Do sets even matter?

So, like most of you, I put together load out for the no proc cyro test. Ran it the first couple of days. It was fine. Stat wise for each session Killing Blows were noticeably slightly down for me compared to normal, people were harder to kill quickly and the lag was what the lag always has been. Tonight, I just put back on my normal gear. I was running 2 sets that none of 5th line was working, a mythic that doesn't work and 1 pc monster set. I saw zero difference between this setup and the no proc setup. KB's slightly down for the session, lag was like it always is and was, and people were slightly harder to kill quickly. 112 kills, 2 deaths, 31 KB's.

Do these sets even matter? Honestly, my normal gear felt better than 2 sets with 5 lines working. Anyone see similar results or insights?

Unrelated side note: INCAP is a broken piece of trash. Please fix this. I'm sick of seeing all my ULTI get used and no damage is registering.
Edited by HanStolo on February 18, 2021 4:46AM
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    Thats not mathematical possible but what ever. Your play style screams ganks so it's not likely your gonna attack anyone that has the ability to resist or defeat you, so what's a hundred esxtra damage give or take?
  • HanStolo
    Thats not mathematical possible but what ever. Your play style screams ganks so it's not likely your gonna attack anyone that has the ability to resist or defeat you, so what's a hundred esxtra damage give or take?

    What is "not mathematically possible'?

    Last night I tried the same thing on a Stamden with S&B and a 2H. About the same results, regular gear no 5th line working. slightly more deaths on my part but I was visible on that character and up in the mix at big fights. I get in there too on a NB but I'm in and out. I wouldn't consider it a gank blade.

    BTW, these people running around with 35+K HP, max resist, 20K health based heals and the 2H executing everyone with ease..... It is just easy mode with that toon. It was way harder to kill on a NB than it is with a meta toon. Let's face it, the balance is way off, not only in class but in weapons as well. ZOS needs to balance this game. You shouldn't be able to have it all, HP, resist, damage, speed, heals with no penalties.
    Edited by HanStolo on February 18, 2021 5:39AM
  • Luede
    To measure the success of a test on a K / D statistic is pretty stupid
    Edited by Luede on February 18, 2021 11:43AM
  • orion_1981usub17_ESO
    Mathematical impossible means that +1 is always better than +0 so it's not possible that an extra set bonus doesn't make a difference even if the difference is not noticeable.

    But after reading your second post I'm unsure of what your demanding attention too. If your trying to legitimize your NB gank style, it's duplicitous to try to point fingers at other classes. Classes can not be balanced. NB has unique advantages of deciding which fights to engage in, and having useful escape mechanics when they get in too deep.

    Warden, Temps, necro and dk don't have built in escape mechanics so they need other mechanics and styles. But this thread isn't about them. I truly wonder if your just hoping fools will wear old sets during the pvp test so they're easier to gank for you?
  • Wing
    Warden, Temps, necro and dk don't have built in escape mechanics so they need other mechanics and styles. But this thread isn't about them. I truly wonder if your just hoping fools will wear old sets during the pvp test so they're easier to gank for you?

    every time i see a new DK in pvp crouching along i tell them their a DK, die standing.
    ESO player since beta.
    previously full time subscriber, beta-2024, game got too disappointing.
    PC NA
    ( ^_^ )

    You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods You shall be as gods -Xenogears
    DK one trick
  • relentless_turnip
    I accidentally left on my normal build for about an hour yesterday. That's briar, clever and master's dw. I can confirm there was a noticible difference. It wasn't until I noticed my arms glowing orange I realised, but I was doing a fraction of the damage. Obviously survival I noticed no difference because I usually run all damage sets anyway.
  • HanStolo
    I accidentally left on my normal build for about an hour yesterday. That's briar, clever and master's dw. I can confirm there was a noticible difference. It wasn't until I noticed my arms glowing orange I realised, but I was doing a fraction of the damage. Obviously survival I noticed no difference because I usually run all damage sets anyway.

    I too noticed a difference in damage output between proc cyro and no proc cyro but not working 5 pc vs normal gear with only 4 pc working both in no proc environment. I thought there would be a larger gap in statistical performance as well, but there really wasn't. I also run two damage sets normally. I'm not judging their test by K/D ratio, it's just a personal gauge for the session to shed light on how I performed. The test itself, IMO is total failure. Lag seems worse. I thought maybe it was just the NB playstyle so that is why I did the same thing on a tanky Warden and pretty much saw the same results although the damage output did not seem to be as hampered as on the NB.

    Basically, I just thought the sets would have more of an impact than they actually do.
    Edited by HanStolo on February 18, 2021 3:06PM
  • relentless_turnip
    HanStolo wrote: »

    I too noticed a difference in damage output between proc cyro and no proc cyro but not working 5 pc vs normal gear with only 4 pc working both in no proc environment. I thought there would be a larger gap in statistical performance as well, but there really wasn't. I also run two damage sets normally. I'm not judging their test by K/D ratio, it's just a personal gauge for the session to shed light on how I performed. The test itself, IMO is total failure. Lag seems worse. I thought maybe it was just the NB playstyle so that is why I did the same thing on a tanky Warden and pretty much saw the same results although the damage output did not seem to be as hampered as on the NB.

    Basically, I just thought the sets would have more of an impact than they actually do.

    I wish proc sets were causing lag, that would benefit my opinion towards them massively. Sadly I agree with you that the test has not produced any noticible improvement.

    I do think PvP is a lot more fun without them. I did notice my damage was considerably lower with the wrong sets on too 😂 the damage I am receiving this week compared to last week though is a fraction.
    Edited by relentless_turnip on February 18, 2021 7:07PM
  • Theignson
    I thought you normally ran a HA dual wield gank build on your NB with sergeants etc is that what you noticed no difference on?

    It would be interesting if you could still do the HA build with no HA boosters except CP!

    My NB isn't nearly as powerful but hits reasonably hard and is hard to kill with all these tanky pl;ayers who now have no dps at all without procs.

    I will have to try my stam warden next
    3 GOs, a Warlord, and bunches of prefects etc-- all classes...I've wasted a lot of time in PVP
  • Ranger209
    I accidentally left on my normal build for about an hour yesterday. That's briar, clever and master's dw. I can confirm there was a noticible difference. It wasn't until I noticed my arms glowing orange I realised, but I was doing a fraction of the damage. Obviously survival I noticed no difference because I usually run all damage sets anyway.

    Your arms glowed orange?
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