Maintenance for the week of March 3:
· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Altaholics! How many characters do you have?

Fellow alt-a-holics, how many have you created so far?

What inspires you to create new characters? Is it Stories? Styles, motifs, costumes? Different Builds?

Do you tend to stick with certain themes or do you have a wide variety?

Have you had to expand into secondary or tertiary accounts to accommodate them all?

Do you have a single "Main" or do you play them all equally? or have a few favorites?
  • TheImperfect
    I have 14 so far, I don't want to fill up in case a new class or race is released because I don't want to delete anyone. I have varied them as much as possible because I like trying different classes and races. I have one Magicka and Stamina for pretty much every class and one or more of each race.
  • aipex8_ESO
    Only recently became an altaholic. Just purchased my 11th slot. I guess I have more fun trying out new builds and leveling and unlocking skills and morphs than earning CPs. As soon as I hit 50 I want to start a new character! LOL (my CPs have been stalled in the mid 400's for a while)

    Inspiration for chars comes from all that you mentioned! The Akavari Potentate motif and mounts inspired an Imperial/Tsaesci character, and Elswyr seemed like a perfect home/storyline for him.

    My latest char is an Argonian and is inspired by a lot of the Blackwood stuff that is yet to come. Got the Walwa mount, and that "skimpy" new Daedric armor Waking Flame motif is going to look awesome on her! (She has the blackest skin and the Dremora face and body warpaint) Eh, show, not tell right:


  • Cirantille
    18... :#
  • Aelthwyn
    aipex8_ESO wrote: »
    Only recently became an altaholic. Just purchased my 11th slot. I guess I have more fun trying out new builds and leveling and unlocking skills and morphs than earning CPs. As soon as I hit 50 I want to start a new character! LOL (my CPs have been stalled in the mid 400's for a while)

    I know what you mean, it is more fun to level up and unlock new skills! (I rather miss the pretty level up effect once they reach 50). CP is going slooooow for me too, although that's partly because I spend so much time on stuff that doesn't really give a lot of XP - like fashion, and housing, and just exploring and taking screenshots, and gathering materials, and leveling new characters.

    I have waaay too much fun with Character Creation. I tend to get inspired by different outfit styles and skills or set effects, as well as mounts and pets, and locations and lore. I enjoy writing, so I'm usually inspired with some sort of backstory for a character, though they're not always very detailed and sometimes they change over time. I've made a fairly wide variety, but I do have a bias towards elves and khajiit.

    When the game first came out I filled up all my character slots right away, annnnnd now I have 46 :D (and I have a few ideas still waiting to be made). Some of them are sort of alternate versions of each other, but each is a little different and I love them all. I do have a few favorties that are just more fun to play or which I've focused on for certain achievements and such, and about half of them are still under 50.
  • Vinterskald
    18 on NA, and another couple on EU where I never play. On NA, they're all max CP, but I have ideas for three more characters :disappointed: I hope we get new character slots very soon! Please, Zenimax?

    What inspires me to make so many characters is their backstories. TES is my favourite setting, and I have a whole bunch of characters for the different games and stories set outside of the games. I don't actively RP in ESO, but I do enjoy writing their stories! :blush: Sometimes even little things like "oh, imagine a character who's part of this and that faction" or "what might it be for a character to grow up in this and that place?" inspire me to create something out of that.

    Aside from that, it's also a build thing. I hate having to have a character fullfill several roles at once, because not everything "fits" all of them, so I just need a whole bunch of characters to try out all the things I would want to do in the game. One of the things I did quite early on was creating a healer of each class, for instance. But as I got more comfortable with dealing damage and tanking in dungeons and trials, and at some point even PvP, I wanted to make new characters solely dedicated to that in their respective class, hence my "need" for so many characters.
    Barra agea ry sou karan.
  • Minyassa
    18 on my main account, about ten others on two other accounts that are not subbed, and a handful on the EU server. I don't really play other accounts besides my mains unless I have a lot of extra time around holidays or something. I wish they'd give us more character slots to buy. I make new characters on a whim based on ideas that are part role-playing (I don't rp in game, I make video game characters based on my tabletop RPG characters), part aesthetic, part inspired by cosmetics, i.e. "Oh I love this new Argonian skin and that would look great in X armor style in X color...guess I better make one". I have not gotten to create a new character in a long time, I miss it. Starting a new toon is a lot of fun, I love that newbie progression. I am one of the weirdos who actually *likes* the skyshard grind, it's basically an excuse to ogle scenery.

