I usually have 200k per hour on my sorc in MYM, but 200k per 10 minutes is a lot.. bomber emperor or emp with cheesy Thews of the Harbinger set (doing 5k dmg only because of blocking) could make so much AP tho
can you re-read first post, lol?
no ticks
outside of tick area
only 3 persons
i was near and didnt receive any ticks too
can you re-read first post, lol?
no ticks
outside of tick area
only 3 persons
i was near and didnt receive any ticks too
Are you sure its not a tick area? Do you have an addon that shows if you are inside a tick area?
Do you know what you have to do to be eligable to recieve a tick?
MirelaUmbrella wrote: »It has been happening since the start of MYM on the extra campaigns. Hopefully ZOS will take the reports as seriously as they did the vAS exploits a couple of years ago
can you re-read first post, lol?
no ticks
outside of tick area
only 3 persons
i was near and didnt receive any ticks too
Are you sure its not a tick area? Do you have an addon that shows if you are inside a tick area?
Do you know what you have to do to be eligable to recieve a tick?
ofcourse, dear, i know it
And im still not convinced you know how deff ticks work xD
And im still not convinced you know how deff ticks work xD
i know how they works
but the fact is, and its against changes zenimax did to ticks few years ago, that if you in d-tick radius you will receive AP no matter what, even if you will just stay afk
tested many times
its easy to see if there is boosters around a keep boosting AP - just teleport to a keep and wait 5 minutes = if you will receive huge d-tick at keep without any activity, means boosters around hiding somewhere
I was in Blackreach(?) campain yesterday wit a Bombblade. I was questing for the Ticket, when someone asked how NR1 player would make 100k AP in 10 min. and acused him of boosting ( which would be against ToS i think).
After finishing my quest i (AD) went to nickels that just got attacked. I bombed the blues at the Door and got 62k AP, and a second time for 22k AP. I couldn't respawn so i waited until the door broke open i and recieved a tic of 167k AP. So basically 251K AP in 5 minutes. WITHOUT BOOSTING
If you are alone on a keep or outpost and get AP before the door is at 50%, you'll get a def tick regardles of it being taken or not.
I saved the clip if anyone needs proof.
can you re-read first post, lol?
no ticks
outside of tick area
only 3 persons
i was near and didnt receive any ticks too
xinvidiousx wrote: »@Zer0_CooL
can you re-read first post, lol?
no ticks
outside of tick area
only 3 persons
i was near and didnt receive any ticks too
you dont see the tiks unless ur A. in the combat or
B you repair wall/door