Creating this because, yeah there is is two races that really are felt to be have done really poorly in Eso.
Bretons, like they put to much Ayleid stuff, into their base game zones, didn't do much with the Direnni, didn't do much with their unique culture, and didn't show off their more magical side.
They made the Direnni Tower look to much like the White Gold Tower, which is something that should be addressed if its going to be added in. So there is some issues that people feel makes Breton's the worst treated race in Eso, Plus not to mention not adding the City of Jehanna. Some of the unique knightly stuff like the Order of the Hour that existed in Daggerfall made Imperial which people feels take away from the uniquness of the Bretons, being the Knightly race.
Then there is the Imperials, who I feel got done very dirty in Eso. At least Bretons did have a focus on their nobility, their witches, their knights, the vampire thing, lycanthropes. Stuff that I would associate with Highrock. We had the unique Saint Pelin stuff. Bretons already had all their zones but islands done base game so it makes it harder to see more content for them.
But what did Imperials get?
Not included in the base game.
Province gets ravaged by War and Molag Bal.
Imperial Legions, serving Tharns, and a lot of Molag Bal worshiping Imperials.
Tharns, corruption, necromancy, Imperials getting the general bad guy treatment.
The one DIvine worshiping angle we saw with them, had the Akatosh church, being purge all non Akatosh worship, with the Akatosh Chantry, and the Order of the Hour, being a corrupt group, and order. With them going extreme with it. Likely done to make the Dark Brotherhood feel more like an Anti Hero questline. Because even though you are doing evil stuff, your actions actually may benefit the region.
Then there is more Tharn stuff with another evil Tharn Queen, in Elsweyer.
They lacked a New Life quest and they only made one because they are doing parts of Cyrodiil this year, and going to try and do more of what we may have seen with them in TES 4. So that means we will finally get to see proper Imperials hopefully and I do hope we get a lot of unique cultural lore that TES 4 didn't provide.
So out of the two races which one do you feel gets the worst treatment?
Edited by Thevampirenight on March 2, 2021 11:12PM PC NA
Please add Fangs to Vampires.
Which race out of the two do you feel was done very poorly in Eso, Bretons or Imperials? 111 votes
Both Imperials and Bretons