Tsar_Gekkou wrote: »The colossus mech is mostly a time and health mechanic. My dps isn't high enough to burn 3 at once without using a destro ult so I just focus one down as it spawns so I don't get overwhelmed. If you try to burn the boss or accidentally hit a dormant colossus, you get more of them. Tab target it and focus it down before going back to the boss.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »
Tsar_Gekkou wrote: »The colossus mech is mostly a time and health mechanic. My dps isn't high enough to burn 3 at once without using a destro ult so I just focus one down as it spawns so I don't get overwhelmed. If you try to burn the boss or accidentally hit a dormant colossus, you get more of them. Tab target it and focus it down before going back to the boss.
She summoned two colossus while I was already focusing on one in the last phase (third portal done, Mino, Chillmage and Flameshaper all up), both withing just seconds of each other
Tsar_Gekkou wrote: »Maybe that was just the game being stupid as it tends to do sometimes? I've never had back-to-back colossi spawn like that unless I tried to burn her and dropped a destro, so it's gotta be the game doing weird stuff again. That place does bug out sometimes...
LadyNalcarya wrote: »
You're right, my bad. But the differences in scores are measured in tens of thousands between classes with two being especially favoured because their skills make so much more sense in a solo environment, meaning some builds and specifically some skills make solo content much easier to clear. Feel free to add thoughts regarding the topic, however.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »It's simply because sorcs and nightblades are the most popular solo dps classes, so more people are using them for this arena.
ZoS sold the answer for that with the last dlc. Pale order.
PS I got spirit slayer on my stamden in addition to my sorc (without pale order) the arena is not rngfest.
I play on a solo build with Pale Order ring and I have a self-shielf and self-heal and can pretty much lolrun all the way up to there. But you know what? It's not possible to kill 3 colossus, keep an eye on the flameshaper to manage the disrupt, and then have that freedom to move on a void tether enemy needed to create a hole to slink through, all in the span of a mere 20 seconds.
Those things are all intended to happen within 20 seconds of each other, leaving just 20 seconds to deal with all of those mechanics?
LadyNalcarya wrote: »It's simply because sorcs and nightblades are the most popular solo dps classes, so more people are using them for this arena.
There's a graph somewhere that shows possible dps for classes (it was a weird graph, showing every pillar from right to left or something like this) and sorcs did pretty good on that. That paired with the ability to just streak through the tether and not have to deal with it at all makes sense that people would run vVH more on their sorcs. But this is not a thread about classes.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »People who have good scores do not need use streak
Those things are all intended to happen within 20 seconds of each other, leaving just 20 seconds to deal with all of those mechanics?
Flame shaper is time based, he (she?) will appear 20 seconds after you killed him(I think, it feels like 20, I might be wrong) light attack you twice(or was it trice?) And start spinning.
Colossi are % based only. She will have them spawn when boss passes the threshold of 80 60 40 20%, if you dropped all your aoes on boss, and she was channeling one of her other abilities (and therefore postponing summoning) and drop her from 80% to 38% in one go, u will get 3 colossi, and it is on you. Additional thing that might trigger colossi early is if your AoEs hit them, orb is a known offender. For example if you dropped boss from 81% to 59% while she is channeling, and get 1 colossi hit by a stray orb (or light attack) u will have 3 colossi. Still your fault.
I do vVH on my MagDK in like 30 minutes with no deaths, and I do it regularly. No problems whatsoever class wise. [snip]
I do vVH on my MagDK in like 30 minutes with no deaths, and I do it regularly. No problems whatsoever class wise. [snip]
Do you do it on a gamepad or KB+M, and if the former, please share some tactics for when you have 3 colossus, flameshaper and a void tether happening all at the same time.
I do vVH on my MagDK in like 30 minutes with no deaths, and I do it regularly. No problems whatsoever class wise. [snip]
Do you do it on a gamepad or KB+M, and if the former, please share some tactics for when you have 3 colossus, flameshaper and a void tether happening all at the same time.
LadyNalcarya wrote: »People who have good scores do not need streak, they just skip tether mechanics with dps.
But besides that, it is possible to get enough dps on dk. I don't have one, but a quick youtube search shows this
tsaescishoeshiner wrote: »I only have 60k DPS on mag necro, 70k on mag warden, and the last fight is smooth for me without Ring of the Pale Order, and Spirit Slayer came quickly. I had to fiddle with my heals on both classes and replace single-target skills with AoE (I just AoE the Colossi down or ignore and kite them)
I recommend saving the Mehrunes Dagon portal for last so you don't have to deal with as many Flame Shapers. I don't always interrupt them—I often use a combination of damage shields, blocks, and roll dodges to wait out their special attack. The catch is that if your DPS is lower: the boss healed more health while you were in portal, you can't skip shades and they take longer, and the enemies will start to build up. IDK what triggers the Bone Colossi summons, but I think the fight is supposed to be done as a burn strat on the boss, which is why I like it so much personally, but also why it's hard. I don't think it's cheesing the mechanics to go fast, I think it just is the mechanic. I'll spend a few spammables on Flame Shapers and then try to AoE them down
I struggled with MagDK survivability in vMA because I felt like I was lacking a good HoT (Cauterize is a bit slow), but haven't tried MagDK vVH. Could honestly try Dragon Fire Scale if you have a single-target DoT or flex spot you can unslot. It's tempting to try Resto Staff for Regeneration ... Or I might try Corrupting Bloody Mara for the Health Recovery and use Coagulating Blood for the Health Recovery buff. IDK, let us know when you find a strategy or build that works for you.
I do vVH on my MagDK in like 30 minutes with no deaths, and I do it regularly. No problems whatsoever class wise. [snip]
Do you do it on a gamepad or KB+M, and if the former, please share some tactics for when you have 3 colossus, flameshaper and a void tether happening all at the same time.
Option n1: nuke her faster.
Option n2: stop damaging her and watch the colossi summon %, push her through colossi thresholds after all adds are dead to cleanly kill colossi with no interruptions.
Option n3: nuke her faster.
Conclusion: don't get into 2 colossi situation to begin with unless you are confident in nuking.