Windows are asked for a lot of course, but it doesn’t hurt to bring the suggestion back up after some time has passed. We currently have glass objects with four sides (display cases) but we do not have a single pane of glass. Obviously it would probably have to have a frame to see them better, but a single pane of glass is better than no glass.
Door frames is a request because I would like to have some structuring to a doorway, and would make it look more *complete.* They don’t have to be tailor-made to the doors we have currently but it would be nice to have some indicator of a doorway.
Frames are also useful and multipurpose; We currently don’t have anything structurally wooden that has an arch to it, except for big spike defense posts. It would also be nice to make custom shelves with, like if I were to make a cabinet then I could choose the placement and size of the shelves. A lot of current bookcases and cabinets actually cannot fit a lot of display objects. Frames could be set in place for windows with no glass and so therefore could be jumped through, or used to decorate a wall, or separate a room into sections, or make shapes and signs. A frame could do a lot of things.
Please make this happen. I think these would be additions that would add so much more flavor to housing.
Honorable mentions that I would also like very much:
-Wooden stairs (I made a separate thread about this alone)
-Spiral staircases (there are plenty in Clockwork City)
-Balcony railings
-Round thin wooden poles
-Window lattices (and lattices in general)
-Flower hedges (Alinor hedges are one of my most used housing items, and it takes a lot of housing slots to fill a whole strip of garden with flowers)
-Roofing tile like from Solitude
-Hills (like a big solid patch of grass/flowers or just soil that can be placed. I use Alinor Hedges and boulders a lot but it’d be nice to have the real thing.)
-Planter (filled and unfilled versions with an assortment of different plants for variety)
-Wooden picket fences
I hope all these suggestions will be seen and considered. Thank you for your time.
Edited by TeruKisuke on March 2, 2021 9:07PM