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Do you think Zos game balance is good?

Both for PVE (Dungeon's and Trials) and PVP.

For me personly - No. I think they use a sledgehammer to fix things every 3 months instead of a scalpel.
Usually balance is fine tuning - especially for a game isn't a new release. It's like 5-6 years old?
Usually something like +1% here -2% there to find the spot - but I find I have to re-learn the game every few months and, to me, it's a bit frustrating.
Now with Armor changes, Set Changes and CP changes we see the sledgehammer at work again.

So my question is.. Are you happy with the way Zos balance the game?

Edit: The last poll option isn't anything bad, it was supposed to be the neutral option I named after a Beatles Song.
Edited by Grandchamp1989 on February 13, 2021 11:35AM

Do you think Zos game balance is good? 170 votes

Balance changes doesn't affect my playstyle (Questers, Roleplayers, fishermen, Solo etc)
daryl.rasmusenb14_ESOCoatmagicKhenarthiPathjircris11TandorDestaiEasily_LostFrateraltunit21brimstone74VanyaNightowl_74ElvenOverlordfredthefrown 15 votes
I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm VERY satisfied with how ESO Balance things.
DjennkuErmiqRasande_RobinScardan 4 votes
I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat satisfied with how ESO Balance things.
Jaxious79ssewallb14_ESOlolo_01b16_ESOTheForFeeFguulEdaphonredspecter23NarvuntienLadislaoElwendryllSillyPlayTheUndeadAmuletStratlocthe1andonlyskwexamertuimetchedpixelsAardappelboomalbumoculusOrion_89 19 votes
I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat disapointed with how ESO Balance things.
MahabahabthaDTStormfoxmagnusthorekParasaurolophusmickeyxTBoisboogie20009BreakfinityRunefangRatzkifalJR_ReturnsblkjagDillpatcrjs1MauinSeminolegirl1992oXI_Viper_IXobjambjamSchokoladeWildRaptorX 36 votes
I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
SolarikenGilvothMojmirBelegnoleDracaneNebthet78AektannMalthorneMasterSpatulaAvalonRangerAsysHymzirRagnaroek93Elo106Strider__RoshinSOLDIER_1stClasspod88kkTheHsNFischblutrusselmmendoza 76 votes
I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think they're moving in the right direction, but going too fast / Being too drastic
Adernathcoop500TharonilIneedaDollarDangerjoe1982 5 votes
Hey ***
AlurriaSahidombellanca6561nADarkloreRaddlemanNumber7AcadianPaladinkarekizStarlockMassacre_WurmJayroobmnoblemarkulrich1966nesakinterThechuckageUvi_AUT 15 votes
  • Grandchamp1989
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    Last vote option was supposed to be the "neutral" one. Called it after the beatles Song Hey *** - No idea why it got censored.
  • Massacre_Wurm
    Hey ***
    Too me it looks like a never ending process.

    I mean with all those sets , classes , skill lines adding something new is a nightmare every time i guess.
  • erio
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat disapointed with how ESO Balance things.
    Pvp balance leaves a lot to be desired at times
  • Kurat
    Pve and pvp are 2 different things. Its impossible to balance both without shafting one of them
  • Vlad9425
    Warden is still the most broken PvP class out there and necro isn’t far behind so no I don’t think the game is balanced at all.
  • redspecter23
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat satisfied with how ESO Balance things.
    I think that their overall vision is close enough to my personal idea of balance that I can agree with their decisions for the most part.

    There are a few outliers that I scratch my head over, but it's more a personal preference than anything else.
  • Gilvoth
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    sorcerers and wardens are Extremely over powered.
    there should never have been classes in eso.
    they need to remove classes in eso and allow us to pick skills from minor and major lists with controlled healing, and damage, and defenses from list choices just exactly like is done in Morrowind, and it would balance out and give us Massive amount of build choices.
    people complain about having one build would would not happen, everyone wanting one build is what we have right now already, classes deleted would remove the one build desire, not create it.
    eso balance in classes does not exist now and never has.
  • Redguards_Revenge
    I have just started the game and chose redguard and somebody told me to use it only for research, item storage and stuff. He also said that I should promptly make an orc to be more viable/competative in game. I am ignoring that for now because I am getting by in the content pretty well. Also my username would make no sense.
  • Lephrel
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    It's not just that balance is in an abysmal state. My main problem with combat is the general lack of vision from the combat team. The devs routinely shake the game with sweeping and completely unjustified /nonsensical balancing changes, causing the players to be thrown from one toxic meta to the next with almost every patch.

    They gave us 50k dots in one update, then nerfed the dots into uselessness. They buffed pvp healing to absurd levels, then drastically nerfed it.
    The team making these calls has no idea what they're doing, they're desperately trying to fix previous blunders but they're only making things worse.

    Anyone remember how people used to criticize Wrobel? I'd give anything to get him back now...
  • The_Old_Goat
    I have just started the game and chose redguard and somebody told me to use it only for research, item storage and stuff. He also said that I should promptly make an orc to be more viable/competative in game. I am ignoring that for now because I am getting by in the content pretty well. Also my username would make no sense.