    I do play them all, too. It's whoever I am in the mood to play, really. I just got my 18th leveled up to 50 a couple of weeks ago and now I have no under-50s to do easy random normals with, boohoo. Need more slots!
  • vibeborn
    I think I have 12?

    My first one is my main, but I love questing so much that I do it on all my chars.

    And I mostly create them because I want to try the other classes and races than just what my main is.
  • DarcyMardin
    NA first account: 14
    EU: 3
    NA 2nd account: 11
    EU 2
    NA 3rd account: 9

    So, 39. Most are lvl 50, although only half are on the most recent account.

    As to why — I like to try all classes in any game. Here, because there is so much difference between using magicka or stamina, I usually end up making at least 2 or every class. Then maybe I want another warden or templar (my favorite classes) so I try a different race. Or a different sex. Or a different look or playstyle, so I make a new alt. And so it goes.

    *Edited the numbers slightly after signing everybody in and seeing I'd forgotten 1 LOL
    Edited by DarcyMardin on February 22, 2021 9:07PM
  • Araneae6537
    Ten that are level 50. Many I play regularly while a few haven’t found their niche yet and currently do little more than crafting writs. I have one lowbie I’m definitely keeping and will be leveling and then two others in limbo, extra inventory space until I get inspiration for another character I have to create! :lol:

    Primarily it’s different character ideas that inspire me, but I also try to have variety in classes, builds and roles. If I don’t like a class, then I won’t have more than one of it. Maybe I would have no necromancers, but the rp role ensured my one wouldn’t get deleted, and then the more practical reason that I also set about making him my master chef beyond my main crafter (I don’t remember why now, lol). Fortunately, I now also enjoy playing him as a healer with just a minimum of necromancer abilities. In contrast, I HAD to have several sorcs for story/rp reasons even though for a while, I didn’t actually like the class that much but thankfully now I am enjoying it and they each have a different focus and some will summon daedra while one absolutely will not.

    I play the races I like for lore and aesthetic reasons but keep passives in mind for how I play them. I have mostly Dunmer, followed by Altmer, and then Bosmer and Khajiit and lastly one Breton. I have plans to make an Imperial for the new chapter and would like to make a Redguard once I find the right character.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on February 22, 2021 9:02PM
  • Nairinhe
    I have 6, plus two mules, plus at least half a dozen ideas for new characters. I like thinking up a name with a backstory, giving it a face, creating outfit, and, honestly, I like leveling characters up more than playing them after. For playing I have my main.
    Also I always need someone to check out new tutorials!

    I'm on EU, but currently thinking about creating some toons on NA just to get them out of my head.
  • newtinmpls
    Account #1 18 on PC NA, 3 on EU
    Account #2 9 on PC NA (used to be 11, but 2 didn't work out), 3 on EU
    Account #3 4 on PC NA, 3 on EU

    And I admit that one (not the only, but it does matter) motivating factor for the 3 minimum is getting free housing apartments.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • WiseSky
  • TwinLamps
    60+ on over 5 accounts on both megaservers
    Awake, but at what cost
  • Tsukyme
    i got 13 on PS4 NA and 5 on Xbox One NA lol
    "A'tvar where are you?"
  • Watchdog
    Main account:

    PC EU - 16
    PC NA - 3 - one is a mule

    Secondary account:

    PC EU - 8 - they are basically mules, but two are there for events
    PC NA - 2 - both for events and also a bit as mules

    My characters are usually a combination of what I want to play and some character roleplaying concept. For instance, on my main PC EU account I have a bunch of Khajiit relatives, two Dunmer cousins, and a group of Undaunted of various origin. Among my characters I have a Baandari dancer (Ohmes, represented by an ingame Bosmer with some tweaks and cosmetics), some Dwemer ruins explorers and technology enthusiasts, a Clockwork Apostle, a Psijic Order field researcher mage, and a member of the Silver Dawn.
    Edited by Watchdog on March 23, 2021 8:16AM
    Member of Alith Legion:
  • fioskal
    45 on NA between 3 accounts. I don't count the random toons on EU because I don't use them.
    PC - NA
  • Runefang
    I have 15 characters. 2 per class (mag and stam dps) and then 3 extras because I wanted more for daily writs.

    I really only play 1-2 characters per patch and then rest are just there for the daily writs.
  • BlackSparrow
    *mumble* 17 *mumble*

    I tend to follow character concepts... if I get an idea for a character (as in personality, playstyle, background, goals, theme, etc.) that sounds fun to play, I plug it in and start giving it a shot.

