PS4 player, Fire Spider pet promotion "verfify your account to get free" i come to my PC to look up the info in how to even verify, ZoS's extremely wall text-y detail basically summed up as "when you launch the game it'll ask you" - I literally never see any option and if i'm meant to press a certain button or look in a specific spot i wouldn't know because apparently "when you launch ESO" is all thats needed and verification process is done for you...
this is extremely pointless if i've been playing off and on for over the.... 5 years? it's been on ps4. I vaguely remember an initial thing to get forum access here... is THAT what it's referring to? i don't even know cause of how basic the 'details' are on the matter.
Edited by ZOS_Bill on February 7, 2021 7:44PM