I got to the champions circle and regarding the “Ring Mechanic,” thought the Psijic ultimate “undo” would work similarly to sorcerers streak and Nightblades teleport strike to allow bypassing the ring mechanic.
Unfortunately, it “did not work.” undo literally cannot be used to pass through the ring for two reasons.
- The speed at which the shades travel which is pretty slow guarantees that you cannot pass through as it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where you are going to be 4 seconds ago beforehand.
- Ultimate upkeep while fine depending on the situation (Necromancers have a better ultimate upkeep with Necrotic potency/Deaden Pain.) Between rings will potentially result in a slightly significant drop in DPS, especially on veteran.
Tl:dr: No universal ring bypass, Sorcerers and Nightblades both are the only ones by far to my knowledge, with at least one ability catered to bypassing the ring mechanic.
If you see me anywhere. Know that I am sitting back with a bag of popcorn, watching as ESO burns the goodwill of its player base with practices that only disrespects the players time like it did to me and many others...
If a game does not respect your time, best thing to do is move on from it and find something else.