    Some examples of my alts:
    • Retired pirate captain pulled back into adventure by circumstances who does everything she can to prove she can still keep up with the kids
    • Runaway noble teen who takes to a life of thievery for the thrill of it
    • Morag-Tong-trained assassin who sets her sights on killing the Daedric Prince who stole her soul

    I generally consider the Morag Tong to be my "main," since she's my first character and favorite playstyle (stealth and blendy dual-wield DPS), but I don't favor her overmuch anymore. I'll generally play whichever one I feel like each session. Do I want a creative evening puttering around my houses? I'll play on my master crafter old lady lizard. Do I want to burn helpless woodland critters? Sounds like my pyromantic Dragon knight. Do I want to chill with some fishing while watching Netflix on the side? That's my Master Angler "battle chef."

    Living vicariously through my characters.

    My Girls:
    "If you were trapped in your house for, say, a year, how would you pass the time?"

    Nephikah the Houseless, dunmer assassin: "I suppose I could use the break. I have a lot of business holdings now that need management."
    Swum-Many-Waters, elderly argonian healer: "I think that I would enjoy writing a memoir."
    Silh'ki, khajiit warrior-chef: "Would this one be able to go outside, to the nearby river? It's hard to fish without water!"
    Peregrine Huntress, bosmer hunter: "Who is forcing me to stay inside, and where can I find them?"
    Lorenyawe, altmer mechanist: "And why would I want to go outside in the first place? Too much to be done in the workshop."
    Lorelai Magpie, breton master thief: "I'd go nuts. Lucky for me, I have a little experience sneaking out!"
    Rasheda the Burning Heart, redguard knight: "I would continue my training to keep my skills sharp."
    Hex-Eye Azabi, khajiit daedric priestess: "I suppose it would be lucky, then, that I built a shrine to Mephala in my backyard."
    Yngva Stormhammer, nord bandit (reformed...ish): "I hate being inside even when I'm not forced to be. GET. ME. OUT."
    Madam Argentia, vampire dunmer aristocrat: "I suppose it would be more of the same. I have a rather... contentious relationship with the sun."
    Mazie gra-Bolga, orc scout: "Uh... I'd have to house train my bear..."
    Felicia the Wanderer, imperial witch-for-hire: "What Lorelai said."
    Calico Jaka-dra, retired khajiit pirate: "This one would like a rest from her grand adventures. Her jewel shop runs out of stock!"
    Shimmerbeam, blind altmer psijic: "Provided that I am confined to Artaeum, I do not think I will want for things to occupy my time."
    Shauna Blackfire, redguard necromancer: "Sounds like paradise. I hate people."
    Kirniel the Undying, cursed bosmer warrior: "I would feel useless, not being able to fight."
    Echoes-from-Dragons, argonian who thinks she's a dragon: "All the better to count my hoard!"

    (Signature idea shamelessly stolen from Abeille.)
  • newtinmpls
    my Master Angler "battle chef."

    I don't have the Master Angler title yet ... not for a long while I suspect, but oddly, my chef is also my fisher is also one of my better DPSs
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Chilly-McFreeze
    I'm sitting at 16 chars currently but 3 of them are mules from before the option the rebuild sets. 1 mag & 1 stam for each class + a hybrid sorc.
    Gonna delete 1 or 2 of the mules because I'm to cheap to buy another slot if I ever get the urge to create another toon.

    Most of the active toons aren't bis equipped but follow a clear thematic concept. I'm too tired of quarterly changes to care about such things anymore. Main thing is fun for me now and that each char feels differently. I mostly play PvE as duo with my fiance anyway. PvP is another beast for sure.
  • Nervani
    Last time I counted...
    172 in total on PC/EU
    89 in total on PC/NA
    3 in total on Xbox/EU


    PC-EU/NA @Nervani (+17 other accounts)XB1-EU[The Lollipop Gang] - (PC-EU) Founder/Guildmaster[Crazy Elves] - (PC-EU) Founder[Casual Rascals] - (PC-EU, PC-NA, XBOX1-EU) Founder
  • GreenHere
    "Only" 18... but that's just because it's what ZOS limits a single account to.

    I'd like to have more, but I'll be damned if I'm going to split up my efforts between multiple accounts/servers/etc. I want all MY stuff on one unified account. Ain't no way I'm making purchases multiple times (especially at the often-absurd CS prices), faffing about with mailing things back and forth SIX ITEMS AT A TIME (ugh), and all the other annoying hoops they make us jump through to coordinate separate accounts.

    It's a shame for both parties, really; ZOS wants more of my money (presumably) and I want more character slots, but I guess it's just not a priority for them.
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