    Redguards are viable for most content. If you decide you want to chase leaderboards down the road then you could go Orc to be competitive. At the point you're at in the game just play around with the different races and classes and find what you enjoy.
  • Ratzkifal
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat disapointed with how ESO Balance things.
    They do good work and make a lot of sensible changes and things look like they are about to be in good shape and then they make one further change that breaks everything and leave it broken for at least three months if not longer.

    In PvP the state of balance wouldn't be that bad if they hadn't removed proc chances without adjusting the cooldowns and tool tips for oppressive proc sets accordingly. If you make procs more reliable and procs also don't require proper investment into offensive stats and come on defensive armor weight and can be amplified by an additional 25%, then of course everyone will go full tank with proc sets to stay competitive.
    It doesn't help that they are releasing sets like Crimson Twilight that provide burst damage as well as burst healing on heavy armor. That's three out of four checkmarks for everything a PvP build wants, so you pair it with a set or mundus that gives sustain and you are invincible.
    This Bosmer was tortured to death. There is nothing left to be done.
  • ThorianB
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    It wasn't necessary to sort out people who don't do group content. They also have valid opinions. ZOS is very heavy handed with balance changes. It is way to much at time. They should be doing smaller increments more often like a small change give it 2-4 weeks, then readjust.
  • Xzysts
    -Goblinu_ESO on YouTube
    Community Discord: hK4dFwE7zZ
    All-class player w/over 5,000 hours across multiple platforms
  • ccfeeling
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    Heavy armor is king for all years, is that balance? :)
  • Sahidom
    Hey ***
    While this poll was posted by ZOS, I believe its too early for ZOS or player-base to interpret balance from the metric changes their implementing. The new Champion Point system provides significant insight on their weight value system of item sets since this valuation system has been applied to the last racial passive change. They still need another iteration to align sets; but they really need another iteration or two adjusting skill kits and passives to finish class identity and unique power fantasy and pattern play. THEREFORE, this poll is fairly mute except an approval scaling of their efforts.
  • the1andonlyskwex
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm somewhat satisfied with how ESO Balance things.
    I think balance has mostly trended in the right direction over the last couple of years. My biggest criticism, balance-wise, is that ZOS is rolling out their changes way too slowly. It's clear that they have an overall vision in mind, with all of the skill and item standardization, but they've spent close to two years rolling it out and still haven't even touched passive skills yet.

    Most games don't have the luxury of being able to spend 2+ years fixing something without losing players due to lack of progress.

    All of that said, the vertical progression in the upcoming CP changes, and the new armor passive effects, do have me a little worried that balance is heading in a new, and less desirable, direction in the future.
    Edited by the1andonlyskwex on February 13, 2021 4:15AM
  • markulrich1966
    Hey ***
    no, because they fiddle with detail, and lost out of sight the big issues.

    On xbox EU, the players steadily decreased. As a result, content like worldbosses became unplayable.

    Balancing would start to solve this issue.
    It does not matter if there is a difference in damage of 5% more or less from balancing, if I can burn down a worldboss in 30 seconds on NA with the help of other players, but must skip it on EU as I am alone.
  • xAk_MoRRoWiNdx
    I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
    *** no! ZoS balancing is ***, and the worst I've seen in any game I've played. It's also the largest reason why I stopped playing this game (along side their trash servers).
    New to forums and stuff so I 99.9 percent probably won't see your response and such, so use the at symbol at me I guess? IDK :/. This BBCode stuff is really cool!! :D.
    Gamer from Alaska (907 Gamers, Alaskan Gamers Unite!).
    My little rant I guess?:
      One day Nightblades will get the buffs we desperately need and deserve, but so far, those buffs are not today.. The Elder Scrolls Online: Nightblade Nerfs Unlimited.
      Don't nerf you, don't nerf me, nerf the sorc behind the tree!.

      If you need help or advice, hit me up on Xbox: H4rry Poggers :D .
      Also open to talking on Discord!

      Ich kann Deutsch Sprechen bei der mittleren/zwischen Kenntnissen Ebene. Hallo! :D.

      CP level 1000+! Playing since 2015.

      My wishlist I suppose:
      • Bring back purge cloak. But I guess the new heal cloak is more beneficial. Hmmm....
      • MAKE IMPERIAL CITY GREAT AGAIN, BRING BACK THOSE INCREDIBLE DAYS. My best experiences in ESO where in there!
      • Return Stam builds to the power we held in One Tamriel. Long Live Stamina builds!
      • Put Magplar and MagDK into their place. Magpsorc is a hopeless case.
      • Is there any chance that we could get an Ebonheart Pact nerf? #CullingTheHerds .

