So you're just happy that only few sets of 500 now work?
As long as they're also on a class that's actually worth playing with stat sets. IE, not Magicka Necromancer.milllaurie wrote: »Thanks zos. I love how the better player wins now.
relentless_turnip wrote: »I'm glad to hear your enjoying it. I can't jump in until later during primetime. So I hope performance will be good too!
And before test players with and without proc sets plus skill killed players who use procs though. Not a big change except now only small percent of all sets currently work.milllaurie wrote: »
I am happy because it is about PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER now, not about who has a chapter with OP items unlocked.
Or not about who can cheese the most HP recov with proc damage.
PVP feels amazing RN. It will change during the next few days, people are still feeling it out. But it is about skill now, that's what matters to me.
BisDasBlutGefriert wrote: »Does anyone know if you still get the stat bonuses on the sets up to the proc?
Like on defiler set.
(2 items) adds 123 weapon damage
(3 items) adds 794 weapon crit
(4 items) adds 794 weapon crit
(5 items) summoned hunger proc.
Would I still get set bonuses 2-4? Just not the fifth?
And before test players with and without proc sets plus skill killed players who use procs though. Not a big change except now only small percent of all sets currently work.
SshadowSscale wrote: »
someone seems to be struggling in no proc cyrodil.... in anycase if this becomes permanent all cyrodil sets will have to be reworked to work in cyrodil also sets like new moon and seducer will most likely also get a change even if it's just a behind the scenes type hange so that they can also work in cyrodil.... and only proc I realisticly see zos allowing if this goes permanent is maybe... maybe monster sets..... which I personally would not mind but some might disagree on that..... in anycase there will be more sets made available if this becomes permanent.... so don't worry about it
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I love sets like briarheart, seventh, clever alchemist etc... I hope they do away with all free damage/healing proc sets and rework the stat granting sets.
It seems weird to me that these calculate as much as they do. Why does seducer or new moon have to calculate per cast? Why can't it just increase the cost of your skills whilst it is equipped. Does being a Breton cause server checks on every cast? It seems odd to me that they operate in what seems like an inefficient way.
Unified_Gaming wrote: »
It has to check if it is equipped constantly to apply the thing. It can't apply a permanent so what it does is apply a pseudo permanent buff that checks constantly so that when unequipped the buff and debuff is removed. The only solution would be to make it add a flat x damage but add a flat x to all skills.
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »Is there a definitive list as to what is considered a proc? Is it obvious that something wont work, or is it a bit of a guessing game? Havent been able to jump in yet, but I am excited. I typically run Stat builds, but sometimes I do run a monster set or arena weapon.
Am I correct that just about all 2 piece monster sets are pretty useless, what about defensive sets like bloodspawn or EG?
Do arena weapons work that add something to an ability? Looking a things like the masters bow or Vateshran destro?
Are stat procs included like warriors fury?
relentless_turnip wrote: »
None of that stuff will work, this is Brian's stuff that does work:
The full list of Sets which are not affected by this test are as follows:
Amber Plasm
Armor of the Trainee
Beekeeper’s Gear
Crafty Alfiq
Draugr Hulk
Fortified Brass
Grace of the Ancients
Hunding’s Rage
Impregnable Armor
Law of Julianos
Mother’s Sorrow
Plague Doctor
Spinner’s Garments
Spriggan’s Thorns
Willpower Agility
Oreyn_Bearclaw wrote: »
That's what I figured, but appreciate the clarification. Looks like its going to be Crafty, Trainee, Grace of the Ancients, and few one piece monster sets. Can't wait!
Does the ring of the hunt still work? That thing has ruined me. I feel like I am playing in mud without it. LOL.
And before test players with and without proc sets plus skill killed players who use procs though. Not a big change except now only small percent of all sets currently work.
Yeah right, but also not really. I didn't have to change a single thing about my build and now I see people who used to steamroll me on tanky proc setups drop like flies. I wonder why. 🤔🤔
I'm willing to bet that lots of condition based sets were even secretly overperforming without anyone's knowledge. Aka unintentionally exploiting. The gap just seems way too big with some people I've fought today lmao.
I wonder if some people are still wearing their proc sets and don't know about the test?
The real test is whether the ball groups will still lag stun us. I am guessing they will. They have players each with 24 buffs including 6 or 7 radiating regens. This won't change without proc sets.
They will still be doing their tired old "Proxi, 3,2, 1" and 12 radiant regens and 12 ultis and fears. If this no longer lag stuns anyone within 40m I'll be overjoyed.
Can anyone report if ball groups are still lagging everyone out when Zerodil is poplocked?
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I was thinking the same thing tonight😂 it was a lot of fun regardless!
milllaurie wrote: »
Yes they are. A stamcro tried to combo be with his vate 2h but hit me like a wet noodle since he was in heavy. Then I turned on the offensive with my sharpened spriggans maul and he was like "Jumpy jumpy" but not too far from me so he could heal up with his crimson.
Let's say it was not his favourite fight. xD
milllaurie wrote: »
Yes they are. A stamcro tried to combo be with his vate 2h but hit me like a wet noodle since he was in heavy. Then I turned on the offensive with my sharpened spriggans maul and he was like "Jumpy jumpy" but not too far from me so he could heal up with his crimson.
Let's say it was not his favourite fight. xD
relentless_turnip wrote: »
I got the impression many players last night were unaware of the change 😂
And before test players with and without proc sets plus skill killed players who use procs though. Not a big change except now only small percent of all sets currently work.
milllaurie wrote: »
I am happy because it is about PLAYER VERSUS PLAYER now, not about who has a chapter with OP items unlocked.
Or not about who can cheese the most HP recov with proc damage.
PVP feels amazing RN. It will change during the next few days, people are still feeling it out. But it is about skill now, that's what matters to me.