What are the best ways to learn various boss mechanics outside of researching them online? I would really rather do so in game, with an add-on if needed, but just looking up and memorizing stuff as for a test does not appeal to me. At all.
Now I know quite a few dungeon mechanics from playing them as healer, but I don’t always know what the tank is or should be doing with specific bosses. How do I know whether I had best interrupt, block or avoid? What about enemies that attack regardless of taunts either a random player, furthest player, etc.? When tanking, I always panic a bit when a boss attacks anyone besides me, but so long as I’ve kept a constant taunt on them, must I assume it is a mechanic I cannot mitigate? And what about multiple bosses? Is there always an in-game notification of when they should be kept apart, as in March of Sacrifices?