There is so much negativity because there are a lot of changes and misunderstandings, so I wanted to start positive thread about new system.
New CP have some flows and obvoiusly needs some tweaks, but I really like and appreciate work done. I played in PTS just now in my main character (CP 1002) and well, it was so much better experience. Why? I can see that ZOS changed a lot, but this is good. We have some stats lower, but some other are higher. I think that overall DPS numbers was nerfed but with better sustain and survability to balance it. And this is really, really good. It forced in dungeons to play more with mechanics, not just mindless burn boss before mechanics even start (healers should be grateful, beacuse they are now more important than ever). Also I tried to kill one of Vvardenfell World Bossess (they are tough ones). In CP 1.0 I was dead really quick, I lost health and stamina in no time. With CP 2.0 my sustain and health regen (and base health) were much higher so I killed boss, even if my DPS was a bit lower. I'm really happy, because that was much more pleasant expierence than before. In public dungeons I was felt as much powerfull as always (groups of mobs nad bossess melting as quick as always), but even with better sustain and survability. I don't know how it is in vet hardcore content, but in overland I feel even more powerful

I feel that in CP 1.0 was too much pressure on maxing pure DPS power - now it's more balanced with sustain and health. We have more possibilities for them and also they are more important. It's now not only about how hard you hit, but it's more complex. People complain beacuse they look only on DPS numbers.
I really like that new system also gives a lot of options to choose with even more options in future. I have also feeling that with this new balance it will be viable to choose more different gear sets - you can just choose other passives to balance your favourite set and there will be so much more possibilites. Hardcore score players probably will be not pleased with a bit lower DPS numbers, but for game fun it's not only about high DPS. Overall feeling is much more fun and for first time since long time, I had some fun with my dragonknight again (but still we need some class rebalance :P)
Thank you ZOS, I think that new whole system is one of best changes for game (with collections) in last time
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