      My 10 characters:
      • AD - xak-Morrowindx - Khajiit Stamina Nightblade. Hours: 107 days, 19 hours (2,568 hours).
      • EP - Ich bin Groot - Orc Stamina Dragonknight. Hours: 2 days, 16 hours (64 hours).
      • DC - Who Took My Bleach - Orc Stamina Sorcerer. Hours: 3 days, 18 hours. (90 hours).
      • EP - Niada Zaennon - High Elf Magicka Nightblade. Hours: 15 days, 18 hours (378 hours).
      • AD - Healsyournoobazzwithmemes - Argonian Magicka Templar. Hours: 1 day, 9 hours (33 hours)
      • DC - Engulfing Traps - Dark Elf Magicka Dragonknight. Hours: 7 days, 17 hours (129 hours).
      • AD - Verführung - High Elf Magicka Sorcerer. Hours: 5 days, 9 hours (129 hours)
      • DC - Deadazz catch these birds - Nord Stamina Warden. Hours: 6 days, 21 hours (165 hours)
      • EP - So Bendy - Wood Elf Stamina Templar. Hours: 1 day, 15 hours (39 hours)
      • EP - Smash that mf Like button - Breton Magicka Warden. Hours: 20 hours, 20 minutes.

      Aldmeri Dominion Master-Faction!
    • Thechuckage
      Hey ***
      Anyone remember when DoTs were buffed for 1 month and then re-nerfed? That is simply the most egregious example that comes to mind. Oh wait, just remembered all the Cyro tests......

      Seems like balancing is chosen by way of throwing darts at a board and then take a sledge hammer to that particular change.

      I still think a less heavy handed approach in addition to balancing pvp and pve separately is the answer. Yes it is more work, but it also better for the overall game - IE long term profit.
    • Kurat
      *** no! ZoS balancing is ***, and the worst I've seen in any game I've played. It's also the largest reason why I stopped playing this game (along side their trash servers).

      Lol what are you doing here then?
    • Lysette
      Too me it looks like a never ending process.

      I mean with all those sets , classes , skill lines adding something new is a nightmare every time i guess.

      In my mind that is intentional - if you mess with the balance in such a brutal way, players have to stay in the game for much longer to re-grind - the longer they stay and need to grind, the more likely they are to buy time savers from the crown store.
    • Zodiarkslayer
      Last vote option was supposed to be the "neutral" one. Called it after the beatles Song Hey *** - No idea why it got censored.

      Because, Rolling Stones Baby!
      If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

      Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
    • Uvi_AUT
      Hey ***
      I couldnt find an option for me.
      I am a Solist and I think the balance is very bad, because everything is just way too easy.
      And yes, it affects me and my enjoyment of the game very much.
      Now with companions it will get even easier.
      Registered since 2014, Customer Service lost my Forum-Account and can't find it.....
    • AcadianPaladin
      Hey ***
      How long has the game been around and how many unsuccessful attempts to 'balance' it have been inflicted upon it? Just leave the darn thing alone and let players adjust to a known foundation instead of trying to constantly adjust to an unpredictable foundation of shifting sands.
      PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
    • Coatmagic
      Balance changes doesn't affect my playstyle (Questers, Roleplayers, fishermen, Solo etc)
      ... ahem, but yes it's awful and I feel bad for my friends that get messed up in PvE and PvP because @ZoS refuse to separate the two or just make certain things not work in Cyro (which we know full well they are capable of doing, btw!)
    • Koronach
      Kurat wrote: »
      *** no! ZoS balancing is ***, and the worst I've seen in any game I've played. It's also the largest reason why I stopped playing this game (along side their trash servers).

      Lol what are you doing here then?

      They are hoping that things will change so they can enjoy the game they want to like. I don't remember anything saying you had to actively play the game to post on the forums. Btw they aren't the only ones, I know a lot of people that feel that way.
    • Alinhbo_Tyaka
      There will never be a good balance until the combat skills tables for PvP and PvE are separated from each other so they can be balanced individually. Given PvP takes place in self-contained zones I really don't understand why they weren't separate from the beginning nor the reluctance of ZOS to make the change today.
    • Ermiq
      I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I'm VERY satisfied with how ESO Balance things.
      I main MagWarden and I usually play dungeons and BGs solo with randoms (no trials, no Cyro).
      And I never felt like they nerfed me. I haven't change my gear for very long time now, and I almost never have to change my build due to some skill changes.
      My dps in dungeons stays roughly at the same level, except some minor ups and downs which affect everyone else due to some core changes like DoTs rebalance and such.
      My healing in dungeons feels 100% the same as it was 3 years ago.
      My BGs experience feels 100% the same as it always have been. One day I'm a rockstar, the best in my team and can fight pretty efficiently against other teams (even templars and necros), and on other day people smash and destroy me in no time (especially templars and necros).
      In general I never ever felt like ZOS have broke my character. Just little changes to refresh thing just a bit, and I actually love it, because, come on, give me some reason to change my gear at least once in a year. :)
      One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

      PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

      Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
      Me is russian little bad in english :b
    • BlueRaven
      “ Balance changes doesn't affect my playstyle (Questers, Roleplayers, fishermen, Solo etc)”?

      This is a bit insulting. I can see how balance changes can effect all of these people and they may be concerned about it.

      A survey can be bad if it already has a determined outcome.
    • CSose
      I play PvP / Trials / Dungeons and I think ESO balance is very bad
      Why is *** censored? It's a name or a nickname that is not offensive in any possible way.

      yep, they need to balance more than just the game.
      Edited by CSose on February 13, 2021 4:01PM
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