even more then!
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