I am a 100% PVP player that only does PVE when forced for items needed for PVP. I purchase 6 month subscriptions for a good chunk of real life money to PVP, not test your game for you. If told 6 months ago that we would be BETA testing the game for the next year(what it seems like its been and will be at least) I would NOT have paid money to do it. I may have done it out of the love of the game if asked but not as a paying customer without compensation. I am an old school Eman PVPER from DAOC, the main reason I bought this game was because Matt Firor impressed me with DAOC and thought he would make sure the PVP in this game was not neglected. Now I am starting to wonder if the magic did come from Mark Jacobs after all(If Camelot Unchained or Ashes of Creation are even halfway decent it will hopefully be the salvation for what PVP players are left here) .
To make it even more a slap in the face; I had to spend several hundred thousand gold and hundreds of transmute crystals to just be able to have gear to do your testing for you. This is right after I spent millions of gold to equip 15 characters in PVP gear and yet now cant use the gear. All 15 of my characters get played regularly. So now I am suppose to spend all that money to re-equip my characters, use the same gear for all, or just not play them(which I paid to be able to do).
I am not a young man any more and my twitch reflexes are not what they use to be but my mind is sharper then ever. To compensate for my degrading reflexes I use my mind to theory craft unique sets that makes up for the difference. I do not use cookie cutter builds but get a lot of my enjoyment from the game by theory-crafting unique sets. Some characters use procs, some do not; most have at least one unique set that none others use. That means at least 15 sets of fully golden out gear(that's a lot of money for a PVPer) I need to replace. I have never played a character in PVP until he is in full gold gear, partly by playing on the underdog realm where I am consistently fighting 2 or 3 vs 1 if not 10 vs 1 partly being that outfitting my guys is part of what I enjoy spending my time doing. I am not a social person in game due to having to deal with employees and tenants all day so no I don't want to join a guild to even the odds(I was one of the GM's of House of Black fire in AC on HG and GM of Redemption and The Wicked in DAOC Hibernia which were big organized PVP guilds on underdog realms and ran with OOZ Order of Zanshin Flux in WoW so some of you probably remember me from back when I still liked people but enjoying my solitude now days)
I fully understand a game this old may need major changes and is a part of evolving but there were so many better ways to do this then the screw the customer approach that was approved(as in it should be costing the company that made the mistakes not the players paying the company).
The first being that since such drastic changes were made, people participating in the test should have received complementary temporary gear that only works during the testing and expires afterwords similar to the PVP mayhem scroll.
2nd a day's subscription credit should have been given for every day of participating in the testing.
3rd thing is a missed opportunity to introduce end game PVP to PVE players that have been unwilling to spend the money to get a full set of tri-glyphed PVP only gear to be able to jump in and try PVP without being at a instant disadvantage or spending the money. Good chance this would have led to expanding the shrinking PVP community with new blood.
All of this I may have even been able to overlook if the testing had done any good at all(other then showing procs and ball groups are ruining the fun of the game for the majority of players to keep a few players happy). I have been very good at figuring out proc sets that compliment each other and the character using them(Magicka Warden with Winterborn, Winter's Respite, 2x Sellistrix with a Malacath band and training necklace was fun with a volcanic rune just in case the procs miss) I am probably one of the people you despise in PVP so mea culpa, I would however 100% give up procs for a competitive environment instead of one where lag stuns decides the outcome of a battle more then skill or gear. I have seen no evidence of any improvement in years though and do not think it is remotely ok to make people keep spending time online to farm new PVP gear from PVE(the Winterborn staff from Maelstrom...OMG was a pain but at least got my flawless title from it so it not that I suck at PVE) that keeps changing when I don't care for PVE. If you want to do away with procs, great but refund the materials and crystals used to make the gear and quit expecting your paying customer to be your chumps or employees.
Btw as I stated earlier I no longer care to be social due to the Hegelian Dialectic the world seems trapped into and made this more for the good of the game not conversation so unless you make a really good point I doubt I will reply or even if you do make a good point for my own blood pressure sake I doubt I come back to read this post unless a dev posts, this is just my post for prosperity of the game and hopefully to make a point to a dev if they even bother actually reading here anymore but feel free to use the thread for your own discussions if you agree with any of my points.
For those that don't know Hegelian Dialectic: A framework for guiding thoughts and actions into conflicts that lead to synthetic solutions which can only be introduced once those being manipulated take a side that will advance the per-determined agenda. Controlled opposition, Problem reaction solution.
I choose not to pick a side and find a lighthouse to tend but still love you all.